Disability Justice Project
The Wayback Machine - https://webcf.waybackmachine.org/web/20210513125453/https://dpglaw.co.uk/disability-justice-project/

Disability Justice Project

The Disability Justice Project was founded by Inclusion London to support London Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations (DDPOs) to use the law to help Deaf/Disabled people make rights to independent living and access to goods and services a reality.  This came out of the work they began with DPG’s Louise Whitfield who helped to set up the DDPOs’ Legal Network.

The project focuses on three key pieces of legislation: The Care Act 2014; The Equality Act 2010; and the Human Rights Act 1998 and how they can be used to help secure independent living and access to goods and services.

The Project is run by Inclusion London, who we provide with legal support in respect of training materials, triaging cases and taking referrals. We are also active contributors to the DDPOs Legal Network which aims to build and sustain strong partnerships between DDPOs and lawyers, as well as identifying strategic challenges.

The work of the Disability Justice Project is supported by The Baring Foundation and Three Guineas Trust.

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