Gutenberg Blocks by Kadence Blocks – Page Builder Features


This plugin adds custom blocks and options to extend Gutenberg’s editing capabilities so you can create custom layouts and more engaging content. This plugin is meant to be a toolkit that makes the WordPress block editor capable of creating content usually only possible through popular page builder plugins. For example, with the Kadence Row Layout Block you can better control columns for different screen sizes plus it gives you full row editing tools like padding, backgrounds, overlays with gradients, vertical-align and much more.

Try Kadence Blocks

Demo Testing

Custom Blocks Include

  • Row Layout – demo
  • Advanced Gallery – demo
  • Form – demo
  • Advanced Heading – demo
  • Advanced Button – demo
  • Tabs – demo
  • Accordion – demo
  • Testimonials – demo
  • Icon – demo
  • Spacer / Divider – demo
  • Info Box – demo
  • Icon List – demo

Video Tutorial

Key Block Features

The Row Layout block can have 1-6 columns, and any other blocks can be nested inside. So as a single column block, it’s a robust wrapper because you can create very custom backgrounds and define padding, margin, and dividers both for desktop and mobile layouts.

The Advanced Gallery block allows you to add photo galleries in a masonry, grid, carousel, fluid width carousel or slider style. Enjoy four different optional caption locations, each with options to style font, background, etc. Within each gallery, you can define the thumbnail ratio, add an image filter, set a border radius, and add box shadows. You can make each image a custom link to another page or website. Or you can easily enable a built-in lightbox. Plus you can select which image size to use for your thumbnails, and lightbox image for ultimate performance.

The Advanced Heading block provides full control for your headings, including font family (all google fonts), font weight, font style, font size (with tablet and mobile options), line height, color, letter spacing, alignment, and margin. Plus you can define part of the heading as a highlight and style it uniquely.

The Advanced Button block allows you to have up to five buttons side by side. You can control each individually, both with static and hover styles, and each button can have an added icon next to the text. This block even supports video links that open in a popup all built in!

The Tabs block is highly customizable with unique tab title settings for spacing, color, icons, and text. You can set up vertical or horizontal tabs, plus there are options to switch to an accordion setup for mobile. Each tab content is an empty canvas able to contain any other block within it.

The Testimonial block has four built-in preset styles to choose from and allows you to add a carousel or grid of testimonials right into your page or post. You can then customize the colors, fonts, size, border, and shadow to your liking.

The Icon block enables you to add an SVG icon right into your page. There are over 1500 icons to choose from, and with each, you can control the size, color, background, border and add a link.

The Spacer / Divider block allows you to optionally show a divider inside an area with a drag-able height. The divider has style options allowing you to set the width, height, color, line style, and opacity.

The Info Box Block is a box link containing an icon or image and optionally a title, description and “learn more” text. Configure padding, fonts, backgrounds, borders, and style static and hover colors even show a box shadow.

Editor Max Width

One of the challenges with creating column and row layouts in Gutenberg is the width of the editor in your admin. By default, Gutenberg uses a 650px max width for the content editor. When adding text to a sidebar template, this works great, as the max width in the editor is comparable to the content width when using a sidebar. However, for content going into pages where you don’t have a sidebar, it is a poor representation of what you are going to get on the front end of your site. Not to mention, it makes for a cramped space to work in if you are trying to manage a row with three columns.

In an effort to create an easier way to use Gutenberg in a more “page building experience” we created a simple method that allows you to change the default max width for pages and posts, as well as individually through a page by page setting.

Source files



We are happy to help as best we can with questions! Please use the support forums.


  • Initial Row Layout editing

  • Example single column Row Layout with gradient Background overlay

  • Three column Row Layout example

  • Icon Block example

  • Advanced Button example

  • Editor Width settings inside Gutenberg


This plugin provides 16 blocks.

  • Gutenberg Blocks by Kadence Blocks – Page Builder Features
  • Gutenberg Blocks by Kadence Blocks – Page Builder Features
  • Gutenberg Blocks by Kadence Blocks – Page Builder Features
  • Gutenberg Blocks by Kadence Blocks – Page Builder Features
  • Gutenberg Blocks by Kadence Blocks – Page Builder Features
  • Gutenberg Blocks by Kadence Blocks – Page Builder Features
  • Gutenberg Blocks by Kadence Blocks – Page Builder Features
  • Gutenberg Blocks by Kadence Blocks – Page Builder Features
  • Gutenberg Blocks by Kadence Blocks – Page Builder Features
  • Gutenberg Blocks by Kadence Blocks – Page Builder Features
  • Gutenberg Blocks by Kadence Blocks – Page Builder Features
  • Gutenberg Blocks by Kadence Blocks – Page Builder Features
  • Gutenberg Blocks by Kadence Blocks – Page Builder Features
  • Gutenberg Blocks by Kadence Blocks – Page Builder Features
  • Gutenberg Blocks by Kadence Blocks – Page Builder Features
  • Gutenberg Blocks by Kadence Blocks – Page Builder Features


Install the plugin into the /wp-content/plugins/ folder, and activate it.


