Protect Tomorrow

Fighting police for openness on cell tracking

Chicago's tiny not-for-profit taking on powerful institutions.

The history of surveillance is one of control. As monitoring technologies accelerate, one not-for-profit noticed a concerning rise in unethical police cell phone observation. Their objections led to new, stronger digital rights legislation.

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Protect Tomorrow

How to defend privacy in digital space?

Kira Rakova and her team help you regain control of your personal data.

Protect Tomorrow

Empowering African women against cyber-harassment

Safe Sisters fight harassment and 'revenge porn' with education

Online abuse and cyber-harassment mean a disproportionate number of women remove themselves from crucial discussions. One not-for-profit is making a change for women in East Africa.

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Protect Tomorrow

AI tech lets disabled gamers smash access barriers

Gamers are using their voice to overcome accessibility problems

By 2023, there could be over three billion gamers worldwide. But for some people with disabilities, taking part in this wildly popular passion can be frustrating to impossible. Now, one piece of tech is out to make slaying dragons and building civilizations accessible to all. Will it change the future of gaming?

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Protect Tomorrow

This NGO believes an online privacy utopia is worth fighting for

The world of digital privacy is changing.

Algorithms are everywhere, but they are trained based on the beliefs of their developer. In episode two of our second season of Defenders of Digital, we learn about Homo Digitalis' work to expose algorithm bias that impedes digital rights for millions. The first corporate they catch might surprise you.

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Protect Tomorrow

The people fighting online child exploitation, one image at a time

Meet Susie Hargreaves and her team.

Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) hunts down child sexual abuse images online and helps identify children involved so that law enforcement can intervene. While the recent pandemic has triggered greater numbers of child abuse images, CEO Susie Hargreaves and her team are fighting back with a new piece of tech.

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Protect Tomorrow

Meet the tech visionaries defending your digital world

Five digital defenders, one goal: Protecting us every day

The Defenders of Digital video series profiles tech experts who guard the digital world. We'll soon launch season two, but for now, these are the five people whose stories started it all. They're critical to our future: they make our digital world safe, free, open and functional. Who are they, and what motivates them?

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Protect Tomorrow

Data versus Trust

How much privacy can there be in the decade of data?

Your phone, your watch, your home – as long as it has a smart in front of its name it has your data. With every click you make, every location you track and every question you ask Siri or Google, your information is being harvested. The collection of users' personal information improves consumer experiences and delivered services, yet also poses additional online threats and risks. The past decade has demonstrated several cases proving that sometimes it is not only a risk, but a certain danger. With that in mind, what kind of privacy hazards could come our way in the 2020s?

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Create Tomorrow

Billion-Dollar Startups

What is your groundbreaking startup idea?

We all have that one friend who comes up with new business ideas at every gathering. Some may sound like gold, but most of them are silly. To give you, as well as Dan Demeter and Marco Preuss, new Inspiration for your next billion-dollar startup, we present you our top three Kickstarter projects.

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