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"Perfection is finally attained not when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away"

(c) Antoine de Saint ExupΓ©ry

Putout is a pluggable and configurable code transformer with built-in eslint, babel plugins and jscodeshift codemods support for js, jsx typescript and flow files. It has a lot of transforms that will keep your codebase in a clean state transforming any code smell to readable code according to best practices.


Table of Contents

Why does this project exist?

The main difference of putout is saving code transformation results directly in a source code in a day-to-day baisis.


npm i putout -D


Usage: putout [options] [path]
   -h, --help                  display this help and exit
   -v, --version               output version information and exit
   -f, --format                use a specific output format - default: progress-bar/dump on CI
   -s, --staged                add staged files when in git repository
   --fix                       apply fixes of errors to code
   --fix-count                 count of fixes rounds (defaults to 10)
   --rulesdir                  use additional rules from directory
   --transform                 apply inline transform
   --plugins                   plugins to use splited by comma
   --enable                    enable rule by name in .putout.json
   --disable                   disable rule by name in .putout.json
   --enable-all                enable all rules in .putout.json
   --disable-all               disable all rules in .putout.json
   --flow                      enable flow
   --no-flow                   disable flow (default)
   --cache                     enable cache to speed up processing (default)
   --fresh                     generate a fresh cache
   --no-config                 avoid reading config file (.putout.json)
   --no-ci                     disable CI detection
   --no-cache                  disable cache

To find possible transform places:

putout lib test

To apply transforms:

putout lib test --fix

Environment variables

Putout supports next environment variables:

  • PUTOUT_FILES - files that should be processed by putout, divided by ",";
PUTOUT_FILES=lib,test putout --fix


Putout consists of a couple simple parts, here is workflow representation:


And here is CLI sheme:



Engines is a hurt of putout: loader, runner and parser works for every processed file. Processor runs all the processors.

Package Version Dependencies
@putout/engine-parser npm Dependency Status
@putout/engine-loader npm Dependency Status
@putout/engine-runner npm Dependency Status
@putout/engine-processor npm Dependency Status


With help of processors putout can be extended to read any file format and parse JavaScript from there.

Here is a list of built-int processors:

Package Version Dependencies
@putout/processor-javascript npm Dependency Status
@putout/processor-json npm Dependency Status
@putout/processor-markdown npm Dependency Status
@putout/processor-ignore npm Dependency Status
@putout/processor-yaml npm Dependency Status
@putout/processor-css npm Dependency Status

You can disable any of them with:

    "processors": [
        ["markdown", "off"]

And not bundled processors:

Package Version Dependencies
@putout/processor-typescript npm Dependency Status
@putout/processor-html npm Dependency Status

To enable it use:

    "processors": [
        ["typescript", "on"]

Processors can be tested using @putout/test/processors.


putout(source, options)

First things first, require putout:

const putout = require('putout');

Let's consider next source with two variables and one call expression:

const hello = 'world';
const hi = 'there';


We can declare it as source:

const source = `
    const hello = 'world';
    const hi = 'there';


Putout supports dynamic loading of plugins from node_modules. Let's consider example of using remove-unused-variables plugin:

putout(source, {
    plugins: [
// returns
    code: "\n    const hello = 'world';\n\n    console.log(hello);\n",
    places: [],

As you see places is empty, but the code is changed: there is no hi variable.

No fix

From the first day putout was developed with ability to split main process into two concepts: find and fix. This conception mirrorod in the code, so you can find all places with redundant variables without transformation:

putout(source, {
    fix: false,
    plugins: [
// returns
    code: '\n' +
    "    const hello = 'world';\n" +
    "    const hi = 'there';\n" +
    '    \n' +
    '    console.log(hello);\n',
    places: [{
        rule: 'remove-unused-variables',
        message: '"hi" is defined but never used',
        position: {line: 3, column: 10},

