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Nisan 2009 tarihinde katıldı


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  1. 8 dakika önce

    "Dad come back from work, and with him an injured bat. She’s the first of the year and we tend to it – females only have one pup a year, such precious cargo."

    Geri al
  2. 18 saat önce

    "Back in Yemen, she faced physical risks unimaginable in Oregon — but she also had a sense of worth and belonging. She wondered if the two of them could make a life in Sana’a. Could survive, with just each other." on long-haul love:

    Geri al
  3. 23 saat önce

    "Eight years later, he now drives for Uber. He hasn’t run much since last spring, although at 33, he still has the potential to be competitive. But he knows that in running, a very fine line separates failure and success."

    Geri al
  4. 29 May

    "Brady’s team, though, had been haunted by a serial rapist they could not identify, much less arrest. His DNA had been found in a half-dozen old cases in which evidence remained at the hospital."

    Geri al
  5. 29 May

    "The high-profile Magritte heist raised the stakes: Recovering Olympia would be a chance to show their budget-slashing superiors why Section Art mattered."

    Geri al
  6. 28 May
    Geri al
  7. 28 May

    "Prisoners at Angola can be legally forced to work once cleared by a medical doctor, and most are required to perform field work, like harvesting soybeans and corn for at least 90 days upon arrival."

    Geri al
  8. Retweetledi
    28 May

    Absolutely psyched to see 's “How to Tell A Trauma Story” featured on this list, along with so many other 🔥 reads!

    Geri al
  9. Retweetledi
    28 May

    "When the second wave hits India in April 2021, no one is prepared. Not the government. Not the healthcare system. Not the people." Via at

    Geri al
  10. 28 May
    Geri al
  11. 28 May

    "He could be the shooter, he might get shot. They didn’t know. But the data said he was at risk either way."

    Geri al
  12. 28 May

    "Dancers build muscle memory from the day-in, day-out study of technique. Over the years, my thigh muscle had learned a new muscle memory, trying to pull my kneecap up from my deteriorating joint."

    Geri al
  13. 28 May

    "Early on, the Nazis’ interest in Iceland was as ideological as it was militaristic. Iceland, with its homogeneous populace and violent history, complemented the Nazi conception of Aryan heritage."

    Geri al
  14. 28 May

    "Academia is an industry, like journalism, that defines itself in large part by its ethical standards; we’re supposed to educate people and produce knowledge. So what does it mean that we’re also a haven for fakes?"

    Geri al
  15. Retweetledi
    28 May

    "No matter where we live, we take refuge in those we love." explores what love looks like across borders and when two people are separated by war and policies they can't control:

    Geri al
  16. 28 May

    "The idea that a series of calculations could predict that he would soon shoot someone, or be shot, seemed outlandish."

    Geri al
  17. 27 May

    "Van de Putte can’t shake the feeling that the state’s failure to pass a statewide carbon monoxide policy cost lives in February."

    Geri al
  18. 27 May

    "There was a massive DNA backlog that had grown to more than 24,000 samples from convicted felons by that spring. Hill’s was among the profiles waiting to be uploaded."

    Geri al
  19. 27 May

    "Modern art crime, like the arms trade, still thrives in the shadow of global conflict, which gives rise to criminal networks that make from the detritus of war immensely profitable commodities."

    Geri al
  20. 27 May

    "Wafa and Moutaz exemplify the long-haul love story of many immigrants, whose children, parents, and spouses remain on the other side of geopolitical barriers." New by on immigration, the war in Yemen, and love across borders:

    Geri al

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