June 23, 2021
I am a bit disappointed by the Kadence Dev Team approach they are trying to do a lot of things together and they don't really take care of all bugs of each product they develop The plugin has his potential but unfortunately you will encounter a lot of bugs when you will use advanced setting (eg. incons list block) BTW I am a PRO user
June 15, 2021
Love the section block. Love the tabs block. Love the form block. Love to be able to put a form block in a tab within a block within a section block!
May 16, 2021
The plugin is excellent. I would like to make a suggestion: Could you include fonts in "VW"? I used it in elementor to avoid mistakes with a responsive website. It was the only thing I missed about kadence Blocks.
May 5, 2021
i like the latest features more complete and lightweight.
Read all 87 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Gutenberg Blocks by Kadence Blocks – Page Builder Features” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Gutenberg Blocks by Kadence Blocks – Page Builder Features” has been translated into 4 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Gutenberg Blocks by Kadence Blocks – Page Builder Features” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



Release Date: June 17th, 2021
* Add: Info Box ratio sized image options.
* Fix: Issue with overlay not showing unless set for desktop.
* Fix: Issue with comments count not showing in post block.
* Fix: Issue with checkout page in woocommerce when rendering terms page.
* Fix: Issue with table of contents block and Accordion.


Release Date: June 16th, 2021
* Fix: Loop issue with Table of Contents Block.
* Fix: Issue with modified date label.


Release Date: June 15th, 2021
* Add: Output for kadence palette if Kadence Theme is not used.
* Add: Jost Google Font.
* Update: Table of Contents for better support with dynamically added content.
* Update: Form Block Fluent CRM field Mapping.
* Update: Move design library folder into uploads folder for better cross server support.
* Fix: Issue with info box animation border spin.
* Fix: Issue with columns having a background not updating correctly.
* Fix: Message styling in form block.
* Fix: Issue with gallery shadow.
* Fix: Possible issue with Substitute Max Line Length preventing editor load.
* Fix: Checkbox labels being styled with top tier label styling.


Release Date: May 26th, 2021
* Add: Attribute to lock section inner block.
* Update: JS Build for better language support.
* Update: Form MailerLite group limit, add search.
* Update: Form from input to allow more then one placeholder.
* Fix: Possible issue with form block on some servers.


Release Date: May 24th, 2021
* Update: Add VW to heading font size units.
* Update: Better support for themes with variable color palettes.
* Fix: Multisite issue.
* Fix: Issue with color palette letting you create colors when custom colors are disabled.
* Fix: Issue with iconbox mobile icon size.
* Fix: Tweak some tab accessibility code.


Release Date: May 17th, 2021
* Fix: Issue with design library not showing active.


Release Date: May 15th, 2021
* Add: Custom css option to row and section blocks.
* Add: Responsive padding settings to Accordion Block Inner Content Padding.
* Add: Responsive padding settings to InfoBox Block.
* Add: 16:9 ratio option to gallery.
* Add: Placeholder options {page_title} and {page_url} to form block hidden field value.
* Add: PHP filter to remove design library button.
* Update Button block move icon for moving when you have two or more buttons.
* Fix: Posts show unique only option.
* Fix: Responsive accordion title settings.
* Fix: Design Library issue with certain keys.
* Fix: Issue with testimonials using grid single column where the last item has margin-right set.
* Fix: Issue with posts block not saving updated date label on settings
* Fix: Issue with icon size not changing in the editor.


Release Date: May 4th, 2021
* Add: Option to hide design library button.
* Fix: Possible issue with info box rendering.


Release Date: May 4th, 2021
* Fix: Possible issue with info box rendering.


Release Date: May 3rd, 2021
* Fix: Possible issue with info box rendering.


Release Date: May 3rd, 2021
* Update: Prebuilt Library (New Interface!).
* Update: Posts Block Rest calls.
* Update: Force subscribe a unsubscribed user in mailer lite if the user is requesting subscribe.
* Update: Gallery Align options, allow left and right.
* Update: Responsive gap options for form fields.
* Update: accessibility with form.
* Update: Accordion accessibility.
* Add: Icon color option for buttons.
* Add: Icon size option for buttons.
* Add: Aria Label option for buttons.
* Add: Response Max width options to row layout.
* Fix: CSS issue with accept field.
* Fix: Icon List conversions.
* Fix: Icon List focus on enter.
* Fix: em not being used when selected for button text size.
* Fix: Mobile background url input size.
* Fix: Issue with background overlay opacity setting at 0.
* Fix: Issue with gallery and small images.
* Fix: RTL issues with testimonials.
* Fix: Issue with mobile row border.
* Fix: Issue with accordion toggle and default theme.


Release Date: April 16th, 2021
* Fix: Issue with entering hex.


