The ALL DIGITAL General Assembly 2021, took place on 20 May, online, gathering over 50 representatives of 44 member organisations (out of 71). After only a written procedure in 2021, the members were really excited to see each other and learn about the network achievements...
ALL DIGITAL Annual Report 2020 was presented to members in April and was approved by the ALL DIGITAl General Assembly in May 2021. Undoubtedly, 2020 was a unique year for ALL DIGITAL and its network. Digital skills have became an absolute necessity, and digital policy...
2021 marked the 12th year of the Europe-wide All Digital Week campaign, which was more important than ever: Europe needs better digital skills to go beyond the pandemic. The Covid-19 pandemic has presented humanity with a huge challenge to our known infrastructures – education systems,...
Digital competence centres
Member organisations
People supported every year
Meeting ALL DIGITAL network has been a revelation for us. We have finally had the concrete feeling that what we were doing could be part of a bigger framework for cooperation. Thanks to the membership in ALL DIGITAL, we have increased our reputation at local and national level, we have enlarged our professional network and, last but not least, we have improved our performance and services' offer towards our present and future users!
Altheo Valentini | Study Centre City of Foligno, Italy
As HePIS and through our membership in the ALL DIGITAL network, we actively participate in the development of digitally literate citizens to reduce exclusion and digital divide, while preparing the current and future workforce for the modern workplace. This is our mission, and we are passionate about it!
Eleni Nicolaides | HePIS, Greece
ALL DIGITAL has helped my organization and me personally to ensure that Lithuania is on the right path in trying to reach every citizen with the importance of digital skills. By participating in the activities of ALL DIGITAL and sharing best practices with European partners we have more interesting and more useful projects for all in the EU.
Loreta Krizinauskiene | Langas I Ateiti, Lithuania
Joining ALL DIGITAL has helped us frame our actions in this domain in a broader European context, by joining forces and sharing ideas and experiences with the network’s many innovative and friendly members.
Stefano Kluzer | ART-ER, Italy
We are proud to be part of the ALL DIGITAL network in order to contribute to the digital development in Europe. Together with the ALL DIGITAL network we build innovative spaces to enhance 21st Century skills for each and for all.
Gerhard Seiler | 21st Century Competence Centre, Germany
In Latvia, we believe that Digital by default is a today’s must. LIKTA together with National Coalition partners are committed to helping all Latvian citizens and SMEs develop the digital skills they need to benefit in the age of digital transformation. We are proud to be one of the founding members of ALL DIGITAL because with partners all across Europe we share common values, competence and passion to support digital empowerment of citizens and organizations.
Mara Jakobsone | LIKTA, Latvia
ALL DIGITAL is both a European reference and a valuable partner in our netizenship campaigns. Our day-to-day engagement with our target groups has found support with projects, ideas, and common actions through the ALL DIGITAL network. ALL DIGITAL activities are open, transparent and efficient.
Athanasios Priftis |, Switzerland
'Internet for All' was our claim when Stiftung Digitale Chancen (Digital Opportunities Foundation) started to counteract the digital divide in 2001. Now ALL DIGITAL is a logical step forward on our common path towards digital inclusion. Information, participation and social commitment are the keywords of the digital society. Education, skills and digital literacy are the obvious prerequisites of an inclusive digital society. We are committed to work collaboratively in achieving that goal and shape our digital future together.
Jutta Croll I Stiftung Digitale Chancen, Germany