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BuddyPress 8.0.0

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  • leahkoerper


    @imath – I deactivated all plugins except BuddyPress and switched to Twenty Twenty-One. The issue persists for an Editor or Contributor user. If I change that user to an Admin, then the field visibility options match what I had set AND (if it’s not set to be enforced) they can also change and successfully save the field visibility.
    I can’t make all of these folks admins, but do you have any other ideas for me? Or might this be a bug with the role capabilities?



    Hi @imath,

    We are having the same issue as @tamarazambrana. Tested on a new and up-to-date WordPress and BuddyPress install with no other plugins or any sort of caching anywhere. There are no errors in the browser console on the front-end or back-end. If we add 8+ (from rough observation) fields into Signup field, the rearrangement of fields do not stick and start to get rearranged on their own.

    You can see what’s happening here, as an example –


    Hi @leahkoerper

    Thanks a lot for these new inputs. I’ve tested what you’ve described to try to reproduce the issue. I’ve created 3 new users on my development environment:
    – User A is contributor
    – User B is Editor
    – User C is Subscriber

    Being an admin, I’ve added a field without enforcing the field visibility.

    Users A, B & C can change the field visibility and the field visibility they chose is fully respected.

    So I can’t reproduce your issue with a fresh WordPress install with only BuddyPress being activated.

    I believe you may have some code running on your config that prevents BuddyPress to act like it should. If it’s not a plugin or a theme, try to look if there’s an existing wp-content/plugins/bp-custom.php file or a wp-content/mu-plugins/ directory with files in it.

    Hi @niftythree thanks for these new inputs. I’ll try to reproduce your issue asap and will report back here once done.

    Hi @tamarazambrana & @niftythree

    The signup fields order issue will be fixed in next BuddyPress version. Thanks a lot for your feedback.

    For more details about the issue:



    Hi @imath,

    Thank you very much for verifying and fixing the issue. We will look forward to the next version.



    Hello @imath,
    thank you for your work in this ne update.
    I have a problem with registration required fields. Xprofile fields identified like signup fields and whith required flag up, don’t fired error if they’re empty when i’m sending form. Only user, email and acceptance field of extrae fields plugin show error message.

    This is a big problem for me, are there some solution to fix it even temporarily ?

    Thank you.

    Hello @shendeluth

    Thanks for your feedback. What are the field types you are using for the ones which fails to act like required fields ?




    i’m using field types textbox,textarea and phone number. “Checkbox acceptance” field from “BuddyPress Xprofile Custom Field Types” plugin show error message correctly and it’s the only one from xprofile fields i’m added but isn’t native from buddypress. I’m analizing code and I see all of this working in the same way using same do_action( bp_get_the_profile_field_errors_action() ); but the other ones not working.

    I don’t understand where is the problem.



    the problem is i’m using registration form for logged user too and i’m testing form like administrator ( i have remove logged user verification to can use it in this way) and there are bp_current_user_can(‘bp_moderate’) that jumps form errors verification for adminsitrators.

    I take the oprtunity to ask for a future modification to allow registration for logged users I want. In some especial situacions this restriction not allow use this for diferent sitautions.

    Thank you, and sorry for waste your time with this question.



    @imath I’ve been trying to reply but I keep getting errors on this thread. Is there another way I can send you info? I have a test site where you can see the problem.

    @leahkoerper you can probably write your text on a Google Doc, Dropbox paper or other online services and then add a link to your text here?



    @imath now I’m just embarrassed that such an obvious solution didn’t occur to me 🙂
    Here’s all the info.

    No problem @leahkoerper 🙂 The issue will be fixed in BuddyPress 9.0.0. FYI:



    That is absolutely fantastic, thank you so much! I appreciate your patience with this.

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