  • Add: hidden field option to form block.
  • Update: rewrite form js, remove jQuery dependency.
  • Update: Add form field custom error notice options.
  • Fix: Gallery issue with custom links open in new tab resetting.
  • Fix: Issue with Table of Contents Block Margin.
  • Fix: Issue with testimonials wrapper padding unit.
  • Fix: Editor Row background styles.
  • Fix: Issue with Radio Buttons showing inline in Form.
  • Fix: icon list, link text settings.
  • Fix: Info block issue with icon flip in some browsers.


  • Update: Table of Contents Block for better special character support.
  • Update: Typography filters hooks.


  • Add: Countdown Block.
  • Fix: Tabs anchor links on mobile when showing accordion.
  • Fix: Button editor preview and margin settings.
  • Fix: Add missing rem to heading size defaults.


  • Update: Add testimonial wrapper padding.
  • Update: Button Block only icon responsive settings.
  • Fix: CSS specificity for posts block.
  • Fix: Top divider options.
  • Fix: Editor CSS for inline typography tool.


  • Update: Editor CSS for when columns are set to full height.
  • Update: Toolset merge.
  • Fix: Masonry gallery issue.
  • Fix: Accordion set default open on working.


  • Add: Post Block Title Size settings.
  • Add: Post Block Tablet column controls.
  • Update: Row layout responsive controls.
  • Fix: Background image for background overlay not showing.
  • Fix: TOC linking issue.
  • Fix: Possible issue with reusable causing an error.


  • Fix: Post Block Styles.
  • Update: Translation files.
  • Fix: Advanced Heading Color issue in Cover Block.


  • Fix: Update not showing.


  • Add: New Post Block.
  • Add: New Border Controls for Row/Layout.
  • Update: remove type=”text/css” from style tags.
  • Fix: Issue with info box number font select.
  • Fix: Issue with truncated caption in lightbox on mobile.


  • Fix: Possible Bug in Button CSS


  • Add: Inline toolset support.
  • Add: Scroll Spy to Table of Contents Block.
  • Update: Remove jQuery dependency for masonry gallery.
  • Update: Better Schema output for accordion FAQ.
  • Update: Add Button Text transform to block defaults.
  • Update: Heading Letter Spacing allow 0.
  • Fix: button not using theme border styles.
  • Fix: Cloned items in carousel not opening lightbox.
  • Fix: Issue with tab css specificity.
  • Fix: Issue with testimonial css specificity.
  • Fix: Issue with columns in editor not outputting custom css classes.
  • Fix: Issue with row layout mobile grid css.


  • Fix: Possible issue with preview mode.
  • Tweak: Gallery slider load.


  • Update: Add option to load italic font if google font selected.
  • Update: Add JetBrains Mono, Big Shoulders, Public Sans, Bebas Neue and Inter google fonts.
  • Fix: Button CSS issue.


  • Update: Buttons, option to inherit theme styles.
  • Update: Gallery Lightbox to lightweight non-jquery version.
  • Update: Possible fix for Relevanssi save index issue.
  • Update: WPML translation with tabs.


  • Add: Form container Margin.
  • Add: Form subscribe to fluent CRM


  • Fix: Possible issue with heading block showing broken.


  • Fix: Possible issue with testimonial carousel.
  • Fix: Possible issue heading block showing broken.


  • Add: Responsive Controls with Preview to Heading Block.
  • Add: Responsive Border width controls to Columns Block.
  • Add: Reset options for Block Defaults.
  • Add: Min height options for testimonials.
  • Fix: Issue with z-index controls with columns block.
  • Fix: RTL language issue with list icon block.
  • Fix: Issue with tab font size.
  • Fix: Issue with testimonial carousel.


  • Update: Measure Settings Control.
  • Fix: Possible issue with gallery carousel overflow.
  • Fix: Possible issue with defaults.
  • Fix: RTL Collapse grid gutter.
  • Fix: RTL Column select.
  • Fix: Accordion Mobile Font size.


  • Update: Admin Styling for WP 5.6
  • Fix: Advanced header link option not showing.


  • Fix: Possible update issue.


  • Add: MailerLite option to Kadence Blocks.
  • Update: Initial Update to Blocks settings page.
  • Update: Initial Update to use WPScripts.
  • Fix: Issue with dashes in table to contents when building links.
  • Fix: Issue with Column Margin/Padding controls.
  • Fix: Issue with Button Text Size Input.
  • Fix: Issue with accordions pane link with multiple accordions on the page.
  • Fix: Issue with border radius 0 for testimonial block.


  • Fix: Issue with rendering when previously had selected muli font.


  • Update font list, change muli to mulish.
  • Update: Better column Padding/Margin Controls.
  • Fix: Anchor Header issue.
  • Update: Better inheriting of font options from global settings in Kadence Theme.
  • Fix: Gallery Captions Tablet and Mobile sizes.
  • Fix: issue with TOC in certain contexts.
  • Fix: RTL issue in editor.
  • Update: Show Error Message Below submit for validation errors.
  • Add: Error Message to issue with recaptcha v3 failing on second post without reloading the page.


