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You don't know Redis

Website developmentNoSQLReactJSServerless

Originally posted on DEV.to

In my previous post, I touched on the point that Redis is more than just an in-memory cache.

Most people do not even consider Redis as a primary database. There are a lot of use cases where Redis is a perfect choice for non-cache related tasks.

In this article, I will demonstrate how I built a fully functional Q&A board for asking and upvoting the most interesting questions. Redis will be used as a primary database.

I will use Gatsby (React), Netlify serverless functions and Upstash Serverless Redis.

Upstash has been a good choice so far and I decided to try it out in a more serious project. I love everything serverless and how it makes things simpler for me.

Serverless will be a great choice for most tasks however you need to know the pros and cons of the tech you are using. I encourage you to learn more about serverless to get the most out of it.

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Getting To Learn About Angular Ivy


The software development world is a dynamic one. Tools and applications are constantly upgrading and getting better to make advanced technology possible. Technologies that do not upgrade will eventually become obsolete and fade away with time. The principle of constant upgrading is especially true for the really popular tools, like the front-end framework Angular. To provide developers with a more robust and solid front-end development experience, Angular introduced a cutting-edge compilation and rendering pipeline in their version 9. The new engine was christened Ivy.

With Ivy, Angular aimed to double down on the advantages it traditionally offered. This article will take you through all the new advancements that come bundled with Ivy. It will also quickly go through what is deprecated and how it handles Angular applications made on the previous View engine. Angular Ivy was made to accommodate all exciting new developments that could be needed in the future. This article talks about the updates that followed the original rollout.

What’s New In Angular Ivy

Ivy was introduced as the default engine with Angular’s version 9 and continues to support subsequent versions. One of the main aims of Angular’s Ivy engine was to amplify the performance and minimize the file size of Angular applications. The development team behind Angular employed different techniques to achieve the aim of faster and lighter Angular applications. The prominent strategies behind Ivy are discussed below:

The Ivy Compiler

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How WCF Shoots Itself in the Foot With TraceSource

PVS-Studio corporate blog.NETC#Development for Windows

We don't often get the chance to write something on parallel programming issues. This time we "got lucky". The TraceEvent standard method has some implementation peculiarities. They resulted in an error with multiple threads blocking. So we'd like to warn users about this nuance and cover this interesting case from our users support practice. Why was our support involved? Keep reading to find out. Enjoy the reading!

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It is an efficient searching technique. Searching is a widespread operation on any data structure. Hashing is used to search specific records from a large domain of records. If we can efficiently search a record out of  many records, we easily perform different operations on that data. Hashing is storing and retrieving data from the database in the order of O(1) time. We can also call it the mapping technique because we try to map smaller values into larger values by using hashing.

Following are the significant terminologies related to hashing

Search Key

In the database, we usually perform searching with the help of some keys. These keys are called search keys. If we take the student data, then we search by some registration number. This registration number is a search key. We have to put the search keys in hash tables.

Hash Table

It is a data structure that provides us the methodology to store data properly. A hash table is shown below. It is similar to an array. And we have indexes in it also like an array.

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Binary Search


Searching is the method to search for a specific element in a group of an element. It needs a unique identity that is associated with the desired element. As a unique identity of that desired element has been found, the index to that desired element is returned.  The index indicates the location or address where that specific element has been found in the list elements of the array. If the desired data is found, particular data has been returned. Otherwise, it returned a null value.

There are several categories of search algorithms such as.

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Google Cloud Platform for WebRTC CDN with Balancing and Autoscaling

Flashphoner corporate blogWebsite developmentWorking with videoDevOpsVideo conferencing

In the previous article we refreshed our memory of WebRTC CDN and the ways this technology helps to minimize latency for WebRTC streams. We also discussed why load balancing and autoscaling wouldn't be amiss in CDNs. Here are the main points from the article:

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AWS, ELB, CDN, Autoscaling and other abbreviations and terms related to low-latency WebRTC

Flashphoner corporate blogWebsite developmentWorking with videoDevOps

The modern browsers do not give users a choice between using WebRTC and not using it. And while you can playback streams using HLS or MSE, WebRTC remains the only tool for capturing camera feeds and publishing streams from a browser. The browser developers have accepted this "format" and integrated it into their products – just as they used to support the Flash Player as a plugin. The only difference is that WebRTC comes natively integrated into the browser — as code, not a plugin. If, in a few years, a new and better library for video streaming is introduced they will undoubtedly make a switch. But these days, Chrome maintains its dominance, so no contenders for WebRTC are in sight.

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.NET Application Optimization: Simple Edits Speeded Up PVS-Studio and Reduced Memory Consumption by 70%

PVS-Studio corporate blog.NETC#

We know many ways to detect performance problems, such as extremely low speed and high memory consumption. Usually tests, developers, or testers detect such applications' drawbacks. In the worst case, users find weaknesses and report back. Alas, detecting defects is only the first step. Next, we should localize the problem. Otherwise, we won't solve it. Here comes a question - how to find weak points that lead to excessive memory consumption and slow down in a large project? Are there such at all? Maybe it's not about the application? So now you're reading a story how PVS-Studio C# developers encountered a similar problem and managed to solve it.

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Automatize it, or Docker container delivery for WebRTC

Flashphoner corporate blogWebsite developmentWorking with videoDevOpsVideo conferencing

The vast majority of IT specialists in various fields strive to perform manually as few actions as possible. I won't be afraid of the loud words: what can be automatized, must be automatized!