Built-in transformations

remove unused variables
  function show() {
-     const message = 'hello';
      console.log('hello world');
remove duplicates from logical expressions
-a && b && a
+a && b
remove unused for-of variables
-for (const {a, b} of c) {
+for (const {a} of c) {
remove unreferenced variables
-let a;
- a = 1;
let b;
b = 2;
remove duplicate keys
const a = {
-    x: 'hello',
-    ...y,
    x: 'world',
remove duplicate case
switch (x) {
    case 5:
-    case 5:
-        console.log('zz');
-        break;
remove unused private fields
  class Hello {
    #a = 5;
-   #b = 3;
    get() {
        return this.#a;
remove unused expressions
  function show(error) {
-     showError;
remove useless variables
-   function hi(a) {
-       const b = a;
+   function hi(b) {
remove useless continue
+for (sign = decpt, i = 0; (sign /= 10) != 0; i++);
-for (sign = decpt, i = 0; (sign /= 10) != 0; i++)
-    continue;
remove useless operand
-a = a + b;
+a += b;
remove useless return
-module.exports.traverse = ({push}) => {
-    return {
-        ObjectExpression(path) {
-        }
-    }
+module.exports.traverse = ({push}) => ({
+   ObjectExpression(path) {
+   }
remove useless array constructor
-const a = Array(1, 2, 3);
+const a = [1, 2, 3];
remove useless conditions
-if (zone?.tooltipCallback) {
-    zone.tooltipCallback(e);
remove useless type conversion
-const a = Boolean(b.includes(c));
+const a = b.includes(c);

--if (!!a)
++if (a)
remove useless functions
-   const f = (...a) => fn(...a);
+   const f = fn;
remove useless typeof
- typeof typeof 'hello';
+ typeof 'hello';
remove useless await
-   await await Promise.resolve('hello');
+   await Promise.resolve('hello');
remove useless async
-const show = async () => {
+const show = () => {
add missing await
+await runCli();

async function runCli() {
declare undefined variables
const fs = import 'fs/promises';
const {stub} = import 'supertape';

+const {assign} = Object;

const readFile = stub();

assign(fs, {
remove useless arguments
-   generate,
-   abc,

function onIfStatement({push}) {
remove useless template expressions
-let y =`${"hello"} + ${"world"}`;
+let y =`hello + world`;
remove useless for-of
-for (const a of ['hello']) {
-    console.log(a);
reuse duplicateinit
const putout = require('putout');
-const {operator} = require('putout');
+const {operator} = putout;
convert assignment to arrow function
-const createRegExp = (a) = RegExp(a, 'g');
+const createRegExp = (a) => RegExp(a, 'g');
convert assignment to comparison
-if (a = 5) {
+if (a === 5) {
convert equal to strict equal
-if (a == b) {
+if (a === b) {
convert indexOf to includes
-if (~array.indexOf(element)) {
+if (array.includes(element)) {
convert generic to shorthand (for typescript) (why)
interface A {
-    x: Array<X>;
+    x: X[];
remove useless types from constants
-const x: any = 5;
+const x = 5;
convert fs.promises to fs/promises for node.js
-const {readFile} = require('fs').promises;
+const {readFile} = require('fs/promises');
remove useless types (for typescript)
type oldType = number;
-type newType = oldType;
-const x: newType = 5;
+const x: oldType = 5;
remove duplicate interface keys (for typescript)
interface Hello {
-   'hello': any;
    'hello': string;
remove unused types (for typescript)
type n = number;
-type s = string;
+const x: n = 5;
remove useless escape
-const t = 'hello \"world\"';
-const s1 = `hello \"world\"`;
-const s = `hello \'world\'`;
+const t = 'hello "world"';
+const s1 = `hello "world"`;
+const s = `hello 'world'`;
remove useless Array.from
-for (const x of Array.from(y)) {}
+for (const x of y) {}
remove useless spread
-for (const x of [...y]) {}
+for (const x of y) {}
remove useless Promise.resolve
async () => {
-    return Promise.resolve('x');
+    return 'x';
convertPromise.reject to throw
async () => {
-    return Promise.reject('x');
+    throw 'x';
remove debugger statement
- debugger;
remove iife
-(function() {
-    console.log('hello world');
+console.log('hello world');
remove boolean from assertions
-if (a !== true)
+if (!a)
remove boolean from logical expressions
-const t = true && false;
+const t = false;
remove nested blocks
for (const x of Object.keys(a)) {
-   {
-       console.log(x);
-   }
+   console.log(x);
remove unreachable code
function hi() {
    return 5;
-  console.log('hello');
replace test.only with test calls
-test.only('some test here', (t) => {
+test('some test here', (t) => {
replace test.skip with test calls
-test.skip('some test here', (t) => {
+test('some test here', (t) => {
remove process.exit call
split variable declarations
-let a, b;
+let a;
+let b;
split nested destructuring
-const {a: {b}} = c;
+const {a} = c;
+const {b} = a;
simplify ternary
-!(options && !options.bidirectional);
+!options || options.bidirectional;
simplify logical expressions
-module.exports = fs.copyFileSync ? fs.copyFileSync : copyFileSync;
+module.exports = fs.copyFileSync || copyFileSync;
remove console.log calls
remove empty block statements
-if (x > 0) {
remove empty patterns
-const {} = process;
remove strict mode directive from esm
-'use strict';
import * from fs;
Add strict mode directive in commonjs if absent
+'use strict';
const fs = require('fs');
remove constant conditions
function hi(a) {
-   if (2 < 3) {
-       console.log('hello');
-       console.log('world');
-   }
+   console.log('hello');
+   console.log('world');

