
Točno vrijeme sad:

utorak, 22. lipnja 2021., tjedan 25.
Sunce: ↑ 05:25 ↓ 20:31 (15h 6m) Više informacija
Abud Dhabi Adis Abeba Amsterdam Antananarivo Atena Auckland Bagdad Bangkok Barcelona Beijing Berlin Beč Bogotá Boston Bruxelles Buenos Aires Cape Town Caracas Chicago Ciudad de México Delhi Dhaka Dubai Dublin Frankfurt na Majni Guangzhou Hanoi Havana Helsinki Hong Kong Honolulu Istanbul Jakarta Kairo Karachi Kathmandu Kijev Kinshasa Kuala Lumpur Lagos Las Vegas Lima London Los Angeles Luanda Madrid Manila Meka Miami Milan Moskva Mumbai New Delhi New York Nuuk Osaka Oslo Pariz Prag Reykjavik Rijad Rim Rio de Janeiro San Francisco Sankt Peterburg Santiago de Chile Seul Singapur Stockholm Sydney São Paulo Taipei Teheran Tel Aviv Tokio Toronto Vancouver Varšava Washington, D.C. Yangon Šangaj Šenžen

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"What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another."
Chris Maser