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Legal and Insurance

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Choosing the Right Insurance Policies for You and Your Business
Going into a job with the right insurance is just as important as having the right tools for the project. However, rising insurance costs have made some budgets too tight ...Read more about
When a Homeowner Still Owes You Money
What can you do, right? We all come across these homeowners sometimes. Maybe we irritated them, maybe they are just bad people, maybe communication broke down somewhere along ...Read more about
A Guaranteed Price Contract says that no matter what price the contractor submits, he guarantees the price. There are only two ways the price can be changed. Get Great Tips on

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Communicating the Contract for Payment
As a home service professional you should become astute with your contract terms, clauses and, most importantly, your rights under your local and state statutes. Learn More About
Getting Clients to Pay Up
Getting work is one thing, getting paid is another. Here's some advice about what to do if a client won't, or can't, pay. Read More on
Closing Contract Loopholes
What's the most important clause in a construction contract? In many cases, unfortunately, it's the clause that wasn't there when you needed it. The painful truth is that no contract...Read more about
Legal Advisor: Liability Insurance
A Kansas lawsuit, Potomac Insurance of Illinois v. Huang, provides a good illustration of the relationship between the contractor, his customer, and his liability insurance carrier. Read more on
Improper Use of Contracts
Strange as it may sound, there are still contractors that work without contracts. This includes jobs that run into five and six digits. Read on
The Lowdown on Worker's Comp
Worker's compensation rules make a lot of people in small construction businesses nervous because they're not sure how those rules apply to them. What exactly is worker's comp...Read more about
Why Subs Must Carry Liability Insurance
As the general contractor, you have liability insurance to protect you from claims for bodily injury or property damage caused by your negligence. So why, you ask, is it important...Read more about
Is Bigger Better?
If you are planning to expand your business, you can probably see some of the challenges that are up ahead. How much time, money, and extra effort can you afford for the big leap toward�Read More on
Liability Insurance
Liability insurance, part of the standard builder's risk policy, promises to defend the contractor if he or she is sued, and promises to pay off any...Read more about
Death of a Contractor
The wife of a builder recently asked me what her business obligations would be if her husband died in the middle of a construction project. That's a...Know about
Idiot-Proof Your Contracts
You probably write your own contracts. By that I mean you buy a form book or copy contracts from other jobs. As someone who writes...Learn more about
Avoiding Expensive Mistakes
One of the most striking things about our industry is just how many chances there are to make mistakes. For every opportunity you have to...Learn how to
Understanding Contract Change Orders
One of the largest problems for contractors is the proper handling of contract change orders. In most instances, the contractor ends up 'reacting' to a change to the...Learn more about
Legal Structure for a Construction Company
Contractors have wrestled with the proper legal structure for their company for years. There is no hard and fast conclusion that works for everyone. There are, however a few...Learn more about
Mechanic Liens: When Somebody Owes You Money
As a subcontractor, general contractor, material supplier, architect, engineer, or any other number of home improvement professionals, your right to file a mechanic lien is an...Read more about
Our Center for Protecting Your Business is our form of baseline legal advice. We are not lawyers, but there are certain practices that you should employ that will help you protect your business from fraud or unnecessary liability that could be avoided with a little bit of knowledge. So that's what our center for Protecting Your Business is about. We know that honest mistakes can happen, and the more you know the less of a chance that you will make these mistakes.