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Random Open-source Projects

Random Open-source Projects

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2 min read
The 7 Most Popular DEV Posts from the Past Week

The 7 Most Popular DEV Posts from the Past Week

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2 min read
How to add Push Notifications to a Webflow Site

How to add Push Notifications to a Webflow Site

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5 min read
SSL explained briefly

SSL explained briefly

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2 min read
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DEV Community is a community of 622,292 amazing developers

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An Effective Strategy To Learn Vue.js In Less Than SevenΒ Days

An Effective Strategy To Learn Vue.js In Less Than SevenΒ Days

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10 min read
crypto.randomUUID is three times faster uuid.v4

crypto.randomUUID is three times faster uuid.v4

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1 min read
How to host a Next.js web apps with server-side rendering (SSR) in AWS Amplify

How to host a Next.js web apps with server-side rendering (SSR) in AWS Amplify

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8 min read
Our computers run on sand, a post about silicon.

Our computers run on sand, a post about silicon.

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3 min read
Customize your keyboard's layout using QMK

Customize your keyboard's layout using QMK

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4 min read
5 CSS Bad Coding Habits

5 CSS Bad Coding Habits

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3 min read
Android CodeView the easiest way to highlight text

Android CodeView the easiest way to highlight text

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2 min read
Opensource Introduction to SQL eBook πŸ’‘

Opensource Introduction to SQL eBook πŸ’‘

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3 min read
Build Cross-Platform Native Mobile Apps using Java/Kotlin for iOS, Android, Desktop & Web

Build Cross-Platform Native Mobile Apps using Java/Kotlin for iOS, Android, Desktop & Web

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4 min read
How to use SVGR?

How to use SVGR?

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5 min read
Deno v1.10 has added support for localStorage. What do you think would be a good use case for this feature?

Deno v1.10 has added support for localStorage. What do you think would be a good use case for this feature?

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1 min read
Self hosting with Pi

Self hosting with Pi

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5 min read
Contentful Developer newsletter: Rich Text rendering, a new Next.js course and tags for GraphQL

Contentful Developer newsletter: Rich Text rendering, a new Next.js course and tags for GraphQL

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4 min read
Random Art Generator: Dots & Rings

Random Art Generator: Dots & Rings

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1 min read
How we got rid of cookie consent banners and why

How we got rid of cookie consent banners and why

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2 min read
React vs Vue - Beginners Guide

React vs Vue - Beginners Guide

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4 min read
State Management With WebAssembly & Rust

State Management With WebAssembly & Rust

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6 min read
Document and Test Django APIs with Swagger (Part 1)

Document and Test Django APIs with Swagger (Part 1)

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2 min read
What is Cellular IoT?

What is Cellular IoT?

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5 min read
The database for developers is here

The database for developers is here

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1 min read
16 VS Code Shortcuts for Faster Coding

16 VS Code Shortcuts for Faster Coding

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4 min read
Promise based Dialog in Vue 2

Promise based Dialog in Vue 2

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3 min read
Why I made my open source React component private by default: an Open Source story

Why I made my open source React component private by default: an Open Source story

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5 min read
How to build a React CRUD todo app (add localstorage)

How to build a React CRUD todo app (add localstorage)

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5 min read
Why you should have a code of conduct on GitHub

Why you should have a code of conduct on GitHub

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2 min read
10 raisons pourquoi j'aimes Laravel !

10 raisons pourquoi j'aimes Laravel !

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3 min read
Load-balancing a gRPC service using Docker

Load-balancing a gRPC service using Docker

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9 min read
Node.js Streams Quick Introduction

Node.js Streams Quick Introduction

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2 min read
What's your opinion on data-first frontend ?

What's your opinion on data-first frontend ?

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2 min read
Getting started with the Notion API JavaScript SDK

Getting started with the Notion API JavaScript SDK

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5 min read
Learning OO Ruby

Learning OO Ruby

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2 min read
This is me, I'm a "developer"

This is me, I'm a "developer"

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3 min read
How to configure Nginx configuration file in ubuntu for localhost port forwarding

How to configure Nginx configuration file in ubuntu for localhost port forwarding

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1 min read
Using Angular with Rails

Using Angular with Rails

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16 min read
Using await in loop cause performance issues

Using await in loop cause performance issues

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3 min read
Less annoying CSS in React with CSS modules

Less annoying CSS in React with CSS modules

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1 min read
As A Front-End Developer in 2021

As A Front-End Developer in 2021

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2 min read
Zmsg: Zero-knowledge Messaging on the Blockchain

Zmsg: Zero-knowledge Messaging on the Blockchain

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1 min read
CI for Dotnet project with GitHub Action

CI for Dotnet project with GitHub Action

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2 min read
WAO: How do you test software?

WAO: How do you test software?

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1 min read
Deadshot: Keep Sensitive Data Out of Code

Deadshot: Keep Sensitive Data Out of Code

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2 min read
Roblox Developing

Roblox Developing

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2 min read
My Custom Http Error In Golang

My Custom Http Error In Golang

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2 min read
Rebasing & Merging

Rebasing & Merging

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3 min read
Next.js Redirect Without Flashing Content

Next.js Redirect Without Flashing Content

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4 min read
Deploy Django project on Heroku

Deploy Django project on Heroku

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1 min read