We are delighted to announce that the recipients of the MRG Effitas Online Banking/Browser Security award 2017/18 are ESET and Kaspersky Lab.

Our award is the result of our quarterly comparative quality assessment which evaluates the reliability and efficiency of security solutions against financial threats. It has become the de facto standard of the industry.

To receive the award, the tested products passed our relevant In-The-Wild financial malware and botnet tests in quarters two, three and four of 2017 and quarter one of 2018.

The MRG Effitas Online Banking Award 17/18 trophies

The MRG Effitas certification is a respected standard within the industry. It signifies that the tested safe browsers can protect online banking transactions and e-shopping on a computer which is infected with active financial malware. The safe browsers will prevent the malware from stealing credit card data or modifying the online banking transaction.

The tests we use to determine the winners of this award replicate real world conditions: during the four quarters of the tests, we tested the solutions against in-the-wild financial malware, botnets running in our environment (modified TinyNuke and Zeus clones, DoublePulsar backdoor with Peddlecheap keylogger) and, in the simulator tests, we developed new simulators targeting the following functionalities: Powershell webinject and intercept, API Hooking, browser TLS extract and dissect, ETW debug log trace and extract.

The software we tested was:

  • ESET Internet Security
  • Kaspersky Internet Security

As MRG Effitas CEO Chris Pickard notes,

“it is an achievement just to pass a quarterly MRG Effitas Banking Certification, so for these firms to win this award is a significant achievement.”