Email is social networking, too. Everyone uses it, so be sure you make the most of it.
A quality email list can be a fantastic source of promotion. These lists should be built carefully, over time. (You can use social media to do that!)
Build your email list:
Put an email sign-up box on your blog. Invite people to sign up for announcements related to your works, public appearances, etc.
Offer to give something (digital) away for free, and create an exclusive incentive for new email subscribers. This could be an unpublished short story, a white paper, a diagram, a photo, and so on. Test different incentive items to see what delivers the best results. (As always, make sure you have rights to the work you’re giving away.)
Use your email list:
Email all your contacts when your audiobook is published. Encourage them to listen to a sample of your excellent work.
Every few months, send an email to all of your contacts. It’s a great way to give a short summary of your latest professional activities and accomplishments. Also, announce when you’re starting a new project, or let them know when you’re attending a conference, or teaching a class. Share anything new, noteworthy, and related to your work.
This is important: Keep your email updates BRIEF.
When you email, always include a link to your website, your blog, and your Facebook Fan page. And invite folks to follow you on Twitter.
Maintain your email list:
• Take every opportunity to expand your email list. Make contacts on your blog and at professional events, such as readings. Ask colleagues, customers, friends, and family for email addresses that might be useful.
Stay on top of any email address updates that come your way. It’s too easy for these changes to get out of control, and an outdated contact is a useless contact.