ACX Puts You in the Director's Chair.
Confirm you have audio rights for your book by checking your print book contract. If you have the audio rights, then for purposes of ACX, you are a Rights Holder.
Create a Title Profile by describing your book and the type of narrator best suited for it. You'll also post a 1-2 page excerpt from your book to serve as the Audition Script for potential narrators.
Post your book so Producers can audition. Or listen to sample narrations and invite a handful of producers to audition for your book.
You can make an Offer to a Producer to produce your audiobook by sending the Producer a Production Offer Page. If the Producer accepts the Offer, you have a deal on ACX.
Your producer will record and upload the a 15 minute checkpoint of the audiobook, which you can approve or provide feedback. When the sample is approved, the producer will record the full project.
You can ask the Producer to make up to two rounds of corrections to your finished audiobook. When you're happy, you pay your producer directly, unless you agreed to a Royalty Share deal.
ACX distributes your audiobook through Audible, Amazon, and iTunes under both the exclusive and non-exclusive contracts. If you grant non-exclusive distribution rights, then you can distribute through additional channels.
Promote the availability of your audiobook to your fans. Get started with great marketing advice in the Promote Yourself section.