• Rich text editors from backend perspective

      Welcome everyone, in this article I’m going to overview the most popular types of rich text editors, tradeoffs of their use from a backend perspective. By that I mean:

      • Streaming of content from the rich text editor to other infrastructure tools like full-text search, warehouses, etc.
      • Retrieving of content to clients: mobile, web, desktop.
      • Storing of content in some kind of storage (SQL database in my case)
      • Analyzing of content, which includes point 1, but also analyzing it from the perspective of our application
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      • –1
      • 1.2k
      • 1
    • Data Science vs AI: All You Need To Know

        What do these terms mean? And what is the difference?


        Data Science and Artificial Intelligence are creating a lot of buzzes these days. But what do these terms mean? And what is the difference between them?

        While the terms Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (AI) comes under the same domain and are inter-connected to each other, they have their specific applications and meaning.

        There’s no slowing down the spread of AI and data science. Many big tech giants are extensively investing in these technologies. As per the recent survey, it is estimated that artificial intelligence could add $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030.

        Through this piece of writing, I will be explaining about the AI and data science concepts and their differences in detail. So, without wasting any more time, let’s get started!
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      • Most Popular JS Frameworks Overview

          JavaScript is a multi-paradigm language. It supports event-driven, functional, and imperative, including object-oriented and prototype-based, programming styles. JavaScript was initially used only for client side. These days JavaScript is used as a server-side programming language as well. To summarize in just one simple sentence — JavaScript is the language of the web.

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        • Prettier is a Must-Have for Large-Scale Projects: Spent 20 Minutes Setting It Up and Forgot About Formatting for a Year

            Many dev teams get split over formatting. And their typical day looks like this: you come to work, have some coffee, write some code, everything’s fine — then bam! Code review where you’re told you put a brace in the wrong place.


            It was an everyday reality for one of Skyeng dev teams a year ago. Then someone had enough and said, “Guys, from now on we use Prettier. Is everyone ok with that?” And then there were no more debates about formatting. We’ve installed Prettier in the frontend repo and all the teams use it.
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          • Angular: The Best Building Companion for Interactive apps

              Do you know there were 5 million apps in 2019? Out of these millions of apps, only a few are able to perform. There are many reasons for this but a major factor is the interactivity of an app.

              No matter which product you are trying to sell, customers choose the one which allows them to get involved. Interactive apps are in demand for a long time. Are you wondering how can you make an interactive app?

              The first thing which comes to our mind when we talk about interactive apps is the concept of single page application. This is because SPAs are known for their capacity to interact with the user by reloading some page elements dynamically depending upon the interaction by the user.
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            • Ads
              AdBlock has stolen the banner, but banners are not teeth — they will be back

            • Vue.js Is Good, But Is It Better Than Angular or React?

              Vue.js is a JavaScript library for building web interfaces. Combining with some other tools It also becomes a “framework”. Now, from our last blog, you already know that Vue.js is one of the top JavaScript frameworks and it is replacing Angular and React in many cases. This brings in the topic of this blog ‘Vue.js is good, but is it better than Angular or React?

              In case you’ve never heard or used Vue.js before, you are probably thinking: Come on! yet another JavaScript framework! We get it. However, Vue.js is not new in the custom software development domain. It was first released in 2013 and now it has 130549 stars on Github and downloaded a number of times this year.
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            • It's high time to become part of an open source project

                JavaScript developers, I am working on an exciting opensource project pursuing two goals:

                1. Learning best practices in JavaScript/NodeJS
                2. Helping developers and myself to develop and launch MVPs to validate ideas quickly.

                As developers, we have tons of ideas and would be awesome to have a simple tool to scaffold a secure project quickly, add a couple of forms, some project specific logic, and here you go — deploy and test your idea.
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              • Angular vs. KnockoutJS: The Fundamental Differences and Similarities You Should Know

                  It's extremely befuddling when it comes to choosing between two libraries and frameworks, especially when they are almost similar to each other.

                  I faced the same situation recently when I had to choose one from Angular vs KnockoutJS. The most perplexing part of the two is Angular is a JavaScript-based open-source front-end web development framework while Knockout is a library.

                  So, the selection is a bit complex task and, as I had to, you might need to go through a systematic and understand the two technologies or web development framework thoroughly.


                  So, you need to begin following the one-by-one method.

                  What is Framework?

                  A framework is a model on which you have to build your home. It is having a collection of blueprints which from which it choose the right one for you. In short, the framework is in charge of the flow and it chooses when and how to go.

                  What is the Library?

                  The library is like going to a furniture house to get some furniture for your home. Here you are in charge of the flow and you decide when to call the code.

                  Overview of Angular and KnockoutJS



                  Stable Release
                  Version 8.0.0 on / May 29, 2019 3.5.0 / February 22, 2019
                  Managed by
                  Google Steve Anderson
                  Programming Language
                  JavaScript JavaScript
                  Web Framework JavaScript Library
                  Angular Supports Not Available
                  Protractor works as test framework Not Available
                  Well organized Documenations Poor Documentation
                  GitHub Stars
                  59,555 9,526

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                • NodeJS logging made easy

                    How many times did you write logger.info('ServiceName.methodName.') and logger.info('ServiceName.methodName -> done.') for each and every method of your service you wanted to log? Would you like it to be automated and has the same constant signature across your whole app? If that's so, we're very much alike, we have suffered the same pain too many times, and now we could finally try to resolve it. Together. Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce… class-logger!

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                  • Angular vs React: Complete Library with a Framework


                    Google and Facebook are the computerized behemoths who dependably contend. Their answers for designers Angular and React appear matches as well. Demand helps look at both. The article was initially posted here

                    Toward the start of its advancement, SPA web stages did not have an adaptable however basic framework for making the ventures that could revise and, now and again, supplant both portable and work area applications. Around then, a client whose issue was very basic needed to discover an application equipped for tackling the issue. Over the span of time, the advancements continued pushing ahead making web administrations gain ubiquity since the last had no should be introduced. What was required is simply to visit a site for getting to some administration. Already, such errands could be tackled through sites written in either ActionScript or Java. Nonetheless, those frameworks required to introduce either Flash or Java being in the meantime a long way from the speed expected by the clients.@Angular

                    By then, JavaScript advanced adequately to desert its adversaries because of a fast, improvement straightforwardness, and ceaseless help of the programs' engineers. The period of JavaScript began inciting such definition as SPA (Single Page Application) which gave another way to deal with the advancement of web stages. Not at all like its precursor MPA (Multi-Page Application), SPA permitted a web administration to work a lot quicker just as to give it an increasingly refined usefulness fit for changing progressively as per clients' needs. The greatest disadvantage was in unadulterated JavaScript which couldn't give a quick improvement when even a crude SPA web administration required a ton of time to be made. That is the reason Google chosen to help the methodology with a system that could enable different organizations to create muddled web administrations without investing a lot of energy for it.

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