  • Add: Polyfill for Safari Scroll to ID.
  • Add: Margin control for TOC block.
  • Fix TOC title font size not showing live.
  • Fix: Issue with TOC if all allowed headers turned off.
  • Fix: Testimonial Rating not working with global palette.
  • Fix: Issue with latest desktop safari and parallax.
  • Fix: Issue with 2 column icon list block.
  • Fix: Issue with change columns not assigning ids correctly.
  • FixL Issue with three column tablet and mobile layout.


  • Add: TOC Block Box Shadow.
  • Add: TOC Block Border Radius.
  • Add: TOC Block Max Width.
  • Add: TOC Block Scroll to ID.
  • Fix: TOC columns for mobile.
  • Fix: Expand Icon.
  • Fix: TOC better special character support.


  • Fix: PHP 7.2 error.


  • Add: Table of Content Block.
  • Update: Inline style support for different kinds of embedding
  • Fix: Some prebuilt content not loading.
  • Fix: Row layout not updating correctly when columns changed.
  • Fix: Various small bugs with colors not updating in the settings panel.


  • Add: Option for Advanced Heading Block to be Paragraph.
  • Fix: Image align for testimonials.
  • Fix: Accordion scroll issue.
  • Fix: A few RTL issues.
  • Fix: More range controls moved over to Kadence Range.
  • Fix: Info Box allow two different links.
  • Fix: Two Icon size for range.
  • Fix: Firefox issue with range.
  • Fix: Margin unit in button.
  • Fix: Loading styles outside of content area issues.
  • Update: Add support for themes using css variables for color. Thanks @andreiglingeanu


  • Add: User visibility setting for showing to a specific user.
  • Fix: Device visibility setting for columns.
  • Add: Device visibility setting for spacer block.
  • Fix: Issue with range input being near impossible to type in.
  • Fix: Issue with limit of 24 tabs.
  • Fix: Issue with slower loading and accordion js.


  • Add: User visibility settings.
  • Fix: Name on Plugins page.
  • Fix: Issue with columns resizer.
  • Fix button margin not working issue.
  • Fix: Radio field option for form.
  • Fix: Tabs interlinking issue.


  • Update: Accordion and Tab Color selectors.
  • Fix: Margin issue for icon list.


  • Fix: Gallery Tablet and Mobile Gutter not working.
  • Fix: Border radius issue with column.
  • Fix: Cover Block over extending inside row.
  • Fix: Hover Text color for Form Button not working with global styles.
  • Fix: Gallery Caption not showing in lightbox.


  • Add: Responsive align options for spacer block.
  • Fix: Issue with font size in heading block when empty.
  • Fix: Issue with REM units in heading block.


  • Fix: possible gallery issue showing broken block.
  • Add: option to set default caption.


  • Fix possible php error. Thanks Susan D!
  • Add: Select placeholder option.


  • Spacing between buttons (add responsive controls)
  • Update: Change fonts to load display swap by default.
  • Add: Margin option for Buttons container.
  • Update: Button color settings sync with kadence theme global colors.
  • Update: Row and Column Color settings sync with kadence theme global colors.
  • Update: Row and column image background to allow for focus point position control.
  • Add: Responsive visibility settings to row layout and columns.
  • Add: Responsive controls for min height.
  • Fix: Small lazy load issue with testimonials.
  • Update: Testimonials color settings.
  • Add: Option for testimonials to use url instead of hosted image.
  • Add: Advanced heading Copy and Paste Styling.
  • Add: Button Copy and Paste styling.
  • add: Column Copy and Paste styling.
  • Add: Move options for buttons.
  • Add: Duplicate and delete options for buttons.
  • Update: Button focus for better settings control.
  • Update: Info box you can now use a number.
  • Add: Start adding basic support for tablet and mobile previews in the editor.
  • Fix: Issue with info box copy styling not pulling in box shadow.
  • Update: Allow global settings to pull in color palette.
  • Fix: Left Align image on mobile not looking good in info box.
  • Update: Allow Form field sub options to be rearranged.
  • Update: Add Checkbox field to form.
  • Fix: validator issues with gallery.


  • Fix: Update not showing.


  • Fix: issue with icon list block.
  • Update: Padding Control for row layout block.
  • Update: Copy Styles in infobox.


  • Update: Fix issue in safari not being able to edit testimonials.
  • Update: Tweak js for accordion inner page link.
  • Fix: Issue with table of contents plus plugin.
  • Update: When switching media in infor box try to keep the same media size settings.


  • Update: New toggle for row inner content to follow theme settings.
  • Update: WPML intergration.
  • Update: Allow row defaults to use theme width.
  • Update: Allow padding unit setting in row defaults.
  • Fix: Accordion issue with margin.
  • Fix: Accordion issue when linking to custom anchor.
  • Fix: Testimonial issue with boxshadow cleared.


