Shyamnath Gollakota Receives ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award
ACM has named Shyamnath Gollakota of the University of Washington the recipient of the 2020 ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award for contributions to the use of wireless signals in creating novel applications, including battery-free communications, health monitoring, gesture recognition, and bio-based wireless sensing. His work has revolutionized and reimagined what can be done using wireless systems.
Software System Award Goes to Three for Pioneering Open Source Initiatives
ACM named Margo Seltzer, Michael Olson and Keith Bostic recipients of the 2020 ACM Software System Award for Berkeley DB, which was an early exemplar of the NoSQL movement and pioneered the “dual-license” approach to software licensing. Seltzer and Bostic founded Sleepycat Software to continue development of Berkeley DB and provide commercial support. Olson joined in 1997, and for 10 years, Berkeley DB was the de facto data store for major web infrastructure.
Creators of Balanced Allocations Paradigm Receive Kanellakis Award
Yossi Azar, Andrei Broder, Anna Karlin, Michael Mitzenmacher, and Eli Upfal have been named 2020 ACM Paris Kanellakis Theory and Practice Award recipients for the discovery and analysis of balanced allocations, known as the power of two choices, and their extensive applications to practice. The Balanced Allocations paper and the follow-up work on the power of two choices are elegant theoretical results, and their content will continue to have a demonstrable effect on the practice of computing.
ACM, AAAI Recognize Levesque and Vardi for Theoretical and Logic Contributions
The 2020 ACM – AAAI Allen Newell Award honors Hector Levesque and Moshe Vardi. Levesque is recognized for fundamental contributions to knowledge representation and reasoning, and their broader influence within theoretical computer science, databases, robotics, and the study of Boolean satisfiability. Vardi is cited for contributions to the development of logic as a unifying foundational framework and a tool for modeling computational systems.
ACM Names Ayanna Howard 2021-2022 Athena Lecturer
ACM has named Ayanna Howard of The Ohio State University as the 2021-2022 Athena Lecturer. Howard is recognized for fundamental contributions to the development of accessible human-robotic systems and artificial intelligence, along with forging new paths to broaden participation in computing through entrepreneurial and mentoring efforts. Her contributions span theoretical foundations, experimental evaluation, and practical applications.
ACM Breakthrough in Computing Award Goes to Michael Franz
ACM has named Michael Franz of the University of California, Irvine the recipient of the ACM Charles P. "Chuck" Thacker Breakthrough in Computing Award. Franz is recognized for the development of just-in-time compilation techniques that enable fast and feature-rich web services on the internet. Every day, millions of people around the world use online applications such as Gmail and Facebook. These web applications would not have been possible without the groundbreaking compilation technique Franz developed in the mid 1990s.
Meet Kui Ren
Kui Ren is a Professor and Associate Dean at Zhejiang University’s College of Computer Science and Technology, where he also directs the Institute of Cyber Science and Technology. An ACM Fellow, Ren has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals and conferences and received many Best Paper Awards from IEEE and ACM conferences. He also serves as Chair of the security special interest group of ACM’s China Council, as a member of the ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS) steering committee, and as a member of the Science and Technology Committee of the Chinese Ministry of Education.
Meet Alison Clear
Alison Clear is an Associate Professor at Eastern Institute of Technology in Auckland, New Zealand. She was recently recognized with the ACM SIGCSE Lifetime Service to the Computer Science Education Community Award. Clear is Co-chair (along with Allen Parrish of the University of Alabama) of the CC2020 Task Force, which recently published the ACM/IEEE-CS report Computing Curricula 2020: Paradigms for Future Computing Curricula (CC2020). The report is the first comprehensive update of the ACM/IEEE-CS curricula guidelines for baccalaureate degrees in 15 years.
Deepfakes, Disinformation and Democracy Conference, June 2
ACM's US Technology Policy Committee is joining with the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation and the Online News Association to bring together key stakeholders, experts, and thought leaders to discuss the future of deepfakes, disinformation, and democracy in a half-day virtual policy conference. Joining the international roster of speakers will be ACM A.M. Turing Award laureate and Google VP and Chief Internet Evangelist Vint Cerf. Register to watch on Wednesday, June 2 from 1 to 4 PM EDT.
