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  • Arctic Code Vault Contributor

Popular repositories

  1. A simple PHP user account login and registration system.

    PHP 9 4

  2. A super simple PHP class for use with Google's new reCAPTCHA v3 API

    PHP 9 2

  3. Display a price discount table on single product pages while using the Official WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing plugin.

    JavaScript 4

  4. A simple script to import REST API JSON data into your local MariaDB/MySQL database

    PHP 2

  5. This PHP script will allow you to use your home linux server and your rackspace cloud account as a replacement for the now discontinued free domain service.

    PHP 1

15 contributions in the last year

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Mon Wed Fri

Contribution activity

November - December 2020

JoelLisenby has no activity yet for this period.

October 2020

Created 1 commit in 1 repository
Created 1 repository

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