  • Update: Few tweaks for Gallery Block CSS
  • Update: Allow galley carousel max height to go to 800px.
  • Update: Fix issue with wordpress 5.3 and heading block.
  • Add: Nouce verify to false by default to form block. ( this prevents caching issues ).
  • Update: Gallery default options – Image thumbnail size, Image link size, Link type


  • Add: new inline color selector to Advanced Heading Block.
  • Add: support for color classes in Advanced Heading Block
  • Add: new text shadow options to Advanced Heading Block
  • Add: tablet and mobile text alignment to Advanced Heading Block
  • Add: FAQ schema option to accordion.
  • Add: tablet and mobile text alignment to Icon Block
  • Fix: Tablet Collapse with row layout bug
  • Fix: Admin issue with gallery slider overflowing on smaller screens.
  • Fix: Custom icon issue in tabs.
  • Fix: Single column testimonial block spacing issue.
  • Update: Form Block WPML support.


  • Fix: CSS Box Shadow issue on buttons.
  • Add: more link controls for infobox learn more.
  • Fix: Accordion not showing intial open options.
  • Fix: Accordion validator issue.


  • Update: Declare 5.4 support.
  • Fix: CSS issue with some row vertical alignment settings.
  • Fix: Issue with info box icon border on mobile when switched to above.
  • Update: Button Video Popup, none jQuery lightbox, better handling of different youtube urls including nocookie.


  • Add: skip-lazy class to carousel images to fix lazy load issue.
  • Fix: CSS for gutenberg updates.
  • Fix: CSS for lightbox in some situations.
  • Fix: Issue with infobox image width and height not getting set.
  • Add: option to set info box image size as a default.
  • Add: option to force hover effect to always so for gallery on mobile.
  • Add: Filter to remove Editor Width. ( More and more themes are doing better at handling this so it is going to be depreciated )


  • Update Css to prevent issue with some settings conflict.
  • Update: Gallery Slider js within accordion not rendering correclty.
  • Add: Download option to advanced button block. Thanks @chris071182
  • Fix: Column Vertical Spacing when order reversed for mobile. Thanks @andreas-wpk
  • Fix: Issue with info box maxWidth not showing in admin after reload.


  • Clean up editor column padding for Gutenberg 7.3
  • Move attribute blockAlignment to align for better gutenberg support.
  • Add: Open in new tab for galleries with media file link.
  • Add: Mobile Collapse Option for Fullwidth Buttons.


  • Fix: Bug in Firefox with Icon Flip.
  • Fix: Possible issue with Gallery not rendering.
  • Tweak: Styling in Row layout for inside column alignment.
  • Fix: More admin CSS for Gutenberg 7.2.
  • Add: InfoBox text Padding and Margin.
  • Add: Background Video URL input for when you want to use from another source.
  • Add: Margin Controls for desk, tablet and mobile for form submit.


  • Fix: Update issue.


  • Update: CSS for Gutenberg 7.2.
  • Update: Form, fix issue with sendgrid when using WP Mail SMTP


  • Fix: Small Bug in accordion tag not sticking.
  • Fix: Small Bug in form block gradient button background.
  • Update: Tweak css for old versions of safari.
  • Update: Add margin control for infobox Container.


  • Fix: Small Bug in icon rendering.


  • Update: Add sponsored attribute to buttons.
  • Update: Add hover color for Icon block.
  • Update: Divider Block, add stripes option.
  • Update: Fix form block button border radius 0 issue.


  • Update: Margin range for advanced heading.
  • Add: rem to font size.
  • Add: Row layout padding unit options.
  • Add: rem to row layout margins.
  • Add: Filter for settings capabilities.
  • Update: Form to allow sending to multiple email accounts.
  • Update: Icons add filter for custom icons.
  • Update: Infobox, Add max width.
  • Add: Option to copy and Paste styles from info box to info box.
  • Fix: Bug where accordion animation could be off.


  • Update: Recaptcha so multiple can be on the same page.
  • Update: Tabs block for better accessibility.
  • Add: Visibility and default options for columns.
  • Add: Basic layout section for row block Visibility.
  • Add: Form block submission results filter.
  • Update: Better AMP support for scripts.


  • Fix: Tablet Padding not keeping 0.
  • Add: Make form honey pot optional.
  • Fix: Issue with settings modal save button color.
  • Fix: visibility settings not always saving correctly if more then one block set at a time.
  • Update: Recaptcha so multiple can be on the same page.
  • Update: Add all sizes for gallery image settings.


  • Fix: Mobile Background video not filling height.
  • Fix: Masonry catch if width and height data missing.
  • Add: First Starter package template.
  • Update: slider css, remove icon font.


  • Fix: styling issue with inline advanced typography.
  • Fix: visibility setting issue.
  • Tweak: Video Background for IE11 and edge.


  • Fix: Icon list colors not working.
  • Fix: Gutenberg plugin changes mediaUpload.


