
The Department of Applied Economics and Economic Policy is attached to the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences, created by Law 29/1979 that marked the beginning of the University of Alicante. The subjects taught in different study plans deal with concepts such as instrumental policies, analysis of public policies (regional, national and international), sectoral policies without neglecting the environment; It also explains the important concepts of economics for students enrolled in other colleges where it is convenient to have these notions.

The Vice-Rector's Office for Students and Employability, through the Employment Center, organizes a virtual marathon on the 12th and 13th, an event in which it is intended that students and graduates come into contact with national companies through virtual stands . It will begin on Wednesday 12 at 10 in the morning with the inauguration by the Rector, Amparo Navarro, and will end at 18 hours on Thursday 13 with the delivery of the triathlon prizes, It can be viewed through the link .

Counselling and Work Insertion Institutional

Next week there will be a Networking conference organized by the Vice-Dean of External Practices and Relations with the Company and the UA Employment Center. From the 10th to the 14th, various professionals will interact through online meetings with those registered for these conferences (registration is independent for each day). Said professionals will try, in a certain sense, to show the outputs of the different subjects addressed in the Degrees taught at the Faculty of Economics.

Information about congresses, courses, lectures... Congresses

The Rector of the University of Alicante, Ámparo Navarro, together with several members of her team, has visited the Notarial College of Alicante, where a working meeting took place whose objective was to help promote the central area of ​​Alicante through a series of actions that promote local commerce. Today the foundations have been laid for some conversions that will carry out cultural, informative and educational actions in order to revitalize the downtown area of ​​the city.

More information in the link
