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Web Design and Development: The Yin and Yang of Internet Usability

Almost anyone can create a website, write an article, or claim they’re a designer with basic skills and training; they don’t need special job training or a specific career. However, an efficient page can make all the difference. Most users are looking for a fast, easy-to-use, and somewhat entertaining experience. Every second matters and any delays, inconveniences, or design flaws can turn away potential or existing customers.

It’s important to find a perfect balance between a web page’s design appearance and functionality. A webpage with an amazing theme, fun images, and impressive visuals that takes forever to load due to errors with JavaScript won’t keep visitors engaged for long. The same is true for the inverse situation, where the code might be fantastic but the design is unappealing.

To ensure a top-notch experience, you have to maintain stellar communication between the web designers and developers in terms of ideas and for every project. It’s also essential to clarify what your company, and its clients, want with great detail. The more information, the better. This article takes a look at both sides of the coin and what each brings to the table for website optimization.

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How To Execute a Shell Command Using Java

The Internet is an integral part of our lives, so it’s important to use it consciously and without any risks. We know about the importance of online providers that enable safe searching and stable connection. In this article, we will take a close look at the importance of shell command that minimizes the possibility of an error during your work and how to execute it within Java code. There are two possible ways: the first is the Runtime class and that’s the exec method, and the second is the ProcessBuilder instance.

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5 Online Security Measures to Instantly Up Your Cybersecurity

One of the immutable facts of 21st-century life and a life lived online is that we, as well-meaning users of the internet and internet-connected hardware, are vulnerable. The vastness of cyberspace and the relatively few people who truly understand how to navigate and exploit its protocols mean that there are ample pickings when it comes to theft, intimidation, and exploitation. The cybersecurity threats we face online are constantly growing and changing, and so living and doing business online requires vigilance. With that in mind, below are 5 online security measures to instantly up your cybersecurity in 2021.

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