Support » Plugin: Gutenberg » Why does itself not use Gutenberg?

  • Resolved damsko


    I wonder why itself does not seem to use or switched to the Gutenberg block editor? The whole interactive infrastructure here seems to be running on some form of TinyMCE (aka the “classic editor”).

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  • Moderator Marius L. J.



    We do actually use WordPress 5.0, and the new editing experience on, of course the post box on the forums is a front-facing, limited editor, and as such will not have block features.

    Hi Marius.

    And does the “advanced back-facing” editor use Gutenberg? so if you reply or start anything new you use blocks?

    The support forum is not using the Block Editor. It’s a different Interface, more like the comment form on a website.
    We use the Block Editor for news, make blogs and other content sites.

    Thanks Soren. chooses not to use Gutenberg/blocks for its support forums.

    Moderator Marius L. J.


    It’s not a matter of choosing, they are completely different scenarios.

    We use the new editor in our back-end for writing articles, user documentation etc. On the front end this is a forum, block editors have no relation to this, as it’s a single input field for regular users who do not need to create structured content.

    Hi Marius.

    That its not a matter of choosing has become very clear to me.

    Then you do not use Gutenberg/blocks here and obviously there is no need for a block editor to run the forums. You are not using Gutenberg/blocks here and continue with what you are used to.

    Most (if any) scenarios for WordPress websites also do not require Gutenberg/blocks in any form. Still the choice has been made to discard the classic editor on which a lot of people depend and force them to use Gutenberg/blocks.

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Huh, we do use Gutenberg for as per above.

    Hi Andrew.

    I suppose you just used the “Huh” block as for your reply above.

    With all the good vibes of the world. Why did they make this change? Why Gutemberg? why?

    Moderator Marius L. J.


    As this topic does not appear to be leading anywhere, I’m going to just mark it as closed, to avoid re-iterating things.

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