  • Fix: Icon css not loading correctly.
  • Fix Accordion issue with reusable.


  • Update: Change how Blocks CSS is loaded, now only loads for blocks used on page.
  • Fix: Form Button Border Radius when 0.
  • Add: telephone field to form field options.
  • Fix: Small css styling when custom colors off.


  • Small Tweak: Form CSS
  • Update: Admin Gallery Block CSS for GB update.
  • Add: Text transform option to Form Button.


  • Fix: Update gallery to collect new alt text.
  • Fix: Possible fetch error in form block admin.
  • Add: Box Shadow to Column


  • Add: New Form Block!!
  • Fix: More Translation strings updated, all need text domain.
  • Fix: Gallery Block not setting link url correctly for media size.
  • Update: CSS fixes for Gutenberg 6.7.
  • Add: Offload Media support for backgrounds css.


  • Fix: settings link issue.


  • Fix: issue with button large and small settings.
  • Fix: Testimonial container padding left and right switch.
  • Fix: Issue with info box when media set to none.


  • Fix: issue with turned off gallery block under typo.
  • Update: Button block now uses common ‘button’ class so it can inherit styles from themes.
  • Fix: empty styles if input box cleared for testimonial block.
  • Update: Add tablet padding/margin settings to columns block.
  • Fix: Default Color refresh issue.
  • Add: Text transform button option.
  • Add: Alpha channel to overlay gradient.


  • Fix: Header Block, Gutenberg doesn’t allow className attribute to be added to an internal tag.


  • Fix: Typo – Thanks andreas-wpk
  • Update: Heading to allow 0 for margin setting.
  • Update: Issue where the default block settings could break.


  • Fix: 6.5 duplicate id issue.
  • Update: Add 4 more prebuilt sections.
  • Update: Add support for EditorsKit block navigator toolbar
  • Update: Add “noCustomDefaults” attribute to row block.
  • Update: Tweak row editor styles.


  • Fix: Small CSS issue with some themes adding underline.
  • Fix: Small CSS issue with tabs.
  • Update: Gallery Margin.
  • Add: Option for no icon or image with info box.
  • Add: Mobile and Tablet text align for into box.


  • Fix: issue causing Cannot read property ‘0’ of undefined
  • Update: Tab move tools so no overlap.


  • Fix: Default Colors update.
  • Update: Tabs allow moving and deleting.


  • Fix: IE issue with testimonial grid.
  • Add: Column Color settings.
  • Update: Allow for better fallback when images are small in gallery.
  • Update: Icon list with up/down move and remove controls.


  • Fix: Bug with slider in editor nested in rows.
  • Add: Tab anchor to support custom anchors.
  • Add: Tab Title column options!


  • Add: Row/Layout Background Slider Options
  • Add: Row/Layout Background Video Options
  • Add: Info Box Tablet and Mobile Media Align options.


  • Fix: Margin for fluid carousel.
  • Fix: Icon list if not using Gutenberg Plugin.
  • Fix: Testimonial empty inline styles.
  • Add: Option for fluid carousel gallery to be left aligned.
  • Add: rem units to row margin, heading margin and gallery margin.


  • Fix: Updating not showing


  • Fix: Carousel in tabs issue.
  • Fix: Carousel lightbox count off.
  • Add: Gallery Default Settings.
  • Update: Icon list for Gutenberg 6.2


  • Fix: Info Box image issue.


  • Fix: Info Box image issue with margin.
  • Add: Info Box Icon vertical align.


  • Fix: Info Box image issue.
  • Fix: Tablet Divider settings.
  • Update: Tablet Row Padding to allow individual changes without effecting all sides.


  • Tweak: Mobile Parallax.
  • Update: Prevent Custom Link loss in gallery.
  • Update: Heading highlight.
  • Tweak: Accordion scroll to pane.


  • Add: New Advanced Gallery Block.
  • Fix: Parallax issue with Ipad.
  • Fix: hex colors not showing if transparent.
  • Fix: IE bug with icon list icons.
  • Update: Better loading testimonial carousel.
  • Update: Better lazy loading info box image.


  • Fix: Prevent adding a link inside a link with info box.
  • Add: Support Negative Margin in Rows.
  • Add: Support disableCustomColors.
  • Fix: Issue with tablet background not overriding parallax.
  • Add: Anchor Support to spacer Block.


  • Fix: SVG in info box.
  • Add: Min height settings for text and titles in info box.
  • Update: support negative margin for advanced heading.
  • Add: Subtitle for tab titles.


  • Fix: issue with color Palette.


  • Fix: issue with prebuilt.


  • Fix: Icon list Block alignment issue.
  • Add: Image size options for info box.
  • Add: collapse columns for desktop layout.
  • Add: zIndex to Rows
  • Add: Background Image inline to support some lazy loads.
  • Update: Better support in accordion and tabs for dynamic content.


