American Association of University Professors


We champion , advance shared governance, and organize all faculty to promote economic security and quality education.

Washington, DC
Vrijeme pridruživanja: siječanj 2010.


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  1. Survey data show additional evidence of severe pressure on governance, but also some good news.

  2. "Nationally, people are wondering: Is UNC a place for academic freedom or is it a place where academic freedom is one big, angry donor away from being squashed?" AAUP prez said.

  3. Statement by scholars of democracy who have "watched the recent deterioration of U.S. elections and liberal democracy with growing alarm." Threats to American Democracy & the Need for National Voting and Election Administration Standards via

  4. 30. svi

    👇 It's simple. Donors should not influence hires. Period. That is a fundamental violation of academic freedom. It is also a clear violation of giving policy-donors should not govern.

  5. 27. svi

    Absent another explanation, we have to assume the UNC board was motivated by racist and political concerns. Statement on the UNC Board and Nikole Hannah-Jones | AAUP:

  6. 27. svi

    A century after NC conservatives tried to ban the teaching of evolution, we are still fighting political interference in universities

  7. 27. svi

    “UNC had about 622 tenured full professors in 2019, federal data show. Of them, eight were Black women.” SMH

  8. 27. svi
  9. 27. svi

    National Association for College Admission Counseling- NACAC Survey Finds Most Colleges Plan to Resume All In-Person Classes This Fall

  10. 26. svi
  11. 26. svi

    Connecting the dots between bills banning critical race theory & the attack on Hannah-Jones. The common goal is suppressing understanding of racism and reinforcing the racial status quo. UNC’s slap at Nikole Hannah-Jones is no isolated incident

  12. 26. svi

    Shared Governance Was Eroding Before Covid-19. Now It's a Landslide, AAUP Report Says.

  13. 26. svi

    Michael DeCesare, chair of the AAUP’s Committee on College and University Governance, did a Facebook Live on the the AAUP report released today on the crisis in academic governance that has occurred in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. You can watch here:

  14. 26. svi

    Agreed, and our chapter has been speaking out on this issue and others! More members, more voices = more power.

  15. 26. svi

    The takeaway for all faculty: Be alert. Be loud. Be active. Admins will take advantage of every opportunity to consolidate power and whittle away at shared governance norms.

  16. 26. svi

    Curious about the history of shared governance in ? We’ve got you covered: The Rise and Decline of Faculty Governance: Professionalization and the Modern American University by Larry Gerber

  17. 26. svi
  18. 25. svi

    This is the problem with political appointees as Trustees of our State Universities and why faculty voices need to have full weight

  19. 25. svi

    Miles D. Mayer writes about the rise of austerity pedagogy and unilateral decision-making at Nebraska's Doane University during the pandemic.

  20. 25. svi

    Black teachers are facing racial battle fatigue on top of a stressful job


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