Ontario Dad


Husband & Father First • Politically Opinionated • Proud Supporter of Educators • Small Biz Supporter • Anonymous to protect my family • He/Him • Get Vaccinated

Ontario, Canada
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@ONT_Dad blokeatu duzu

Ziur zaude txio hauek ikusi nahi dituzula? Txioak ikusteak ez du @ONT_Dad desblokeatuko.

  1. Duela 11 ordu

    Just to be clear, I block anti-vaxxers without reservation.

  2. (e)k Bertxiotua
    uzt. 17

    Ontario has a plan to safely reopen strip clubs. But no plan to safely reopen schools. Let that sink in for a moment.

  3. uzt. 17

    We are seeing success with cases in Ontario, from what I understand is in large part because of the high vaccination numbers. But what happens in primary schools in September when 80-90% of that population is unvaccinated?

  4. uzt. 16

    So what you’re saying is that 2.3% of nurses in Alberta made a reasonable paycheque but had to work a stupid amount of overtime to get it. And they were likely supervisors at that pay level. So….nurses are still grossly underpaid.

  5. uzt. 16

    Wearing a mask and maintaining a distance of 2m is not “still in lockdown”. Your minor inconvenience is a small price to pay to keep the virus contained. Some businesses still having restricted capacity and getting little to no help from Ford? That’s a different story.

  6. uzt. 15

    In case anyone missed it: Sir Richard Branson went to space. Again, that’s Sir Richard Branson. He went to space. If you want to know more, check literally any of his socials. Also, he went to space. In case you missed that: he went to space. In a spaceship. Space.

  7. uzt. 15

    Can someone get me up to speed on this? I haven’t been keeping up lately.

  8. uzt. 15

    Right. So….how about those smaller class sizes and better ventilation? Probably a good idea since we can’t vaccinate anyone under 12.

  9. uzt. 13

    Well, there goes any hope of travelling to the US anytime soon.

  10. uzt. 13

    This is a perfect example of why it’s important to check your facts. Even Dr. Goldman got this one wrong. WHO did not say mix and match was dangerous. They advised individuals to follow their PH advice on mix and match and not try to do it themselves.

  11. uzt. 12

    Even if most aren’t keen on continuing online learning with the experience we’ve had during the pandemic, I promise you Lecce is still committed to cutting in-person courses and forcing students to seek out for-profit online courses to complete their graduation requirements.

  12. uzt. 12

    New skill I’ve acquired during the pandemic: lowering my mask with my chin when walking outside.

  13. uzt. 12

    Apparently and his buddies don't think small businesses needed the support during COVID. They don't think we needed to spend money on vaccines. They think CERB was a waste of money and people should fend for themselves. Apparently you're not worth it.

  14. uzt. 11

    It’s funny that the same people who were up in arms claiming the Feds were supposedly passing legislation that allowed them to censor social media are also the same politicians who block people on Twitter and delete comments on Facebook and Instagram.

  15. uzt. 11

    There should be a law passed that if a politician uses their social media accounts to post anything political, they should not be allowed to block users or delete comments.

  16. uzt. 7

    Can we start actively replacing fireworks displays with light-up drone shows? They don’t pollute, they don’t make loud noises, and they look so cool!

  17. uzt. 7

    We are almost at the end of this. Let’s all be good humans and have an ounce of consideration. This isn’t a civil liberties issue. It’s a social decency issue. You will survive your 15 minutes of inconvenience.

  18. eka. 30

    To all the education workers who tirelessly worked to provide a positive learning experience in the midst of the chaos: Thank you. Your work is appreciated. I know many of you will be working this summer to prepare for September, but please a little much deserved vacation.

  19. eka. 29

    Translation: we’re going to do nothing until 2 weeks before school opens in the hopes that the vaccine does our job for us.

  20. eka. 29

    I love all the “our current infrastructure can’t support this!” comments. Yeah, we know. That’s why the date is set 14 years in the future. And even then, that doesn’t mean all fossil fuel powered vehicles all of a sudden disappear overnight. Honestly, some people. 🤦‍♂️


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