function world(a) {
-   if (false) {
-       console.log('hello');
-       console.log('world');
-   }
convert esm to commonjs (disabled)
-import hello from 'world';
+const hello = require('world');
convert commonjs to esm (disabled)
-const hello = require('world');
+import hello from 'world';
convert replace to replaceAll (disabled, stage-4)
-'hello'.replace(/hello/g, 'world');
+'hello'.replaceAll('hello', 'world');
apply destructuring
-const hello = world.hello;
-const a = b[0];
+const {hello} = world;
+const [a] = b;
apply if condition
-if (2 > 3);
+if (2 > 3)
apply bunled, stage-3)
-const latest = (a) => a[a.length - 1];
+const latest = (a) =>;
apply top-level-await (proposal-top-level-await, enabled for ESM)
import fs from 'fs';

-(async () => {
-    const data = await fs.promises.readFile('hello.txt');
+const data = await fs.promises.readFile('hello.txt');
apply numeric separators(proposal-numeric-separator)
-const a = 100000000;
+const a = 100_000_000;
convert throw statement into expression (proposal-throw-expressions, not bundled)
-const fn = (a) => {throw Error(a);}
+const fn = (a) => throw Error(a);
apply optional chaining (proposal-optional-chaining)
-const result = hello &&;
+const result = hello?.world;
apply as type assertion (according to best practices)
-const boundaryElement = <HTMLElement>;
+const boundaryElement1 = as HTMLElement;
apply nullish coalescing (proposal-nullish-coalescing, not bundled)
-result = typeof result  === 'undefined' ? 'hello': result;
result = result ?? 'hello';
merge destructuring properties
-const {one} = require('numbers'):
-const {two} = require('numbers');
+ const {
+   one,
+   two
+} = require('numbers');
merge duplicate imports
-import {m as b} from 'y';
-import {z} from 'y';
-import x from 'y';
+import x, {m as b, z} from 'y';
merge if statements
-if (a > b)
-    if (b < c)
-        console.log('hi');
+if (a > b && b < c)
+    console.log('hi');
convert Math.pow to exponentiation operator
-Math.pow(2, 4);
+2 ** 4;
convert anonymous to arrow function
-module.exports = function(a, b) {
+module.exports = (a, b) => {
convert for to for-of
-for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
+for (const item of items) {
-   const item = items[i];
convert forEach to for-of
-Object.keys(json).forEach((name) => {
+for (const name of Object.keys(json)) {
    manage(name, json[name]);
convert for-in to for-of
-for (const name in object) {
-   if (object.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
+for (const name of Object.keys(object)) {
-   }
convert array copy to slice
-const places = [
-    ...items,
+const places = items.slice();
extract sequence expressions
-module.exports.x = 1,
-module.exports.y = 2;
+module.exports.x = 1;
+module.exports.y = 2;
extract object properties into variable
-const {replace} = putout.operator;
-const {isIdentifier} = putout.types;
+const {operator, types} = putout;
+const {replace} = operator;
+const {isIdentifier} = types;
convert apply to spread
-console.log.apply(console, arguments);
convert concat to flat
convert arguments to rest
-function hello() {
-    console.log(arguments);
+function hello(...args) {
+    console.log(args);
convert Object.assign to merge spread
function merge(a) {
-   return Object.assign({}, a, {
-       hello: 'world'
-   });
+   return {
+       ...a,
+       hello: 'world'
+   };
convert comparison to boolean
-   const a = b === b;
+   const a = true;
convert top-level return into process.exit()(because EcmaScript Modules doesn't support top level return)
-   return;
+   process.exit();
add await to return promise() statements (because it's faster, produces call stack and more readable)
async run () {
-   return promise();
+   return await promise();


The putout repo is comprised of many npm packages. It is a lerna monorepo similar to babel.


