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Security Systems

Results 1-3 of 3
Simple Log File Analyzer
The Simple Log File Analyzer helps you to detect possible hack attempts within the log files of your webserver. Features - Error handling - Scan a log file for four different attack types - Display a short scan report - Write scan results to a new log file - Easy to use (everything is simple and automated)
(12 ratings)
VIFF: Virtual Ideal Functionality Framework
Virtual Ideal Functionality Framework is a framework for creating efficient and secure multi-party computations (SMPC). Players, who do not trust each other, participate in a joint computation based on their private inputs. The computation is done using a cryptographic protocol which allows them to obtain a correct answer without revealing their inputs -- even if some players try to cheat by deviating from the protocol. Operations supported include addition, multiplication, and comparison, all with Shamir secret shared outputs.
(15 ratings)
An encrypted im/email client/server application using custom encryption algorhythms written for secure communcations over networks. Very Simple interface. NOTE: You must also have wxPython installed for gui interface.
(12 ratings)
Results 1-3 of 3