  • Fix: Issues with Gutenberg 5.9
  • Update: Icon list Block – add icon vertical alignment.


  • Fix: Issue with icon list margin.
  • Fix: Row Top divider width.
  • Fix: IPad Parallax.
  • Update: script packages


  • Add: Global Color Palette Control.
  • Move: Editor Width inside Kadence Blocks Controls.
  • Add: Option for columns to be height 100%.
  • Fix: Bug with three column resize.


  • Update: Rewrite parts of Advanced Button. Add gradient background options, fixed width, preset sizes, responsive custom padding, responsive font sizes and box shadow.
  • Update: Prebuilt items ( Remove Kadence name from content )
  • Fix: Default Row settings, tablet padding issue.
  • Fix: Rich text button issue.
  • Fix: Accordion issue with long titles icons being warped.
  • Fix: Bug in Testimonials Block with specific settings.
  • Add: Margin for Icon list.


  • Add: Two new Prebuilt items ( Accordion examples )
  • Add: Initial styles for accordion block.
  • Add: Default settings for Advanced Heading Block
  • Add: Editor visibility settings for Advanced Heading Block
  • Add: Two new tablet and mobile three column layouts.
  • Add: Text align to Row and Column Blocks with mobile control.
  • Add: Anchor options for accordion panes and allow direct linking.
  • Add: Default settings for Row Layout Block.
  • Add: Editor visibility settings for Row Layout Block.
  • Update: Column Appender
  • Fix: Issue with Tablet media query not matching.
  • Fix: Button showing black background when should be transparent.


  • Fix: Issue with icon list then typing return.
  • Add: Prebuilt testimonial.


  • Add: Full-width setting to Advanced Button.
  • Add: Text Transform to Testimonials.
  • Add: Image Ratio to Card Testimonial style.


  • Tweak: Testimonial Grid CSS.


  • Fix: Testimonial Carousel Pagination not showing.
  • Tweak: Testimonial Carousel CSS.


  • Fix: Update not showing.


  • Add: NEW Testimonial Block!
  • Fix: IE issue with images in info box.
  • Fix: FireFox issue with Icon flip.
  • Fix: IE issue with parallax scrolling.
  • Fix: Gutenberg 5.5 broke add accordion item button.
  • Fix: A few Typos.


  • Add: Inline Typography Settings for Advanced Heading Block.
  • Update: Improve Typography Settings Performance.
  • Fix: Issue with list block clearing when using return to create a new line.
  • Fix: Issue where error showed if you didn’t have any typography options selected.


  • Update: Add Opacity options to Info Box.
  • Add: New Icon List Block.


  • Fix: Issue with buttons if you cleared the colors.


  • Fix: Issue with parallax margin on mobile on some themes.
  • Add: Video Popup target to Button!
  • Update: Button Defaults moved to Kadence Control Plugin.
  • Add: Button Settings visibility
  • Add: no-follow option to buttons.
  • Add: Opacity to Buttons Background and Border.
  • Add: Button Gap.
  • Add: Background Image option to columns.


  • Fix: Issue with chrome cutting content white (again)


  • Fix: Inner Block Selection.
  • Fix: Prebuilt error.


  • Fix: Duplication issue with row styles.
  • Fix: Issue with chrome cutting content white.
  • Add: Tablet and Mobile specific control for background and background overlay.


  • Add: column resizing for three column layouts.
  • Add: option to resize columns on a grid of every 5% or fluid.
  • Add: Collapse Order Attribute for Columns.
  • Add: Preset Styles for Info Box.
  • Add: Infobox default controls.
  • Add: Infobox settings visiblity controls.
  • Add: Better SVG image support for InfoBox.
  • Add: Icon Margin Control.
  • Add: Category Icon.
  • Update: Block Icons.


  • Add: Different size units to Margin, max-width and min0height controls in row layout.
  • Update: Add some fallback support for content imported to a muiltisite where it strips html.
  • Updates: Better Mobile Parallax.
  • Fix: Attempt fix for Tabs in widget area.


  • Fix: Anchor in Header issue.


  • Fix: Icons Link Issue.
  • Add: Accordion to Block Controls (set defaults, limit setting visiblity).
  • Add: Font Family options to create a custom options set.


  • Fix: Much smoother accordion animation.
  • Fix: Info Box Prebuilt error.
  • Fix: Issue with parallax on mobile.
  • Update: Allow Accordion Panes to be rearranged.
  • Update: Move accordion wrap tag into main accordion settings panel.


  • Fix: Font Weight tab titles, remove underline if theme adding.
  • Add: Tablet Padding and margin controls to row layout.
  • Add: Allow for wrapping of the accordion button with heading tag.


  • Fix: Error buttons.


  • Fix: Error with tabs and spacer.
  • Add: Text transform for accordion title.


  • Fix: Error with Control plugin if no settings.


  • Fix: Pane Title not selectable in Firefox.
  • Add: VH unit options to Spacer.
  • Add: Kadence Blocks Control Plugin!
    You can now define which settings users see based on user role. Currently just added for Tabs and Spacer Block.
    You can also set the block defaults.


