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James Sinkala

Software Developer based on Earth, The Milky way.

Why You Should Start an Open Source Project

Why You Should Start an Open Source Project

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9 min read
Deploy A Rust Website on Heroku

Deploy A Rust Website on Heroku

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5 min read
Multiple Ways to Implement Sticky Footers

Multiple Ways to Implement Sticky Footers

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6 min read
Implementing Website Search with Vue.

Implementing Website Search with Vue.

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6 min read
Make a Back-End Number Guessing Game with Rust

Make a Back-End Number Guessing Game with Rust

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7 min read
Sending Contact Form Messages to Your Email Inbox

Sending Contact Form Messages to Your Email Inbox

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4 min read
Creating a Tic-Tac-Toe NodeJs Game

Creating a Tic-Tac-Toe NodeJs Game

Reactions 44 Comments 3
6 min read
Make Animated Content Placeholders with HTML and CSS

Make Animated Content Placeholders with HTML and CSS

Reactions 707 Comments 22
3 min read
Create Loading Animations with SVG and CSS

Create Loading Animations with SVG and CSS

Reactions 529 Comments 8
3 min read
Bottlenecks of Firebase vs Fauna

Bottlenecks of Firebase vs Fauna

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9 min read
Making a Markdown Editor for Your Vue Blog with Front Matter Support

Making a Markdown Editor for Your Vue Blog with Front Matter Support

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3 min read
Vue CLI Apps on Netlify Tips and Tricks

Vue CLI Apps on Netlify Tips and Tricks

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3 min read
Creating a Cloudinary Image Uploader With Crop Support in Vue

Creating a Cloudinary Image Uploader With Crop Support in Vue

8 min read
Deploy Vue CLI Apps on Netlify

Deploy Vue CLI Apps on Netlify

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3 min read
Consume RESTful APIs with fetch in Vue

Consume RESTful APIs with fetch in Vue

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4 min read
Create Animated Mobile Navigations in Vue

Create Animated Mobile Navigations in Vue

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3 min read
Setting up SSH Access to your Web Hosting Service.

Setting up SSH Access to your Web Hosting Service.

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1 min read
Creating an S.E.O Conquering Meta Tags Handler in Your Vue App.

Creating an S.E.O Conquering Meta Tags Handler in Your Vue App.

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5 min read
Creating a cool REST profile avatar uploader with Laravel, Vue and Axios.

Creating a cool REST profile avatar uploader with Laravel, Vue and Axios.

Reactions 4 Comments 4
3 min read
A Light Music Player For Your Audio Projects

A Light Music Player For Your Audio Projects

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1 min read
Adding Let's Encrypt SSL Certificates To Your Domain Using Acme PHP.

Adding Let's Encrypt SSL Certificates To Your Domain Using Acme PHP.

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2 min read
Making a seekable progress component a.k.a slider in Vue.

Making a seekable progress component a.k.a slider in Vue.

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5 min read