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You've launched a new product - now what?

You've launched a new product - now what?

2 min read
AWS Copilot and another 6 ways to easily deploy apps to AWS

AWS Copilot and another 6 ways to easily deploy apps to AWS

2 min read
Is there a place for a small startup launch without a big promotional budget?

Is there a place for a small startup launch without a big promotional budget?

2 min read
How to calculate AWS & Stripe costs, define the price for your product and make a profit on the way

How to calculate AWS & Stripe costs, define the price for your product and make a profit on the way

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2 min read
The Impostor Syndrome Episode: Adding features with Ruby on Rails and having fun with Figma and CSS

The Impostor Syndrome Episode: Adding features with Ruby on Rails and having fun with Figma and CSS

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2 min read
Making website design for a transcription service in 2 days

Making website design for a transcription service in 2 days

2 min read
How to build a transcription service prototype in 90 minutes with Ruby on Rails and AWS

How to build a transcription service prototype in 90 minutes with Ruby on Rails and AWS

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2 min read
How to design a logo for your startup with the help of an artificial intelligence

How to design a logo for your startup with the help of an artificial intelligence

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2 min read