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* This statement is based on study conducted June 2018, provided by ManageWP. Customers reported saving three hours per month on average for every site managed by using the site management tools included in Managed WordPress compared to site that did not use the tool and manually performing the same functions.
The competitive performance test was performed on October 10, 2018. We compared our GoDaddy Managed WordPress Ultimate Plan against each competitors’ optimized WordPress product (Managed WordPress equivalent). All test sites used the same WordPress install and default WordPress theme. We tested TTFB, page load speed, page speed under load at 100 concurrent visitors. All competitors performed well.
Note: Hosting performance test results can differ from day to day. There are factors outside of the Hosting provider controls that impact page load times e.g., issues with ISP provider. This test was conducted to show that GoDaddy Managed WordPress hosting is very comparable in performance against leading hosting providers. The hosting provider plans tested are listed below:
WPEngine – Personal Plan Flywheel – Tiny Plan Siteground – Grow Big GoDaddy Managed WordPress – Ultimate Bluehost - Standard