Listen to ACM ByteCast!
ACM's Practitioner Board has created ACM ByteCast, a new podcast series in which hosts Rashmi Mohan, Jessica Bell, and Scott Hanselman interview researchers, practitioners, and innovators who are at the intersection of computing research and practice. In each monthly episode, guests will share their experiences, the lessons they’ve learned, and their own visions for the future of computing.
Listen to the latest episode featuring 2013 ACM A.M. Turing Award laureate Leslie Lamport of Microsoft Research, best known for his seminal work in distributed and concurrent systems, and subscribe to the series wherever you get your podcasts.
ACM/IEEE Presidential Panel on the Future of Computing
A May 6 panel convened by ACM and IEEE discussed the computing profession's state in the world today and its future outlook. The panel focused on the many challenges of computational science, computer science education, and how information technology affects society, industry, and academia. Panelists included ACM President Gabriele Kotsis; IEEE-CS President Forrest Shull; ACM Turing Award Laureate Barbara Liskov; ACM Fellows Nuria Oliver and Ricardo Baeza-Yates; and Communications of the ACM Senior Editor Moshe Y. Vardi. Watch a recording of the panel.
Call for Nominations for National Science Board
The National Science Board is seeking nominations for eight board member positions, for a six-year term beginning May 10, 2022. The NSB provides oversight for, and establishes the policies of, the US National Science Foundation and is responsible for assembling and transmitting recommendations to the White House for appointments from various scientific, engineering, and educational organizations and societies. Applications are due May 31. For more information visit the nominations portal.
Meet Michelle Zhou
Michelle Zhou is Co-founder and CEO of Juji, Inc., which develops cognitive artificial intelligence assistants in the form of chatbots. She has authored more than 100 scientific publications on subjects including conversational AI, personality analytics, and interactive visual analytics of big data. An ACM Distinguished Member, Zhou serves as Editor-in-Chief of ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems.
ACM SIG Elections - Voting
On 30 April, members of the following SIGs (who were in good standing as of 15 April 2021) were sent voting information from Election Services Corporation (ESC), a third party that is conducting the election: SIGADA, SIGBED, SIGBio, SIGCHI, SIGDA, SIGEVO, SIGKDD, and SIGSOFT.
Please contact ESC if you have not received an email. If ACM does not have an email address on file, members will receive the voting information via postal mail. Ballots are due by 1 June at 16:00 UTC. You can view the candidate slate here.
On 15 April, members of the following SIGs (who were in good standing as of 1 April 2021) were sent voting information from Election Services Corporation (ESC), a third party that is conducting the election: SIGCOMM, SIGITE, SIGMOBILE, SIGMOD, SIGMM, SIGSAC, and SIGSAM.
Please contact ESC if you have not received an email. If ACM does not have an email address on file, members will receive the voting information via postal mail. Ballots are due by 1 June at 16:00 UTC. You can view the candidate slate here.
Voting for the following elections closed on 14 May 2021 (16:00 UTC):
Results will be announced soon.
ACM Presents Special Awards to Regeneron Science Fair Finalists
ACM presented Special Awards to finalists in the 2021 Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), the world's largest high school science research competition, held virtually May 16-21, 2021. Nearly 2,000 high school students competed to reach the finals. Each year, organizations representing government, industry and education serve as Special Award Sponsors, providing awards, scholarships, internships and other prizes to student finalists. In addition to monetary prizes, ACM also provides complimentary ACM Student Lite Memberships for the duration of the award recipients' undergraduate education.
Scott Aaronson Honored with ACM Prize in Computing
ACM has named Scott Aaronson of the University of Texas at Austin the recipient of the 2020 ACM Prize in Computing for groundbreaking contributions to quantum computing. Aaronson showed how results from computational complexity theory can provide new insights into the laws of quantum physics, and brought clarity to what quantum computers will, and will not, be able to do. His quantum supremacy experiments allow scientists to give convincing evidence that quantum computers provide exponential speedups without having to first build a full fault-tolerant quantum computer.