Let's imagine a situation: you need to deploy a lot of servers of the same type and do it quickly. Quickly deploy, quickly undeploy. For example, to deploy test rigs for developers. When development is carried out in parallel, you may need to separate the developers, so they don't impede each other and possible errors of one of them don't block the work of the others.

There may be several ways to solve this problem:

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Top 5 Best VOD Streaming Platforms in 2021

Business ModelsSoftware

These days, video streaming mobile apps have been witnessed with an increased spike of subscribers & now much video content is being much cherished without any interruptions via a streaming app. 

This is duly because catering to the prerequisite needs of end-users have popularized several VOD streaming services that has bought keen interest as compared to to the big black box which is slowly diminishing its presence. 

According to recent forecasted data, there is a positive anticipation of the entire VOD streaming  platform development’s  market to expand its size & peak its value by $842.93 billion by the year 2027! Source: Softermii 

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Diving Into Angular Services


When building any kind of application, it is often seen that a certain functionality is needed again and again at different points. It could be the functionality to display something in a certain way or retrieve data from a source, to name a few examples. Such a common case like this can appear in all kinds of development, be it front-end or back-end. A robust front-end development framework like Angular handles such a case by allowing the development of objects that can be imported by any part as needed. These objects can extract some common logic or data are known as services.

This article helps you understand what Angular services are and what are the different kinds of use-cases they can be used in. Angular services are not limited to one particular type of job and can contain methods that are repeatedly required by different components of the application. Afterward, this article will show what it is like to code service and what makes it accessible to any of the components.

The Gist Of What Angular Services Are

Given how fundamental components are to Angular applications, it is important to briefly go through them to further understand any other concept, like services. Apart from that, components and services are often confused with each other as well. Hence, it is necessary to refresh our understanding of components.

Components are the very backbone of Angular applications. All the different functionalities or visual elements of the application are attributed to a component. Every component contains the working logic for the functionality or visual element and the instructions for its visual rendering. Every Angular application is based on a tree of components. In the component tree, every component working is dependent on or consists of, other component(s).

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A Quick Guide To Angular Pipes


Impressive web development is the result of a successful synergy of robust back-end and an appealing front-end. Usually, the back-end is thought to be the ‘brains’ of a webpage and the front-end is merely the shiny exterior. However, with the right front-end development framework, powerful computations can happen directly on the front-end as well. Angular happens to be one of such impressive front-end development frameworks. Through its templates, Angular offers the opportunity for data to be processed and formatted in a certain way right there in the HTML code. This is made possible through functions with easy-to-understand syntax and usage, and they are called pipes.

This article will serve as a quick guide to tell you all the meaty stuff to know about pipes and how to effectively use them. Pipes come in various types and can significantly simplify data collection and processing in use cases where the front-end is the main gateway of obtaining the data. The article will also discuss how pipes are tested during the unit testing of Angular applications (which is not as difficult as it may seem for some).

The Ins And Outs Of Angular Pipes

Before moving on to discussing Angular pipes, it is imperative to understand what Angular components and templates are. Pipes are present in the template part of the component, making it necessary to understand the former to grasp the utility of the latter.

Angular applications are fundamentally made up of units called components. Each component is centered around a certain functionality or visual aspect of the application. These components are self-contained and consist of both its working logic along with instructions about its visual rendering. The latter is stored in what are called templates. Templates are simply HTML code that can be in the form of a separate file or inline code within the @Component decorator (which is written in TypeScript). An example of an Angular component can be seen below.

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Knowing All About Angular Templates


All the popular frameworks used in the world of front-end development have different approaches to the tools offered for development. However, almost all frameworks focus on providing as much encapsulation as possible. More encapsulation would mean that the developer does not need to worry about nitty-gritty details and the client does not see what they don’t need to see. This leads to a smoother development and an easy-to-understand view of the application to the client. The popular front-end development framework Angular exhibits this principle in many different ways. One of the most prominent examples being through the use of templates.

This article explains what templates are and how Angular uses them to further streamline the front-end development process. Through templates, a developer is able to keep the graphical layout of an aspect of the Angular application separate from its working logic. However, communication between the graphical and logical parts is still possible. This article will take you through to make use of these templates and some of the more advanced functionality they can offer.

Understanding Angular Templates

Before moving on to discussing templates, it is important to grasp what Angular components are. After all, a template is an integral part of a component. Through components, we will be able to better understand the purpose and workings of a template.

At the fundamental level of any Angular application lies a tree of components. Each bigger component is connected to a child component(s) that it can pass data on to and invoke the creation of. Each component is associated with a certain functionality of the application and this modular nature helps with a more sophisticated development process. The Angular component is self-contained, in the sense that it consists of the working logic for the functionality and its visual representation. While the former is defined through a class, the latter is done through a template.

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PVS-Studio's New Website: How We Designed It

PVS-Studio corporate blogWebsite developmentIT Infrastructure

The PVS-Studio website turns 15 this year. This is quite significant for any internet resource. Back then, when our website was born, Russia announced 2006 as a year of humanities. That same year, in June, Denis Kryuchkov established a new platform, "Habrhabr" (now known as Habr). In November, Microsoft officially completed OS Windows Vista. That same month we registered the viva64.com domain.

We celebrated our domain's 10th anniversary with the website's redesign. After that, we would only change the resource capacity and features, but we'd never touch the design in any way. During this time, the number of articles grew so much that we needed to add tags to facilitate navigation. Right now we are also working on our YouTube channel. This means, you will see more and more new videos on our website as well. We keep adding new web pages at a tremendous rate, while the website's usability stays the same.

Time has come for big changes!

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