WP Show Posts


WP Show Posts allows you to display posts anywhere on your website using an easy to use shortcode.

You can pull posts from any post type like WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads etc..

This plugin works with any theme.

Here are the features in the free version:


  • Post type
  • Taxonomy
  • Terms
  • Posts per page
  • Pagination


  • Columns
  • Columns gutter


  • Show images
  • Image width
  • Image height
  • Image alignment
  • Image location


  • Content type (excerpt or full post)
  • Excerpt length
  • Include title
  • Read more text
  • Read more button class


  • Include author
  • Author location
  • Include date
  • Date location
  • Include terms
  • Terms location

More settings

  • Author ID
  • Exclude current
  • Post ID
  • Exclude post ID
  • Ignore sticky posts
  • Offset
  • Order
  • Order by
  • Status
  • Meta key
  • Meta value
  • Tax operator
  • No results message

Our *Pro* version has these features

Check out Pro


  • AJAX pagination


  • Masonry
  • Featured post
  • Background color
  • Background color hover
  • Border color
  • Border color hover


  • Image overlay color
  • Image overlay icon
  • Image hover effect
  • Image lightbox
  • Image lightbox gallery


  • Read more style
  • Read more color
  • Content link color
  • Content link color hover
  • Content text color
  • Title color
  • Title color hover


  • Meta color
  • Meta color hover


  • Twitter
  • Twitter color + hover
  • Facebook
  • Facebook color + hover
  • Google+
  • Google+ color + hover
  • Pinterest
  • Pinterest color + hover
  • Love it
  • Alignment

Check out GeneratePress, our awesome WordPress theme! (https://wordpress.org/themes/generatepress)


  • All of your created post lists.
  • The "Posts" settings tab.
  • The "Columns" settings tab.
  • The "Images" settings tab.
  • The "Content" settings tab.
  • The "Meta" settings tab.
  • The "More query ars" settings tab.


There’s two ways to install WP Show Posts.

  1. Go to “Plugins > Add New” in your Dashboard and search for: WP Show Posts
  2. Download the .zip from WordPress.org, and upload the folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory via FTP.

In most cases, #1 will work fine and is way easier.


How do I create a post list?

  • Make sure WP Show Posts is activated.
  • Navigate to “WP Show Posts > Add New” and configure your list.
  • Copy the shortcode provided for you when adding your new list.
  • Add your shortcode to your desired page or post.


April 13, 2021
Everything made by Tom and his team is top notch. Support is better than great. This plugin is no exception. While it's not actually rocket science, it provides all the features you will need in a neat and tidy way. Like his excellent Generatepress theme everything is done with attention to the details. Awesome!
April 6, 2021
Had a small issue and got quick support. While I was waiting I tried a couple of other plugins that have the same purpose. They were at first glace more fully featured, but I found the simplicity of WP Show Posts to actually give better result on the page.
March 16, 2021
LOVE LOVE LOVE this plugin. WordPress asks you if you want your home page to be a static page or posts and now you can have both - WITHOUT using a page builder. Just set it to page, create content within that page and just plugin the SHORT CODE where you want the posts to appear. So easy, and perfect for my web dev agency with client sites. Thank you!
January 21, 2021
I was using Elementor Pro in my sites using Generate Press Premium to display recent posts based on categories on my Home pages as well as category pages. The problem is that Elementor (like most page builders) adds a ton of unused CSS & JS that's render-blocking. This, despite my best efforts, failed Web Vitals in Pagespeed Insights. My idea was to replicate the layouts I have with Elementor by using a lighter weight post grid plugin and just some shortcodes. The problem, I discovered, is that the many post grid plugins I tried are (1) poorly coded and still have far too much overhead, failing page speed tests, and (2) aren't very refined and don't look as good as their demos when in real use. As a last-ditch effort (before hiring a paid developer to work on render-blocking Elementor code) I tried WP Show Posts and it worked! I'm now using WP Show Posts Pro and have been able to remove Elementor Pro completely yet have a nearly identical layout & styling. Pagespeed Insights scores are 99 on mobile for these pages and all Web Vitals are passed! Bear in mind, that took some custom CSS and tweaking to get WPSP working as I liked, as in some regards it wasn't mobile friendly like I expected - still some room for improvement there I think (ex.: desktop thumbnails don't resize to fit the post grid container on mobile). Also, documentation isn't so great in my opinion, and the demo pages are missing some of the layout styles you can use, making it hard to know which to try. Also, you can't export Lists you create and then import them on other sites, meaning for all 4 sites I had to manually re-do all of it manually. Those are all relatively minor complaints when compared to the end results. It's very lightweight and recommended. The Card and 3 Overlay options are nice as well. I recommend it. 🙂
Read all 70 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“WP Show Posts” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“WP Show Posts” has been translated into 11 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “WP Show Posts” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • New: Button class option
  • Fix: Duplicate post classes
  • Fix: Post classes PHP notice in some themes
  • Fix: PHP 7.2 PHP warning while editing lists
  • Tweak: Pass $settings to wpsp_wrapper_atts filter
  • Tweak: Remove font-size and line-height CSS (allow themes to handle it)


  • Fix: Performance issue dealing with lots of terms in list admin
  • Fix: Post class clashes with GP Premium
  • Tweak: Allow name in shortcode instead of ID
  • Tweak: Use theme defined font size for title elements (removes the default 30px)


  • Fix: Fix image hover effects in WPSP Pro


  • New: Allow multiple taxonomy terms to be selected
  • New: Choose the title HTML element
  • New: wpsp_disable_title_link filter
  • New: wpsp_disable_image_link filter
  • New: wpsp_read_more_output filter
  • New: wpsp_inside_wrapper hook
  • New: wpsp_image_attributes filter
  • New: wpsp_term_separator filter
  • New: Option to add comments number/link in post meta
  • New: Allow override of settings within shortcode parameter
  • New: Add standard post classes to each post
  • Tweak: Remove many function_exists() wrappers – check your custom functions!
  • Tweak: Pass list settings through hooks instead of using global
  • Tweak: Clean up code considerably
  • Tweak: Use the_excerpt() instead of custom function
  • Tweak: Remove border radius from read more buttons
  • Fix: Broken author setting
  • Fix: Remove image float on mobile
  • Fix: Missing color labels in WP 4.9


  • Add new hook inside image container: wpsp_inside_image_container
  • Fix issue with pagination and random post ordering
  • Clean up defaults to only include free options
  • Add margin to the top of pagination
  • Use manual excerpt if it’s set