Welcome to Gentoo, a highly flexible, source-based Linux distribution.

Google Summer of Code 2021 students welcome (May 18, 2021)

We are glad to welcome Leo and Mark to the Google Summer of Code 2021.

Mark will work on improving Catalyst, our release building tool. Leo will work on improving our Java packaging support, with a special focus on big-data and scientific software.

New packages at the Gentoo packages database

app-crypt/openpgp-keys-libidn OpenPGP keys used to sign libidn releases
acct-user/vnstat User for vnstat network monitoring
acct-group/vnstat Group for vnstat network monitoring
sci-visualization/jupyter-dash Plotly Dash apps from within Jupyter environments
dev-python/pulsectl Python high-level interface and ctypes-based bindings for PulseAudio (libpulse)

Fresh documentation on the Gentoo wiki

BleedingTooth vulnerability started by Whissi
Xp-pen started by YellowKll
Subuid subgid started by Aisha
Portage-Multi-Stage-Dockerfile started by Zmedico
Google Summer of Code/2021/Ideas/Big Data Infrastructure by Gentoo started by Heroxbd