Kel Lyons


Covering mental health + criminal justice for via | [email protected]. | Previously , and .

Hartford, CT
Se unió en octubre de 2011

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  1. hace 7 horas

    “We’ve had incidents at the Walker building during the transition, where individuals have caused problems where they had to be placed in in-cell restraints,” said DOC Commissioner Angel Quiros. “And then once the threat was over, they were removed.”

  2. hace 8 horas

    As the state transferred men out of Northern this spring in preparation for the prison’s closure, Richard Rice noticed some of the cells in the prison unit where he worked were being altered. “Basically, they’re taking Northern and bringing it here.”

  3. retwitteó
    hace 8 horas
  4. hace 9 horas

    When it comes to in-cell restraints — shackling someone via handcuffs inside their cells, restricting their movement — advocates see torture, but the DOC sees an important tool to protect staff and the incarcerated - but pledged to decrease its use

  5. retwitteó
    9 jul.

    State officials have agreed to pay $1.65 million to the family of Karon Nealy Jr., a 19-year-old who died in 2015 of complications from lupus while he was in prison. Read more:

    Quote from DeVaughn Ward, one of the attorneys representing Nealy’s estate in a federal lawsuit that has taken three years to resolve: "Nothing's going to bring this kid back. It's certainly less than what we had it valued at."
  6. retwitteó
    hace 10 horas

    As DOC shuttered Northern Correctional Institution, advocates worried Connecticut would simply move what they considered Northern's harmful practices to other prisons. One of those practices — in-cell shackling — has continued since the closure.

  7. 9 jul.

    Using a walkie-talkie to make up for understaffing shows “disregard for inmate heath care,” said “The Attorney General’s Office has a responsibility to not just defend defendants, but recognize when there’s a situational injustice occurring.”

  8. 8 jul.

    The money is important, said , "but the information we uncovered about how poorly the entire system is run should be the wake-up call for investigating how we provide health care to people who have lost their liberty.”

  9. retwitteó
    8 jul.

    State officials have agreed to pay $1.65 million to the family of Karon Nealy Jr., a 19-year-old who died in 2015 from complications from lupus while he was in prison.

  10. 8 jul.

    Once, nurse Chad Greenwood was mandated to work a 2nd shift at a different prison. In 15 minutes, he managed to leave Manson, clean the snow off his car, drive to Cheshire, park and report to work. He later filed a report explaining what took him so long.

  11. 8 jul.

    For a few years, nurses floated between two prisons about a half-mile from each other due to low staffing levels. They stayed up-to-date by using a walkie-talkie to communicate. "... we were told, ‘Well, if you need them to come back, then call for them."

  12. retwitteó
    8 jul.
  13. 8 jul.

    “Nothing’s gonna bring this kid back," said DeVaughn Ward, one of the attorneys representing Karon Nealy Jr.'s estate. “It’s a small down payment on some restorative justice for his family.”

  14. retwitteó
    8 jul.

    ICYMI: This is a big expansion to our newsroom. and are bringing a lot of horsepower to an already terrific staff.

  15. retwitteó
    7 jul.
  16. retwitteó
    7 jul.

    Lawyers for Sandy Hook families say Remington, the manufacturer of the AR-15-style rifle used in the 2012 school shooting, included in its documents tens of thousands of irrelevant images — some of which were random cartoons.

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  17. 7 jul.

    An analysis by 's shows that more than six out of every 10 federal relief dollars built into the new state budget that began July 1 effectively will wind up in public-sector pension accounts.

  18. retwitteó
    7 jul.

    Late to this, but it makes my heart sing. Thanks Connecticut. May the American Opportunity Accounts act via & pass. (My carpenter dad had this exact idea years ago. Maybe we should let folks who've lived poverty lead fixing it?)

  19. 7 jul.
  20. retwitteó
    7 jul.

    Meet CT Mirror's newest reporters! 👋 of Marketplace and WSJ will be our first-ever economic development reporter. 👋 of the Post and Courier will join Dave Altimari on our investigative team. READ MORE:


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