2021 OpenID Foundation New Corporate Member Representative Election Results

Thank you to all Corporate members who voted in the new 2021 OpenID Foundation Corporate Member Representative election. Each year, Corporate members of the OpenID Foundation elect a member to represent them on the board. Ashish Jain was elected by Corporate members during the 2021 elections that were conducted in […]

Public Review Period for Proposed Final OpenID Connect Client-Initiated Backchannel Authentication (CIBA) Core Specification

The OpenID MODRNA Working Group recommends approval of the following specification as an OpenID Final Specification: OpenID Connect Client-Initiated Backchannel Authentication Flow – Core 1.0 A Final Specification provides intellectual property protections to implementers of the specification and is not subject to further revision. This note starts the 60-day public […]

Public Review Period for Two Proposed SSE Implementer’s Drafts   Recently updated !

The OpenID Shared Signals and Events (SSE) Working Group recommends approval of the following specifications as OpenID Implementer’s Drafts: OpenID Shared Signals and Events Framework Specification OpenID Continuous Access Evaluation Profile An Implementer’s Draft is a stable version of a specification providing intellectual property protections to implementers of the specification. […]

Public Review Period for Two Proposed FAPI 2.0 Implementer’s Drafts

The OpenID Financial-grade API (FAPI) Working Group recommends approval of the following specifications as OpenID Implementer’s Drafts: FAPI 2.0 Baseline Profile FAPI 2.0 Attacker Model An Implementer’s Draft is a stable version of a specification providing intellectual property protections to implementers of the specification. This note starts the 45-day public […]

Welcoming Gail Hodges as Our New Executive Director

The OpenID Foundation is thrilled to welcome Gail Hodges as the new Executive Director of the OpenID Foundation. Those of you who already know Gail know that she’s passionate about enabling digital identity to serve the public good. She has extensive experience both in the digital identity space – for […]

Guest Blog: Financial-grade API (FAPI), Explained by an Implementer – Updated

NOTE: This article was updated to align to the FAPI 1.0 Final version which was published in March, 2021. Introduction Financial-grade API (FAPI) is a technical specification that Financial-grade API Working Group of OpenID Foundation has developed. It uses OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (OIDC) as its base and defines additional technical requirements for the financial industry and other industries that […]

The 7 Laws of Identity Standards

The OpenID Foundation is proud to participate in the first ever ‘Identity Management Day,’ an annual awareness event that will take place on the second Tuesday in April each year. The inaugural Identity Management Day is April 13, 2021. Founded by the Identity Defined Security Alliance (IDSA), the mission of Identity Management Day […]

Guest Blog: SecureAuth’s OpenID Foundation Membership Drives Interoperability and Authentication for Customer Identity Security Across Cloud and Mobile

Today, SecureAuth is an official member of the OpenID Foundation a non-profit international standardization organization committed to enabling, promoting and protecting OpenID technologies. As a distinguished member of the Foundation, SecureAuth also now has a voice in the elections for the governing body. SecureAuth Innovation Labs is dedicated to actively […]