DEV Community



You can do more than just console.log()

You can do more than just console.log()

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2 min read
Random Open-source Projects

Random Open-source Projects

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2 min read
useAxios : A simple custom hook for calling APIs using axios

useAxios : A simple custom hook for calling APIs using axios

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4 min read
Keep your AWS Kubernetes costs in check with intelligent allocation

Keep your AWS Kubernetes costs in check with intelligent allocation

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9 min read
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DEV Community is a community of 626,258 amazing developers

We're a place where coders share, stay up-to-date and grow their careers.

The 7 Most Popular DEV Posts from the Past Week

The 7 Most Popular DEV Posts from the Past Week

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2 min read
16 VS Code Shortcuts for Faster Coding

16 VS Code Shortcuts for Faster Coding

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4 min read
Building a better Web View for mobile apps

Building a better Web View for mobile apps

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4 min read
Chakra UI: the hidden treasures

Chakra UI: the hidden treasures

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3 min read
An Effective Strategy To Learn Vue.js In Less Than Seven Days

An Effective Strategy To Learn Vue.js In Less Than Seven Days

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10 min read
Document and Test Django APIs with Swagger (Part 1)

Document and Test Django APIs with Swagger (Part 1)

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2 min read
Using Angular with Rails

Using Angular with Rails

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16 min read
Load-balancing a gRPC service using Docker

Load-balancing a gRPC service using Docker

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9 min read
What should I do in the future?

What should I do in the future?

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1 min read
CI for Dotnet project with GitHub Action

CI for Dotnet project with GitHub Action

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2 min read
Is it worth it to cross-post on Medium in 2021?

Is it worth it to cross-post on Medium in 2021?

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3 min read
Opensource Introduction to SQL eBook 💡

Opensource Introduction to SQL eBook 💡

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3 min read
Integrate ESLint with your React project step by step (javascript)

Integrate ESLint with your React project step by step (javascript)

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2 min read
Getting started with the Notion API JavaScript SDK

Getting started with the Notion API JavaScript SDK

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5 min read
How to build a React CRUD todo app (add localstorage)

How to build a React CRUD todo app (add localstorage)

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5 min read
How to Deploy your React Project to Netlify? (step by step)

How to Deploy your React Project to Netlify? (step by step)

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7 min read
How create CPF Input Mask on Salesforce Aura Framework

How create CPF Input Mask on Salesforce Aura Framework

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2 min read
Theming with PrimeNG CSS Variables

Theming with PrimeNG CSS Variables

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3 min read
Contentful Developer newsletter: Rich Text rendering, a new Next.js course and tags for GraphQL

Contentful Developer newsletter: Rich Text rendering, a new Next.js course and tags for GraphQL

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4 min read
CSS Tutorial - Styling a CSS Form & Adding a Shine 🌟 Effect [video]

CSS Tutorial - Styling a CSS Form & Adding a Shine 🌟 Effect [video]

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1 min read
What Are Callback Functions In JavaScript?

What Are Callback Functions In JavaScript?

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3 min read
Workflow Creation with Litmus 2.0 Beta

Workflow Creation with Litmus 2.0 Beta

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4 min read
How Computers generate random numbers ?

How Computers generate random numbers ?

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3 min read
5 CSS Bad Coding Habits

5 CSS Bad Coding Habits

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3 min read
How we got rid of cookie consent banners and why

How we got rid of cookie consent banners and why

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2 min read
The database for developers is here

The database for developers is here

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1 min read
Why you should have a code of conduct on GitHub

Why you should have a code of conduct on GitHub

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2 min read
Why I made my open source React component private by default: an Open Source story

Why I made my open source React component private by default: an Open Source story

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5 min read
4 ways to Compare Strings in JavaScript

4 ways to Compare Strings in JavaScript

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2 min read
Roblox Developing

Roblox Developing

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2 min read
This is me, I'm a "developer"

This is me, I'm a "developer"

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3 min read
Random Art Generator: Dots & Rings

Random Art Generator: Dots & Rings

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Top các phần mềm diệt virus tốt nhất cho Windows 2022

Top các phần mềm diệt virus tốt nhất cho Windows 2022

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7 min read
Various methods for Python String Comparison

Various methods for Python String Comparison

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3 min read
Next.js Redirect Without Flashing Content

Next.js Redirect Without Flashing Content

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4 min read
Deadshot: Keep Sensitive Data Out of Code

Deadshot: Keep Sensitive Data Out of Code

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2 min read
I made a website to make programmers laugh:

I made a website to make programmers laugh:

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1 min read
Terminal Setup with Zsh + Tmux + Dracula Theme

Terminal Setup with Zsh + Tmux + Dracula Theme

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I created 3 New VSCode Themes!

I created 3 New VSCode Themes!

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As A Front-End Developer in 2021

As A Front-End Developer in 2021

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2 min read
Building a Debt Tracker with Python and Fauna

Building a Debt Tracker with Python and Fauna

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5 min read
Adding ESLint to an Angular Micro Frontend architecture

Adding ESLint to an Angular Micro Frontend architecture

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4 min read
How to create currency converter in javascript

How to create currency converter in javascript

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4 min read
How to build a React CRUD todo app (add/read todos)

How to build a React CRUD todo app (add/read todos)

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4 min read
Making perfect square tiles with flexbox

Making perfect square tiles with flexbox

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2 min read
Golang : Work with config files

Golang : Work with config files

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1 min read