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Posted by Alex Moreno Lopez
DrupalCon is an exciting time. Lots of talks, lots of sessions and topics to attend. However making sure you see everything and anything you want can be stressful as well. So what should you attend to make the most of this DrupalCon experience?  Fear not, I am back to give you some of the highlights of an amazing week packed with talks, learnings, surprises and more.  And with the quantity and high quality of the sessions this year, no matter your interests, be…
Posted by Matthew Grasmick
If you're a professional Drupal developer starting a new Drupal project, you’re likely eager to jump in and start writing code. Still, even professional developers can run into roadblocks when kicking off a new project. From installing and upgrading software and jumping through security hoops to setting up tools like Composer, Drush, and xDebug, Git etc. — there’s a lot that needs to happen before you can start coding. Why dampen all your enthusiasm with extra steps…
Posted by Alec Reynolds
For the last year, as Lando has become the go-to local development solution for a wide range of PHP-focused hosting companies, our friends in the Drupal world have been asking: when does Acquia get an integration? Long has the relationship between Acquia and Lando been a love that dare not speak its own name. It was a tryst rumored in hallways at Drupal camps, a romance that existed in our hearts, but never in the comforting solidity of code. Today, we're proud to…
Posted by Matthew Grasmick
Acquia Dev Desktop will reach end of life on June 30, 2021. Dev Desktop was a powerful solution when it launched in 2009, but overtime Drupal development practices have evolved beyond it. New and better development environments are now available. With the advent of Acquia Cloud IDE, the best development environment for Drupal, it’s now time to close the book on Dev Desktop. Dev Desktop’s History Dev Desktop was first launched in March 2009 (as Drupal Stack…