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User Experience

User Experience tips, tricks, discussions, and more!

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Thinking about accessibility—a few tips to make a difference

Thinking about accessibility—a few tips to make a difference

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11 min read
Announcing the Simple-Tree-Component!

Announcing the Simple-Tree-Component!

Reactions 2 Comments
3 min read
I Just Want to Download You!

I Just Want to Download You!

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1 min read
Creating a Kanban Board with HTML, CSS & JavaScript

Creating a Kanban Board with HTML, CSS & JavaScript

Reactions 21 Comments 4
6 min read
Design Systems: What they are and how to build one

Design Systems: What they are and how to build one

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9 min read
A Look At iOS Native Half Sheets

A Look At iOS Native Half Sheets

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5 min read
CSS :visited state, why we should use it

CSS :visited state, why we should use it

Reactions 11 Comments
3 min read
16 Beautiful Color Palettes 🎨 for Your Projects 👨�?🎨

16 Beautiful Color Palettes 🎨 for Your Projects 👨�?🎨

Reactions 72 Comments 3
1 min read
Exploring :visited state possibilities

Exploring :visited state possibilities

Reactions 13 Comments
3 min read
Serializing a style using your Chakra UI theme

Serializing a style using your Chakra UI theme

Reactions 6 Comments
3 min read
A simple guide to UI/UX design process

A simple guide to UI/UX design process

Reactions 4 Comments
6 min read
I made 18 UI components for all developers

I made 18 UI components for all developers

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2 min read
Simple Splash Screen in React Native

Simple Splash Screen in React Native

Reactions 5 Comments 2
3 min read
5 projects to master Front End Development

5 projects to master Front End Development

Reactions 856 Comments 19
3 min read
UX Review every developer should do before writing the code

UX Review every developer should do before writing the code

Reactions 45 Comments 6
5 min read
Como UX engaja seu produto para o sucesso: ET Atari 2600 e Super Mario World NES

Como UX engaja seu produto para o sucesso: ET Atari 2600 e Super Mario World NES

Reactions 4 Comments
6 min read
How we got rid of cookie consent banners and why

How we got rid of cookie consent banners and why

Reactions 4 Comments 2
2 min read
Faking UX Race Conditions using a simple Interceptor in Angular or NestJs

Faking UX Race Conditions using a simple Interceptor in Angular or NestJs

Reactions 3 Comments
3 min read
Steps to Create a Mind Blowing (🤯) Portfolio

Steps to Create a Mind Blowing (🤯) Portfolio

Reactions 36 Comments
4 min read
13 Ultimate UI/UX website inspiration for Designers and Developers

13 Ultimate UI/UX website inspiration for Designers and Developers

Reactions 5 Comments 2
3 min read
Color & typography inspiration. Figma, Sketch, Framer and Tailwind files included.o

Color & typography inspiration. Figma, Sketch, Framer and Tailwind files included.o

Reactions 10 Comments
1 min read
Instagram Login page UI clone. Can you tell which one is original?

Instagram Login page UI clone. Can you tell which one is original?

Reactions 4 Comments 2
1 min read
TUTORIAL: How to create a modal in UI Builder

TUTORIAL: How to create a modal in UI Builder

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5 min read
Icon revealing hover animation using CSS

Icon revealing hover animation using CSS

Reactions 13 Comments
2 min read
Understanding The CSS FlexBox.

Understanding The CSS FlexBox.

Reactions 58 Comments 2
2 min read
What is An Application Programming Interface?

What is An Application Programming Interface?

Reactions 7 Comments
4 min read
Improve Your Web App UX With Automated Emails

Improve Your Web App UX With Automated Emails

Reactions 13 Comments
8 min read
Make your Website accessible for people with eye�? disablities

Make your Website accessible for people with eye�? disablities

Reactions 25 Comments
3 min read
Mobile friendly website design

Mobile friendly website design

Reactions 11 Comments 1
3 min read
Back to Basic: UI Design Fundamental for Developers

Back to Basic: UI Design Fundamental for Developers

Reactions 42 Comments 1
3 min read
What exactly is a UX-Unicorn?

What exactly is a UX-Unicorn?

Reactions 4 Comments
4 min read
UX and User Authentication

UX and User Authentication

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4 min read
Menu / Sidebar toggle functionality with pure CSS and no JavaScript.

Menu / Sidebar toggle functionality with pure CSS and no JavaScript.

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2 min read
18 Cards with form design tips

18 Cards with form design tips

Reactions 139 Comments 7
2 min read
World of products! - Startups to follow #4

World of products! - Startups to follow #4

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1 min read
Responsive in flutter

Responsive in flutter

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2 min read
Interesting people to follow for UI/UX/Webdesign

Interesting people to follow for UI/UX/Webdesign

Reactions 12 Comments
2 min read
6 Dark Mode color palettes with examples , CSS and the Figma file.

6 Dark Mode color palettes with examples , CSS and the Figma file.

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2 min read
How I Recreated YouTube in Figma: Practical Guide

How I Recreated YouTube in Figma: Practical Guide

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6 min read
Master useful CSS pseudo-classes

Master useful CSS pseudo-classes

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2 min read
Parallax Scrolling Effect Using JavaScript | HTML & CSS

Parallax Scrolling Effect Using JavaScript | HTML & CSS

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1 min read
Put the effort where your value is

Put the effort where your value is

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4 min read
Chakra UI: the hidden treasures

Chakra UI: the hidden treasures

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3 min read
Bad UX - LastPass Password Dialog

Bad UX - LastPass Password Dialog

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1 min read
Eliminate frictions from the developers’ experience – discover the new Inspector data visualization UI

Eliminate frictions from the developers’ experience – discover the new Inspector data visualization UI

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3 min read
Changing Cursor with CSS for better UX

Changing Cursor with CSS for better UX

Reactions 54 Comments 3
2 min read
🔥🔥😲Awesome Website loading animation pure css html

🔥🔥😲Awesome Website loading animation pure css html

Reactions 23 Comments
4 min read
Deciding on Auth models

Deciding on Auth models

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3 min read
Use an XState Machine with React

Use an XState Machine with React

Reactions 19 Comments 5
4 min read
SwiftUI: a new way to build views

SwiftUI: a new way to build views

Reactions 4 Comments 1
2 min read
How to add Push Notifications to a Webflow Site

How to add Push Notifications to a Webflow Site

Reactions 9 Comments
5 min read
Modern Logo Maker Using Variable Fonts

Modern Logo Maker Using Variable Fonts

Reactions 11 Comments 2
3 min read the platform for animated Icons and Illustrations the platform for animated Icons and Illustrations

Reactions 45 Comments 8
3 min read
Create a brand style sheet for your personal projects

Create a brand style sheet for your personal projects

Reactions 14 Comments
7 min read
Login form css 🔥🔥. Amazing animation You have never seen it before.

Login form css 🔥🔥. Amazing animation You have never seen it before.

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3 min read
User Experience Design #1

User Experience Design #1

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5 min read
You have never seen this product card before

You have never seen this product card before

Reactions 19 Comments 2
3 min read
Detect Internet Connection Status In Browser

Detect Internet Connection Status In Browser

Reactions 120 Comments 4
2 min read
Lighthouse é meu pastor...

Lighthouse é meu pastor...

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6 min read
How-to: CSS Table Swipe Interaction

How-to: CSS Table Swipe Interaction

Reactions 50 Comments 4
3 min read
Forem Open with the Forem app