Package Version Dependencies
@putout/plugin-apply-numeric-separators npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-apply-destructuring npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-apply-top-level-await npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-apply-optional-chaining npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-apply-as-type-assertions npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-apply-if-condition npm Dependency Status


Package Version Dependencies
@putout/plugin-split-variable-declarations npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-split-nested-destructuring npm Dependency Status


Package Version Dependencies
@putout/plugin-merge-destructuring-properties npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-merge-duplicate-imports npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-merge-if-statements npm Dependency Status


Package Version Dependencies
@putout/plugin-convert-apply-to-spread npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-convert-concat-to-flat npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-convert-esm-to-commonjs npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-convert-commonjs-to-esm npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-convert-array-copy-to-slice npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-convert-template-to-string npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-convert-equal-to-strict-equal npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-convert-index-of-to-includes npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-convert-generic-to-shorthand npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-convert-math-pow npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-convert-to-arrow-function npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-convert-for-to-for-of npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-convert-for-each-to-for-of npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-convert-for-in-to-for-of npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-convert-object-assign-to-merge-spread npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-convert-comparison-to-boolean npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-convert-top-level-return npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-convert-mock-require-to-mock-import npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-convert-assignment-to-arrow-function npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-convert-assignment-to-comparison npm Dependency Status


Package Version Dependencies
@putout/plugin-remove-unused-variables npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-unused-for-of-variables npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-unused-types npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-unreferenced-variables npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-duplicate-keys npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-duplicate-interface-keys npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-duplicate-case npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-unused-expressions npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-unused-private-fields npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-useless-variables npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-useless-return npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-useless-continue npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-useless-operand npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-useless-array-constructor npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-useless-conditions npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-useless-type-conversion npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-useless-functions npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-useless-async npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-useless-await npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-useless-typeof npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-useless-types npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-useless-types-from-constants npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-useless-array-from npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-useless-spread npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-useless-arguments npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-useless-escape npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-useless-template-expressions npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-useless-for-of npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-process-exit npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-debugger npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-iife npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-only npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-skip npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-double-negations npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-unreachable-code npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-console npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-empty npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-empty-pattern npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-constant-conditions npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-boolean-from-assertions npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-boolean-from-logical-expressions npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-duplicates-from-logical-expressions npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-remove-nested-blocks npm Dependency Status

Not bundled

Next packages not bundled with putout but can be installed separately.

Package Version Dependencies
@putout/plugin-react-hooks npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-convert-is-nan-to-number-is-nan npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-convert-spread-to-array-from npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-apply-shorthand-properties npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-apply-nullish-coalescing npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-cloudcmd npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-postcss npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-convert-any-to-primitive npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-travis npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-convert-throw npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-apply-array-at npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-add-return-await npm Dependency Status


Package Version Dependencies
@putout/plugin-declare-undefined-variables npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-reuse-duplicate-init npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-madrun npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-strict-mode npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-extract-sequence-expressions npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-extract-object-properties npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-simplify-ternary npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-simplify-logical-expressions npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-putout npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-putout-config npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-tape npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-webpack npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-eslint npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-package-json npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-promises npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-gitignore npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-npmignore npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-browserlist npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-github npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-regexp npm Dependency Status
@putout/plugin-nodejs npm Dependency Status


putout uses formatters similar to eslint's formatters. You can specify a formatter using the --format or -f flag on the command line. For example, --format codeframe uses the codeframe formatter.

The built-in formatter options are:

  • dump
  • stream
  • json
  • json-lines
  • codeframe
  • progress
  • progress-bar
  • frame (codeframe + progress)
  • memory
Package Version Dependencies
@putout/formatter-dump npm Dependency Status
@putout/formatter-stream npm Dependency Status
@putout/formatter-progress npm Dependency Status
@putout/formatter-progress-bar npm Dependency Status
@putout/formatter-json npm Dependency Status
@putout/formatter-json-lines npm Dependency Status
@putout/formatter-codeframe npm Dependency Status
@putout/formatter-frame npm Dependency Status
@putout/formatter-eslint npm Dependency Status
@putout/formatter-memory npm Dependency Status

Custom Formatter

Formatter function executes on every processed file, it should return output string.

module.exports = ({name, source, places, index, count, filesCount, errorsCount}) => {
    return '';

Here is list of options:

  • name - name of processed file
  • source - source code of processed file
  • index - current index
  • count - processing files count
  • filesCount - count of files with errors
  • errorsCount count of errors

You can avoid any of this and use only what you nead. To make possible using with putout add prefix putout-formatter- to your npm package, and add tags putout, formatter, putout-formatter.

