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Results 1-20 of 38
Captcha Code Generator JQuery Script
posted bykshirininSecurity
Captcha Code Generator JQuery Script allows you to create random images.A six character code that has to be entered by the user before submitting the form. This ensures that the web forms are not automatically submitted.
(13 ratings)
posted byBinPressinSecurity
"Chroma-Hash is a jQuery plugin that dynamically visualizes secure text-field values using ambient color bars. Password entry can be frustrating, especially with long or difficult passwords. On a webpage, secure fields obscure your input with ""¢'s, so others can't read it. Unfortunately, neither can you""”you can't tell if you got your password right until you click ""Log In"". Chroma-Hash displays a series of colored bars at the end of field inputs so you can instantly see if your password is right. Chroma-Hash takes an MD5 hash of your input and uses that to compute the colors in the visualization. The resulting color pattern is non-reversible, so no one could know what your password just from the colors."
(6 ratings)
Javascript Compressor Obfuscator
Javascript Obfuscator, Compressor and Minifier! Scramble, obfuscate, and pack JavaScript code! Javascript Obfuscator converts the Java Script source code into completely unreadable form, preventing your code from analysing and theft. It's a 100% safe Java Script minifier. Javascript Obfuscator provides the best compression ratio comparing with other minifires available on the Web.
(0 ratings)
Keypad Widget
Keypad extension allows attaching a popup keypad to text, password and textarea fields for mouse-driven data input. The keypad widget assists the user in entering special characters or characters in other languages that don’t appear in standard keyboards by default. Users can select the characters that don’t appear in the keyboard using the keypad widget whilst continuing typing others characters in their normal keyboards.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 16.99
JavaScript Encryption Library
posted byfarcominSecurity
A modular and extensible collection of cryptography functions, for encryption and hashing. Includes Blowfish, MD5, SHA functions, XXTEA, and others, all coded from easy-to-read and object-oriented JavaScript code.
(3 ratings)
TPCS Referrer verification/validation
posted bytpcsinSecurity
Do you want to make sure that your visitors can only access your content via your domain. This Javascript is very useful for this. This javascript verifies that the request for the page (containing the script) was made from a page on your domain. This is really useful for log in forms that you want to make sure that the visitor uses the form you provide on your server.
(3 ratings)
TPCS Random Password generator
posted bytpcsinSecurity
This password generator Javascript will generate random passwords with a variety of options. You can include numerals, symbols and regular characters. There is also an option to add custom characters plus you can also define the passwords desired length.
(6 ratings)
AnoChat v. 1.1.1
posted bymogsterinSecurity
The idea is to 3DES encrypt all content of the chat with javascript, and then send it to the server, where it is stored in encrypted form. When another chat client refreshes the chat file, it will decrypt the lines in the chat with a shared code phrase. This allows for sticky, non-refreshing pages where it is possible to store a pass phrase for key generation and encryption without sending it over the internet. Thus only the group in know of the phrase will be able to decrypt the data. - all data is encrypted before send - no version of the key exist on the server, the lines is stored as encrypted strings - on return, the encrypted data is decrypted by javascript into human readable format. The AnoChat 1.1 also comes with 20 different skins, and a tool to help you create your own. It requires only a standard php-distro to run.
(6 ratings)
Email obfuscator and encoder
posted bykublaiinSecurity
Email harvesting is a real problem nowadays; publishing an email address on a web page means exposing it to automated email collection softwares. Once it's been collected there no way of getting rid of spam. The best way to avoid this is obfuscating and encoding email addresses; this simple javascript script does exactly that. It splits an address in six different parts, so that bots are not able to recognize it, and it also encode the @ symbol and the . (dot) using ascii codes, just to make it harder for bots to decode it. Even if the email harvesting software can read javascript and put the different parts of the address together, it would obtain an useless text like this: myaddress@mydomain 6;com instead of [email protected]
(9 ratings)
FREE - Anti Text Selection - Javascript
posted byremygp17inSecurity
A very simple and powerfull Anti Text Selection javascript !!!! This script is useful if you don't want to give the possibility to your visitors to select texts on your website (avoid a copy/paste for exemple).
(9 ratings)
Right Click Disable
posted bydburhaninSecurity
Use this script to disable right click on your page with a warning message. Helpful to protect site contents.
(6 ratings)
No Right Click Generator - Simple-Code.Net
This is a simple JavaScript that allows you to protect your HTML source code and images of your web sites by preventing visitors from right-clicking on your sites. An specified alert box will prompt out when visitors right click their mouse.
(136 ratings)
Blowfish HTML Encryption
posted bysgriffininSecurity
Uses 448-bit Blowfish encryption to create password protected web pages. The encrypted pages use JavaScript to self-decrypt in a standard web browser, but only after the correct password has been entered. Tested in all the most popular browsers, including: IE, FireFox and Chrome.
(33 ratings)
No Select Text script
Disable viewers' ability to select text on your page by installing this script. With it, dragging the mouse over text has no effect.
(6 ratings)
posted byfranz333inSecurity
Encrytion of Strings with Javascript like ARCFOUR. but no trademark. Security requires that the key is used only once.
(15 ratings)
Javascript and Html Source Encoding
An example of a simple JavaScript encoding of an html page. When the page loads you are prompted for a password. Enter the correct password and the page displays properly - enter the wrong password and you see only an "Invalid password" message. Viewing the source of the page shows only the encoded content. The encoding is fairly basic but should stop all but the most determined script thieves, spam-bots, or spiders. Tested in Mozilla on Linux, IE on Windows, and Safari on Mac.
(42 ratings)
Free Encryption Software
posted bykarelmainSecurity
This encryption script make a series of consecutive encryption steps to ensure security. 11 key values are derived from a key sentence and used to hide all possible origin patterns. The encrypted result is a number raw string, which can be decoded for each one who knows the key sentence.
(0 ratings)
Encryption Algorithm Simulation Script
posted bykarelmainSecurity
The algorithm is designed to transfer an encryption key between two parts electronically in a hidden fashion. This free test script simulate such an exchange beween two parts. It is written for the best owerview and understanding possible.
(0 ratings)
ExD'or is a useful JavaScript application for encrypting and decrypting .txt files. It uses a 4-bit paradigm to convert any text string into a scrambled ASCII string. Using it you can easily protect your documents from being viewed from other people, because once encrypted a decryption key of your own will be required for the reverse process.
(6 ratings)
Hashing Strings
posted bysdolgovinSecurity
Use hash() method of QControl class to convert a string to integer hash value. My original algorithm takes a moment to convert and guarantee secure and collision-free convolution even of short strings.
(0 ratings)
Results 1-20 of 38