Future Tech
Create Tomorrow

Fast Forward audio documentary series in full

6-episode audio series on lessons from the recent tech past

Technology-led progress means a frantic pace that can stop us learning from technology's past. Tomorrow Unlocked's new audio series Fast Forward examines forces shaping technology by looking at the recent past. It distills practical learnings that might have been missed in the flurry of forward momentum.

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Create Tomorrow

4 Star Wars-inspired films for May the 4th

Lives today are linked to the world of Star Wars more than many realize

Today is Star Wars Day! What better way to celebrate the iconic movies than by checking out these 4 documentaries that show how Star Wars technology is becoming a daily reality. These short films explore the amazing possibilities of this moment in robotics, cryonics and human augmentation.

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Create Tomorrow

Five best sci-fi TV shows predicting tech’s future

Videos we love: Five amazing sci-fi shows that predict the future of tech

Technology could go anywhere in future. We ask you, which of these five sci-fi on-demand TV shows predicts it best?

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Protect Tomorrow

The real reason behind our AI skepticism

Our video picks: Sci-fi's role in the future of AI, courtesy of Big Think

Did Will Smith in I, Robot do such a convincing job that we can't bear the thought of AI friends? Sci-fi author Ken MacLeod on the real reason for our AI skepticism, and how it could do us a favor.

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Create Tomorrow

A full week wearing a VR headset: What happened?

Our video picks: Don't try this at home, courtesy of Disrupt

One man spent 168 hours – a full week – in a VR headset. He came out with these insights. Crazy experiment or timely voyage?

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Protect Tomorrow

What do we do when AI becomes too powerful?

Our video picks: Freethink shows why it's crucial to govern AI

As AI amplifies everything humans have achieved, taking us further into the unknown, one question hangs in the balance.

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Could this beetle end water scarcity?

Our video picks: This World Water Day, Science Insider introduces nature's water-saving experts

This World Water Day, we're asking, how will we beat the world's water crisis? Science Insider says one tiny beetle could be the answer.

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Create Tomorrow

Cyborgs: Would you trust this implant?

Live Q&A; on human augmentation's future

Cyborg, cyborg, where art thou? Right here. I'm joined by Kaspersky's Marco Preuß to discuss the future of human augmentation with two people living augmented lives.

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Is screaming the new COVID-19 screening?

This invention could be a faster and easier method of testing for coronavirus, says Reuters

Create Tomorrow

Can ice and code preserve human culture?

Freethink meets the Arctic World Archive, archiving knowledge in ice

Create Tomorrow

Urban Sun - art to beat the pandemic

This art project explores how UVC light could clean coronavirus from public spaces

Create Tomorrow

Taking notes from nature

3 examples of scientists using biomimicry for human improvement

Humans are innovative but has it been done before? Learning from and mimicking nature for human designs is known as biomimicry. Find out how inspiring nature truly is when scientists utilise biomimicry in order to successfully create intelligent mechanisms:

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