Peter J. LeBlanc


Retired Ontario/International Principal; 2015 Canada’s Outstanding Principal Award; TEDx Speaker; synthesizer geek;

Vrijeme pridruživanja: veljača 2012.


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  1. Prikvačeni tweet
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    The picture I took of this one red tulip amidst a field of hyacinths caught my eye yesterday. It reminded of the importance I place on visible school leadership.

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    9. kol

    Pte John Parr was the first British military casualty of WWI and was killed in Casteau, just down the road from our school. If successful, I will donate the medal to the school and it will be close to his final resting place. Please consider donating!

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    Help Natasha Rook bid for John Parr's WWI medal If successful this will be donated to my old school, which is situated very close to the site of John Parr’s death. Exciting opportunity for the school. Thanks in advance all!

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  5. 5. kol

    Delta and vaccinated parents: What people with kids under 12 need to know via

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    Ontario's back to school plan has been released. - Schools will return full-time in-person - Remote learning will be an option - Elementary students will be in cohorts with 1 teacher - Physical education & French will continue in cohorts.

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    Link to full plan👇On a quick read through, I don’t understand why we’d to wait until August for this. Most health & safety measures are same as last year. And most changes involve loosening restrictions to allow more school activities & interactions.

  8. 2. kol

    Oh yes!!! Tokyo Olympics: Canada women’s soccer team upsets United States 1-0 in semifinal, to play for gold in final - The Globe and Mail

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    As Bandura wrote, “Our belief in our own ability to succeed plays a role in how we think, how we act, and how we feel about our place in the world.” Believing in ourself holds the key, but we don’t have to get there alone.

    , , i još njih 7
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    Déjà le mois d'août les amis! Plus que deux semaines avant le Camp de leadership pédagogique! Ne manquez pas l'évènement virtuel de la rentrée. Inscrivez-vous avant le 16 août! Au plaisir de vous revoir 🙂

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    Today is Emancipation Day. This day commemorates the emancipation of enslaved people of African descent. For more information about Emancipation Day or to participate in local events, visit the Guelph Black Heritage Society website:

  12. 31. srp

    Look at which team member I got to meet in-person for the first time today!!

  13. 28. srp

    Experts available? Check! Funds available? Check! Will & leadership? 😳

  14. 27. srp
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  16. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    26. srp

    Leadership has many forms and purposes, but it should always help bring people together, be a source of clarity, and help build capacity. mentioned this on last week, and it really punctuates the idea that leadership is mission over position.

    , , i još njih 7
  17. 26. srp

    Will the return to in-person learning include plans on how to best accommodate students who thrived in an online environment?

  18. 22. srp

    After 2 years in Belgium, slowly adjusting to life…

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    22. srp

    We are UNDER CONSTRUCTION. In a few weeks, our web development will be complete, and a new user-friendly database for Mentors and Mentees will be ready for populating. You can still join us during this time, but please wait before completing your profiles.

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  20. proslijedio/la je Tweet
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    Odgovor korisnicima i sljedećem broju korisnika:

    TY for tagging us in Rolland. The benefits of Mentorship include professional learning, well being, and efficacy. Mentorship can be the key to going from idea to action & embedding learning into practice. We are all about supporting educators through various forms of Mentorship.

  21. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    16. srp

    Where will you be August 12? Come join me and the rest of the team at the ! I’m sharing on: ‘Pedagogy meets the Fourth Industrial Revolution’. Register at:


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