
How I see the web with uBlock Origin

Countless times a day, you’re working with a certain number of apps, clicking on news feeds and shared links. Without realizing it, the amount of visual pollution you’ll be faced with and the wasted bandwidth usage that goes with it can be maddening. For many, Adblock Plus was a solution. I have to admit I never really got into it as my ISP’s DSL router has built-in ad-blocking capabilities.

Rebuilding my blog with Jekyll

There we go again. After Drupal, Grav and (managed) Ghost I wanted to try something new so I started exploring different Open Source flat-file CMS options. Drupal is very dear to my heart but I work 40 hours a week on it and certainly don’t want to manage the complexity of a database, modules, caching, reverse proxy, etc. for my simple blog. I love Grav and Ghost very much for blogging needs but wanted to try something new. Oh, and also, managed Ghost is quite expensive and I can’t quite justify this.

I have a dream that company emails would be a thing of the past

I’m sick of emails, but more importantly, I’m sick of always using its common pattern which goes something like:

Using Drupal Configuration Management to build an app

There’s a lot to say about Drupal Configuration Management. Many contrib modules have emerged to address the shortcomings in core and I agree that most of them are clearly solving a need. I even have colleagues claiming “there’s a CM-related article every week on Drupal Planet!”. Here’s one more :-)

Is it time to switch your Open Source community to a modern chat system?

Chat tools have evolved dramatically in the past few years. Several popular Open Source projects like CiviCRM have already jumped to a more modern chat infrastructure, but many others are still using good ol’ IRC. Most of the time the reasoning is Open Source communities want to use an Open Source chat system to federate their user base. And that makes sense. But have Open Source alternatives to IRC been evaluated?

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