Eslint Formatters

eslint formatters can be used as well with help of @putout/formatter-eslint this way:


npm i putout @putout/formatter-eslint eslint-formatter-pretty -D


ESLINT_FORMATTER=pretty putout -f eslint lib


To configure putout add section putout to your package.json file or create .putout.json file and override any of default options.


All rules located in plugins section and built-in rules are enabled by default. You can disable rules using "off", or enable them (in match section) using "on".

    "rules": {
        "remove-unused-variables": "off"

Or pass options using rules section:

    "rules": {
        "remove-unused-variables": ["on", {
            "exclude": "const global = __"

With help of exclude you can set code pattern to exclude for current rule. Pass an array when you have a couple templates to exclude.

exclude is cross-plugins function supported by core, when develop your plugin, please use other name to keep users ability to customize all plugins in a way they need to.


When you need to match paths to rules you can use match section for this purpose in .putout.json:

    "match": {
        "server": {
            "remove-process-exit": "on"


When you need to ignore some routes no metter what, you can use ignore section in .putout.json:

    "ignore": [


There is two types of plugins supported by putout, their names in npm started with prefix:

  • @putout/plugin- for official plugins
  • putout-plugin- for user plugins

Example If you need to remove-something create putout plugin with a name putout-plugin-remove-something and add it to .putout.json:

    "plugins": [

Add putout as a peerDependency to your packages.json (>= of version you developing for).

Always add keywords putout, putout-plugin when publish putout plugin to npm so others can easily find it.

Plugins API

Let's consider a couple plugin types, that can be used.


The simplest putout plugin type, consits of 2 functions:

  • report(path) - report error message to putout cli;
  • replace - replace key template into value template; = () => 'use optional chaining';
module.exports.replace = () => ({
    '__a && __a.__b': '__a?.__b',

This plugin will find and sugest to replace all occurrences of code: object && into object?.property.


More powerful plugin type, when you need more control over traversing. It should contain next 2 functions:

  • report(path) - report error message to putout cli;
  • fix(path) - fixes paths using places array received using find function;

and one or more of this:

  • filter(path) - filter path, should return true, or false (don't use with traverse);
  • include - returns array of templates, or node names to include;
  • exclude - returns array of templates, or node names to exclude; = () => 'use optional chaining';
module.exports.include = () => [

module.exports.fix = (path) => {

More information about supported plugin types you can find at @putout/engine-runner. About the process of plugins loading you can find at @putout/engine-loader.

When you need, you can use @babel/types, template and generate. All of this can be get from putout:

const {
} = require('putout');

Most information you can find in Babel Plugin Handbook is relevant to putout plugins. To understand how things works from the inside take a look at Super Tiny Compiler.


When you need to use replaceWith, replaceWithMultiple, or insertAfter, please use operator instead of path-methods.

const {template, operator} = require('putout');
const {replaceWith} = operator;

const ast = template.ast(`
  const str = 'hello';

module.exports.fix = (path) => {
    // wrong
    // correct
    replaceWith(path, ast);

This should be done to preserve loc and comments information, which is different in babel and recast. putout will handle this case for you :), just use methods of operator.

Putout Plugin

When you work on a plugin or codemod please add rule putout into .putout.json:

    "rules": {
        "putout": "on"

@putout/plugin-putout will handle plugin-specific cases for you :).


Let's consider simplest possible plugin for removing debugger statements @putout/plugin-remove-debugger:

// this is a message to show in putout cli = () => 'Unexpected "debugger" statement';

// let's find all "debugger" statements and replace them with ""
module.exports.replace = () => ({
    debugger: '',

Visitor used in traverse function can be code template as well. So when you need to find module.exports = <something>, you can use:

module.exports.traverse = ({push}) => ({
    'module.exports = __'(path) {

Where __ is a placeholder for anything.

Remember: template key should be valid JavaScript, or Type name like in previous example.

You can also use include and/or exclude insead of traverse and filter (more sophisticated example):

// should be always used include/or exclude, when traverse not used
module.exports.include = () => [

// optional
module.exports.exclude = () => [

// optional
module.exports.filter = (path) => {
    // do some checks
    return true;


There is predefined placeholders:

  • __ - any code;
  • "__" - any string literal;
  • __ - any template string literal;


That was the simplest module to remove debugger statements in your code. Let's look how to test it using @putout/test:

const removeDebugger = require('..');
const test = require('@putout/test')(__dirname, {
    'remove-debugger': removeDebugger,

// this is how we test that messages is correct
test('remove debugger: report', (t) => {
    t.reportCode('debugger', 'Unexpected "debugger" statement');

// stetement should be removed so result is empty
test('remove debugger: transformCode', (t) => {
    t.transformCode('debugger', '');

As you see test runner it is little bit extended supertape. To see more sophisticated example look at @putout/remove-console.

