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Federal government hit with over 62,000 signatures of support to block Rogers-Shaw buyout

Multiple petitions call on the Government of Canada to stop Rogers’ proposed acquisition of Shaw, citing significant threat to wireless affordability.

Justin Trudeau: Don’t break the Internet

OpenMedia has signed onto an open letter to Justin Trudeau that voices concerns about recently tabled policies and regulations that threaten to harm the Internet, Canada's knowledge economy, and every individual in this country.
Image for Beyond C-10: Inside the government’s plan to suspend Internet users and block website access

Beyond C-10: Inside the government’s plan to suspend Internet users and block website access

On top of Bill C-10, Canada’s government is trying to give itself sweeping censorship powers to shut off access to parts of the web.

Over 61,000 petition signers call on federal government to block Rogers-Shaw buyout

Joint civil society statement warns of higher prices and less consumer choice if Rogers is allowed to buy competitor Shaw.

Stop Facial Recognition: Submission to British Columbia’s Police Act Review

In the hands of the police, facial recognition technology brings us one step closer to a full surveillance state.

The CRTC must not be given power over user online speech

Bill C-10 must be rejected by Parliament to defend freedom of expression in Canada
Image for The First Police Moratorium on Facial Recognition in Canada

The First Police Moratorium on Facial Recognition in Canada

The Vancouver Police Department announced a moratorium on facial recognition technology after a complaint was filed by OpenMedia.
Image for Stop C-10: NO CRTC regulation of user speech

Stop C-10: NO CRTC regulation of user speech

The CRTC is about to be put in charge of every video, meme, and podcast we upload to the Internet. Message your MP to stop Bill C-10 now.
Image for CRTC Offers Far Too Little, Far Too Late in Stuttering Bid for More Cell Phone Competition

CRTC Offers Far Too Little, Far Too Late in Stuttering Bid for More Cell Phone Competition

Penned by Tamir Israel from Samuelson-Glushko Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC), this deep dive into the April 15th CRTC MVNO decision outlines how the Commission’s regulatory solution offers slim hopes for Canada’s cell phone market.
Image for Setting the record straight: How the CRTC’s decision on MVNOs tanks cheaper cell phone prices

Setting the record straight: How the CRTC’s decision on MVNOs tanks cheaper cell phone prices

The CRTC made the decision rejecting full MVNOs to benefit Big Telecom — not you.

OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet.

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