
Research Technical Services (SSTTI) of the University of Alicante, dependent of the VP for Research, were created in 1987 in front of the need to have of skilled resources of investigation.

Bring together infrastructure and scientific-technological equipment which, due to the high cost for acquisition and maintanence, complexity and/or the use by different research groups, requires centralization and handling by specialized personnel. Much of its infrastructure and facilities have been made possible through co-financing through funds from the regional government (Generalitat Valenciana), the central and European governments (ERDF).

 SSTTI are divided into two areas. Scientific Instrumentation Area is organized into units that group and centralize scientific instrumentation equipment and Infrastructure and Technical Support Area, comprising laboratories-workshops and facilities to support research.

 All this technological potential is available to researchers from the University of Alicante, other public universities, as well as to private companies to support basic and applied research in the most diverse areas, with the ultimate aim of contributing to the scientific and technological development of society.

Research Technical Services

Campus expansion area

38º23'01.1''N  0º31'31.2''W

38.383653, -0.525335

Administrative office


965903400 Ext. 1125

[email protected]



[email protected]

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