ACM Announces 2020 Turing Award Recipients
ACM has named Alfred Aho, Lawrence Gussman Professor Emeritus at Columbia University, and Jeffrey Ullman, Stanford W. Ascherman Professor Emeritus at Stanford University and CEO of Gradiance Corporation, recipients of the 2020 ACM A.M. Turing Award for fundamental algorithms and theory underlying programming language implementation, and for synthesizing these results and those of others in their highly influential books, which educated generations of computer scientists.
Discover the Latest "Selects," Shortlists of Learning Resources Curated by Experts
ACM Selects are themed shortlists curated by subject matter experts for both serious and emerging computing professionals, with the goal of providing new ways to discover relevant resources, either through ACM or authenticated by ACM-affiliated specialists. The latest Selects cover Getting Started with HPC, Getting Started with Networks, Getting Started with Data Science #2, and People in Computing #7: Women in Hardware and Programming Languages.
ACM-W's Webinar Series Celebrates Women in Computing
By highlighting successful technical women who are leading diverse careers in the technology industry, ACM-W’s webinar series, “Celebrating Technology Leaders,” aims to inform students and early-career professionals about the multitude of career options open to them. The latest episode features Women in Cybersecurity on June 9; register here. Previous webinars featured tech entrepreneurship; UI/UX; data; and robotics. Visit the YouTube playlist to watch the webinars.
Introducing ACM Focus
ACM Focus is a new way to explore the breadth and variety of ACM content, and to stay current with the latest trends in your technical community. ACM Focus consists of a set of AI-curated custom feeds by subject, each serving up a focused set of the latest relevant ACM content that provides overall awareness of relevant ACM activities, people, talks and a variety of published works. Examples of topic categories include AI, Web, Applied Computing, Society, Graphics, and more. The feeds are built in an automated fashion and are refined as you interact with them. Explore ACM Focus today!
ICSE 2021, May 23 to 29 (online)
The ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering will feature the latest in research, education, open source projects, testing, analysis, and more. Keynoters include Dario Gil (IBM Research), Prem Devanbu (University of California, Davis), Michael Lyu (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Elaine Weyuker (Mälardalen University), and ACM Fellow Jeannette Wing (Columbia University).
ISCA 2021, June 14 to 19 (online)
The International Symposium on Computer Architecture is the premier forum for new ideas and research results in computer architecture. Workshops will cover such topics as DRAM security, environmental responsibility, and real-world applications. Hillery Hunter (IBM), Monica Lam (Stanford University) and Pradeep Dubey (State University of New York, Stony Brook) will keynote.
SIGMOD/PODS 2021, June 20 to 25 (online)
The International Conference on Management of Data is a leading international forum for database researchers, practitioners, developers, and users to explore cutting-edge ideas and results, and to exchange techniques, tools, and experiences. Workshops will cover Big Data in Emergent Distributed Environments; Exploiting AI for Data Management; Data Management for End-to-End Machine Learning; Data Management on New Hardware; and Graph Data Management and Systems and Network Data Analytics.
Getting Down to Basics
Read about the 2020 ACM A.M. Turing Award recipients, Alfred V. Aho and Jeffrey D. Ullman in "Getting Down to Basics" from the June 2021 issue of Communications of the ACM.
Differential Privacy: The Pursuit of Protections by Default
As privacy violations have become rampant and calls for better measures to protect sensitive, personally identifiable information have primarily resulted in bureaucratic policies satisfying almost no one, differential privacy is emerging as a potential solution. In “Differential Privacy: The Pursuit of Protections by Default,” a Case Study in ACM Queue, Google’s Damien Desfontaines and Miguel Guevara reflect with Jim Waldo and Terry Coatta on the engineering challenges that lie ahead for differential privacy, as well as what remains to be done to achieve their ultimate goal of providing privacy protection by default.
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Lifelong Learning
ACM offers lifelong learning resources including online books from O'Reilly, online courses from Skillsoft, TechTalks on the hottest topics in computing and IT, and more.
ACM Updates Code of Ethics
ACM recently updated its Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. The revised Code of Ethics addresses the significant advances in computing technology since the 1992 version, as well as the growing pervasiveness of computing in all aspects of society. To promote the Code throughout the computing community, ACM created a booklet, which includes the Code, case studies that illustrate how the Code can be applied to situations that arise in everyday practice and suggestions on how the Code can be used in educational settings and in companies and organizations. Download a PDF of the ACM Code booklet.