Welcome to Gentoo, a highly flexible, source-based Linux distribution.

In Memory of Kent “kentnl” Fredric (Feb 12, 2021)

Gentoo mourns the sudden loss of Kent Fredric, also known to us by his IRC handle kent\n. He passed away following a tragic accident a few days ago.

Kent was an active member of the Gentoo community for many years. He tirelessly managed Gentoo’s Perl support, and was active in the Rust project as well as in many other corners. We all remember him as an enthusiastic, bright person, with lots of eye for detail and constant willingness to help out and improve things. On behalf of the world-wide Gentoo community, our heartfelt condolences go out to his family and friends.

Please join us in remembering Kent on the Gentoo forums.

New packages at the Gentoo packages database

media-plugins/kodi-pvr-zattoo Zattoo PVR addon for Kodi
app-crypt/openpgp-keys-danielveillard OpenPGP keys used by Daniel Veillard
sci-visualization/dash Python framework for building ML & data science web apps
sci-visualization/dash-core-components Core components suite for Dash
sci-visualization/dash-html-components Vanilla HTML components for Dash

Fresh documentation on the Gentoo wiki

BleedingTooth vulnerability started by Whissi
Xp-pen started by YellowKll
Subuid subgid started by Aisha
Portage-Multi-Stage-Dockerfile started by Zmedico
Google Summer of Code/2021/Ideas/Big Data Infrastructure by Gentoo started by Heroxbd