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Twenty Ten Theme

Published on December 6th, 2013 by @mercime

A. One column Layout If you prefer to have a one column layout for all your BuddyPress pages, follow the steps below. 1. Create a child theme of the Twenty Ten theme. 2. Create a new file in your new child theme folder and name it buddypress.php. 3. The Twenty Ten theme has a one […]

Twenty Thirteen Theme

Published on December 5th, 2013 by @mercime

A. One column Layout This is the default layout of the Twenty Thirteen theme if and only if you do not add any widget in the Secondary Widget area in Appearance > Widgets. Otherwise, the Twenty Thirteen theme will automatically have a two-column layout if you add widget to the Secondary Widget area. If you […]

Twenty Twelve Theme

Published on December 5th, 2013 by @mercime

A. One column Layout 1. Create a child theme of the Twenty Twelve theme. 2. Create a new file in your new child theme folder and name it buddypress.php. 3. Copy over the content of Twenty Twelve’s full-width.php file into the new buddypress.php file. 4. The buddypress class is generated in the body tag automatically […]

Twenty Eleven Theme

Published on December 5th, 2013 by @mercime

A. One Column Layout This is the default page layout of the Twenty Eleven theme. There’s no need to do anything else if this is the layout you prefer for all your BuddyPress pages. B. Full-width page If you prefer to have a full-width layout for all your BuddyPress pages, follow the steps laid out […]

Add custom filters to loops and enjoy them within your plugin

Published on December 3rd, 2013 by Mathieu Viet

BuddyPress uses loops to display the content of its components. In this article you will focus on how to “rearrange” the content displayed in four of its major components : Members, Groups, Blogs and finally Activity. You will achieve this thanks to the type or action argument of the init functions of each of these […]

How to Add Members to a Group via WP Users Screen

Published on November 11th, 2013 by danbp

Where we are: users page in the admin screen What we want to do: add one or n members to a group What we want to get: an Add to BP Group menu in the Bulk Actions menu box What we need: a group ID, one or more users. Don’t forget to check the members […]

BuddyPress Database Diagram

Published on November 9th, 2013 by danbp

Overview of the BuddyPress database tables for a single installation. Additional resources WordPress 3.4 Database Diagram [Codex] Multisite Table Overview [Codex]

Group Meta Queries: Usage Example

Published on November 4th, 2013 by Mathieu Viet

Since version 1.8, it is possible to filter groups by Metadata. For instance you can add a meta_query parameter to the bp_has_groups() function. To make this possible, BuddyPress uses a built-in WordPress class : WP_Meta_Query (you will find a link to its WordPress codex page at the bottom of this article). This feature can help […]

Version 1.8.1

Published on August 5th, 2013 by Boone Gorges

On August 5, 2013, BuddyPress 1.8.1 was released to the public. This is a maintenance update. For Version 1.8.1, the database version (_bp_db_version in wp_options) was 6080, and the Trac revision was 7340. Summary Fix default sort order for BP_Group_Member_Query to be last_modified (#5106) Fix incorrect template hierarchy path for members directory templates (#5110) Fix […]

How To Join a Private Group

Published on May 27th, 2013 by @mercime

Sections Groups Directory Page – with example of rejected membership request Single Group Page – with example of accepted membership request Groups Directory Page 1. In your site’s Group Directory page, click on the “Request Membership” button of the Private Group you want to join. 2. You’ll see the “Request Membership” text in button change […]

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