  • Fix: Jerky Accordion Animation.


  • Fix: some of the Accordion styling.


  • Add: New Accordion block!
  • Add: Presets for Tabs Block.
  • Add: You can now define which Tab should be open regardless of what is open in the editor.
  • Fix: Small change with parallax settings.
  • Fix: Unique IDs causing revisions needlessly.
  • Tweek: Setting Page styles.
  • Add: BorderRadius Property to columns – thanks @DizzySquirrel
  • Fix: Correct naming for ‘Left Bottom’ background – thanks @DizzySquirrel


  • Update: Prep for three column controls.
  • Add: Collapse row gutter control.
  • Add: Parallax for Background Images!!


  • Fix: CSS loading for rest api calls.
  • Add: Anchor support for Advanced Heading.
  • Add: New Four Prebuilt items.
  • Fix: Issue with columns being insertable.
  • Add: Youtube Video to description.


  • Fix: Tabs Styles.
  • Add: Search for Prebuilt.


  • Update: Info box, add in settings.


  • Add: NEW Info Box Block!
  • Update: CSS placed in head if possible, reverts to inline if outside content area.
  • Update: Blocks now added to a category.
  • Update: improve selection for block row.


  • Update: render CSS inline per Gutenberg Hook, future need to add an option for rendering in head.
  • Add: Border control to columns.


  • Update: Font family select box for easier select.
  • Add: Tablet and Moble height to spacer block.
  • Fix: Highlight option in Gutenberg 4.8
  • Fix: Column 60/40 css missing – thanks @bucketpress
  • Add: Footer and Header tag options – thanks @bucketpress
  • Fix: Firefox issue with swtiching tabs – thanks @bucketpress


  • Fix: Typography bug when selecting google to non google font.
  • Fix: Row layout Text more specific css.
  • Fix: Tab titles not editable in FireFox.
  • Add: Custom css class options to buttons.
  • Add: Visual Select for Dividers.
  • Add: Left and Right Margins for columns. Allow Negative Margins.
  • Add: Z-index option to columns.
  • Update: Move Heading Tag Level controls to dropdown.


  • Add: NEW Highlight options for Heading Block.
  • Add: Text color, link color and link hover color to row layout options.
  • Update: Filter for Typography Font Options.


  • Fix: Nested tabs in tabs styling.
  • Tweak: Row Layout editor css for better selecting row.
  • Tweak: Tabs for better accessibility.
  • Update: Increase the amount of possible tabs.
  • Add: Tab Default controls.


  • Add: Granular control over two column Layouts.
  • Add: Background color options for columns.
  • Add: ‘noreferrer noopener’ to external buttons.
  • Add: Default Controls for Row layout, button and spacer blocks.
  • Fix: Issue with button top and bottom padding.


  • Update: Layouts css tweek.


  • Add: Support for tabs within tabs.
  • Fix: Top Divider height.


  • Fix: nested columns css.


  • Fix: Output CSS for non WordPress 5.0.
  • Tweak Limited Margin CSS.


  • Fix: WordPress 5 stuff.


  • Fix: Update not showing WordPress.


  • Fix: Button link width.
  • Fix: Font weight setting.
  • Fix: Reusable Blocks issue.
  • Update: Add more to Prebuilt Library


  • Updates: Various fixes for Gutenberg 4.2
  • Add: Prebuilt Libray to row block.


  • Updates: Various fixes for Gutenberg 4.1
  • Fix: Nested columns.


  • Updates: Various fixes for Gutenberg 4.0
  • Fix: Typo in layout background.


  • Fix: Tab title not saving.
  • Fix: Button text not always saving.


  • Add: Minimal Margin css option.
  • Add: Waves divider to row.
  • Add: New Tabs Block
  • Update: Option to turn off the editor width settings.
  • Update: Tweak admin google font load so duplicates are not loaded.
  • Fix: Editor Width name issue.
  • Fix: Vertical alignment when minimum height is used.
  • Fix: Typography font when regular is reselected.


  • Fix: Min Height so it doesn’t add to padding.
  • Update: Add extra space when using larger gutter.
  • Update: Change Sidebar to small and No sidebar to Large.
  • Add: New Dividers to Row Layout!
  • Fix: Issue with fullwidth if set as default.
  • Add: Link to Demo Tester.


  • Fix: Row Inner max width.
  • Update: CSS build for Gutenberg update.
  • Fix: Support forms link.
  • Update: Buttons with font family selection.


  • Fix: Small JS error in the admin.


  • Add: github link.
  • Update: Editor width to change image max width.
  • Update: Spacer/Divider block to show height while resizing.
  • Update: Icons Block to copy styles from previous icon when adding more.
  • Update: Button Block to copy styles from previous Button when adding more.
  • Add: New Advanced Header Block with full Google font support.


  • Initial Release.