Where you can learn and measure

Whether you already have a website or you're just getting started, learn to build for the modern web at web.dev. Then, apply your new skills and solutions to any personal or professional site you work on.

After you've launched your site, come back to web.dev and measure how well it supports your users. If there are areas where it can improve, you'll get immediate steps to increase your metrics.

As the web advances, users' expectations get higher. With web.dev's guidance, you can give your users the best possible experience, wherever they are.

What the web can be

You know your users, and you have solutions for their needs. But, to win your users' loyalty, you also need to give them the best possible experience with your site.

Make sure your audience can:

  • Find your site
  • Open your site from any device
  • Load your site on a poor network connection
  • Use your site with assistive technology, like a screen reader

While these principles seem basic, there's a lot of room for improvement across the web. With web.dev, you can see how your website is performing, and learn tips to improve your user experience.

Reaching users on the mobile web

At first, Pinterest's mobile site pushed all their users to download their app. Then, they invested in building a modern web experience.

With a new focus on speed and performance, Pinterest's mobile site became more engaging to their users. Now, the mobile web is their top channel where new users sign up to join Pinterest.

Your tools for success

To get started, all you need is a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


Audit your site with Lighthouse to get guidance you can use to improve:

  • Performance
  • Progressive Web App status
  • Accessibility
  • Use of best practices
  • Search engine optimization


Practice new skills for the modern web and expand your knowledge on:

  • Load speed
  • Network reliability
  • Data security
  • Site discoverability
  • Accessibility for all users