Since over five hundred million people already use Facebook (and by the time you read this, it’ll likely be even more), you’ve probably heard of the site. You might even be on it and using it to stay connected with your friends. Now it’s time to start harnessing the power of Facebook to spread the word about your work and to connect with countless potential buyers of your audiobook.
Facebook is an online catalog of people, their likes, and their interests, many of which overlap with your own, and—more importantly—with your work. Use Facebook’s ability to target these common interests as a tool to build relationships and recognition with your fans and colleagues. Use it to generate sales of your audiobook.
Like with Twitter, share everything that you want people to associate with your personal brand: articles, videos, blog posts, books, products, news, etc. These things send a message about you, where you’re coming from, and why people should pay attention to you and your work.