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Speed Dating with the CodeIgniter 4 on GitHub

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Github Logo, CodeIgniter Logo

Getting acquainted with the CodeIgniter 4 PHP framework is quite simple.

Spend the evening following the instructions in the «Build Your First Application» section. Since the documentation is written in a good, technically understandable language, it is even possible to get some aesthetic pleasure in the process of familiarizing yourself with this and other sections.

The feeling of airiness and consistency of the CodeIgniter 4 project will be present with you everywhere now.

What is so attractive about CodeIgniter 4?

CodeIgniter 4 has almost everything you need to develop a modern web project of almost any complexity. All areas of modern web development are covered in a fairly compact documentation. The sections where this is required are filled with clear examples, and explanations of how to use the "flexibility" built into the framework are given.

Perhaps based on the care for programmers that CodeIgniter 4 developers have shown for specialists who are starting to get acquainted with their project, everything is presented very consistently, logical and easy to understand.

But there is one point that will probably be solved in CodeIgniter 5, there is no way to immediately get the entire «working example» from «Installation» or «Command Line» (via php spark).

The inconvenience of the absence of a «working example» is especially evident when it becomes necessary to «refresh in memory» the specifics of the CodeIgniter 4 framework.

Having faced «this moment» several times, I thought it would be useful to have a «working example» «Build Your First Application» on hand by posting it to the repository on GitHub.

Perhaps the repository is too detailed, but this is only to minimize the deployment time of the «working example» on the local computer. The repository presented on GitHub is based on XAMPP (windows), git bash. In any case, everything was developed and functioned for the author of this modest post.

There is one more useful point.

«Deploying» the database from the «working example» repository is not implemented through SQL, as in the documentation, although a database dump is present, but using Database Migrations and Database Seeding. Exactly what, among other things, makes production reliable: maintenance, scaling, etc. any modern web-project by a team of any number of specialists and different levels of training and experience.

Implementation of testing on PHPUnit for a web project of any complexity also seems convenient and logical, but this apparently requires a separate «light repository» on GitHub and a separate article on Habr. Of course, provided that these questions are of interest to the engineering community, and not just to the author.

I would be glad if this post turns out to be useful to someone and sorry for my English.

Tags:phpcodeignitermysqlweb-developmentmigrationsseedingbuild your first applicationgithub
Hubs: PHP MySQL CodeIgniter GitHub
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