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Bring Your Ratings
Some of the more successful and savvy pros in our system have invented a unique strategy for their business: their carry their ratings to every job ...Read more about
Seasonal Slowdowns: What Should YOU Do?
happens every year. Spring and Summer are packed with jobs. But in the fall, you wonder if you remembered the pay the phone bill, because it no longer rings. Seasonal upticks and... Read more on
Missing a Sale
On average, about two out of three sales calls you go on will not sell -- this is the ratio that all good sales people in this business face every day. Learn how to

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State of the Art Contractor: Top Five Office Tools
Here's a review of the top five office tools that remain "state of the art" for all business people -- even contractors. Learn what other tools can help your business, read more about
Computers: Your First Router
I bet you need a router. Not the 20,000-rpm D-handled kind, though -- the bits you'll chuck through this router will be digital, not carbide. Learn more about
Sales Lead Tracking Sheet
Track the progress of sales leads to record progress and optimize lead sources with a
An Objections Book
An 'objections' book is a history of your sales calls. It includes everything you said and did, right or wrong. Every contractor needs to know about this tool to be successful...Read More on
Understanding Selling Value
The art of selling your products and services for a higher value is understanding a key element about the process. Selling is all about doing the right homework up-front and...Learn More
Selling With Feeling: Market to Emotion and Price is No Longer the Point
What if price was no object for customers? While no one has unlimited money to spend, as a contractor, you can take advantage of the fact that everyone would like to ... Learn How to
How to Beat Your Competition
In this industry being the lowest price brings a tremendous amount of headaches and frustrations. Beating your competition by lowering your prices is one way to go broke quickly. But you can learn
Trust and Trusses: Why Contractors Need More Than Timber to Build Business
Trust is not just helpful in a business relationship, it's essential. With trust, operations will go smoother, customers will be more receptive to up selling, and referrals will ... Read More About
Know the Purpose of Your Sales Presentation
What's the purpose of a sales presentation? Were you quick to say: To get the sale? How about to earn money? To get the customer to do what you want? Read More on
Asking the Right Questions
In sales, you need to stay focused on questions to help your customers make decisions. This is a tough lesson to learn because until you really understand the...Read more on
The Three Fears of Your Customer
Home improvement contracting complaints topped the 2004 national list of consumer complaints, beating out auto sales, auto repairs and credit fraud. A few bad apples have...Learn how to
Attitude Matters- Michael Stone
I continue to hear from service - related small business owners that they don't like sales. "I am not a salesperson...
Are your selling cycles limiting your potential profitability?
I hear a lot of stories about the challenges you have in trying to close jobs or attract new customers...
Dress the Part
Rick, part of our customer service team, worked with a service pro who had attended the Palm Beach School of Design and had been doing very well until ...Read more about
Handling the Age Old Objection of Price
Before lowering your price, recognize that this may simply be a sign that you have missed an important step in the sales process...Read more about
Our Center for Making the Sale is here to help {} contractors not just get a phone number and a seat at the table, but also to help them close the deal. Contractors are great with their hands, but often making the sale is not their strong suit. Not to worry. We have time-tested advice that can make you feel more confident, know what to say, what not to say, and be able to secure the deals you want so that you are choosing customers and not the other way around.