🀷�?β™‚οΏ½? What if I don't want to publish plugin?

If you don't want to publish the plugin you developed, you can pass it to Putout as an object described earler. Here is how it can look like:

putout('const a = 5', {
    plugins: [
        ['remove-unused-variables', require('@putout/plugin-remove-unused-variables')],

Where plugins is an array that contains [name, implementation] tuples.

Using Babel Plugins with Putout

You can add babel to plugins section of .putout.json with babel/ prefix.

You can disable rule, or use match in a similar way.

Remember to omit babel-plugin- or @babel/plugin: putout will set it up for you :)

Example Let's add babel-plugin-transform-inline-consecutive-adds to .putout.json:

    "plugins": [

Then create a file and process it with help of babel plugin.

coderaiser@cloudcmd:~$ cat > a.js
const t = [];

coderaiser@cloudcmd:~$ putout a.js -f codeframe
  2 | t.push(1);
  3 | t.push(2);
> 4 |
    | ^ transform inline consecutive adds

βœ– 1 errors in 1 files
  fixable with the `--fix` option
coderaiser@cloudcmd:~$ putout --fix a.js
coderaiser@cloudcmd:~$ cat a.js
const t = [1, 2];

Using putout as a runner for babel plugins you can not only change file content, but also see what exactly will be changed. You can use your already written babel plugins or reuse work in progress plugins made for babel, but remember that putout plugins gave more accurate information about changing places, and works faster (no need to find information about changes in transformed file).

Babel plugins list

Here you can find babel plugins which feets the most main purpose of putout and advised to use:

-const foo = {};
-foo.a = 42;
-foo.b = ["hi"];
-foo.c = bar();
-foo.d = "str";
+const foo = {
+  a: 42,
+  b: ["hi"],
+  c: bar(),
+  d: "str"

-const bar = [];
+const bar = [1, 2];
function merge(a) {
-   return Object.assign({}, a, {
-       hello: 'world'
-   });
+   return {
+       ...a,
+       hello: 'world'
+   };
try {
    throw 0;
-} catch (err) {
+} catch {
    console.log("it failed, but this code executes");

Please send pull requests with babel plugins which can be used as codemods, or simplify, fix, makes code more readable.

Using JSCodeshift codemods with Putout

jscodeshift codemods can be added to plugins section of .putout.json with prefix jscodeshift/. This way:


    "plugins": [

JSCodeshift codemods list

Here you can find jscodeshift codemods which feets the most main purpose of putout and advised to use:

-function makeRequest() {
-  return getJSON().then(data => {
-    console.log(data);
-    return 'done';
-  });
+ async function makeRequest() {
+  const data = await getJSON();
+  console.log(data);
+  return 'done';

Please send pull requests with jscodeshift codemods which can be used to simplify, fix or makes code more readable.


putout supports codemodes in the similar to plugins way, just create a directory ~/.putout and put your plugins there. Here is example: convert-tape-to-supertape and this is example of work.

Integration with ESLint

If you see that putout brokes formatting of your code, use eslint plugin eslint-plugin-putout.

Install eslint-plugin-putout with:

npm i eslint eslint-plugin-putout -D

Then create .eslintrc.json:

    "extends": [
    "plugins": [

And use with putout this way:

putout --fix lib

To set custom eslint config file use ESLINT_CONFIG_FILE env variable:

ESLINT_CONFIG_FILE=test.eslintrc.json putout --fix lib

You can even use only eslint, because putout bundled to eslint-plugin-putout with:

eslint --fix lib

Will uses putout transformations for you :).

Integration with Babel

Putout can be used as babel plugin. Just create .babelrc.json file with configuration you need.

    "plugins": [
        ["putout", {
            "rules": {
                "remove-unused-variables": "off"

Real-world uses

Do you use putout in your application as well? Please open a Pull Request to include it here. We would love to have it in our list.

Versioning Policy

Putout follows semantic versioning (semver) principles. That means that with a version number major.minor.patch:

  • patch: bug fix, dependency update (17.0.0 -> 17.0.1).
  • minor: new features, new rules or fixes (17.0.0 -> 17.1.0).
  • major breaking changes, removing rules (17.0.0 -> 18.0.0).


You can make contribution proposing a feature, fixing a bug or typo in documentation or making a dontation ;).


putout requires quite a lot of effort and time. If you like it, support on patreon.
