New xProfile Field Type – Checkbox Acceptance will be introduced in BuddyPress 8.0.0

The BuddyPress xProfile component gives you the power to create as many profile fields as you wish quickly and to organize these fields into groups of fields. An important step when creating a new profile field is to select the Field Type that best suits your need to display the information.

The Checkbox Acceptance field type is a new type of field we will introduce into our next major release (8.0.0). Thanks to it you’ll be able to easily create a new field to manage the Terms of Service of your site (which is often mandatory nowadays to follow compliance) or any other acceptance page (eg: code of conduct, good behavior rules, etc…). As it’s a profile field, it’s very easy to include it into your registration form to be sure to have your new members to agree to your linked acceptance page.

Adding a new field using the Checkbox Acceptance type.

When you’ll create a new xProfile field once you upgraded to BuddyPress 8.0.0, you will find a new field type option – Checkbox Acceptance.

Checkbox Acceptance field option

After selecting the Acceptance field, you can map your terms of service page to field options and include it into your registration form using the checkbox of the new Signup metabox (also introduced in 8.0.0).

Select your Terms of Service page to Checkbox Acceptance field

Save your profile field, and log out to preview the result on your registration page.

Checkbox Acceptance field view at register page.

It will be visible as in the above screenshot, mapped terms & condition page link on the register page with checkbox. Of course, new users will be able to click on the “Terms and conditions” link to aknowledge it.

Checkbox Acceptance field view for existing users.

Existing members can also agree to your acceptance page. Tell them to log in and visit their edit profile screen to submit their Acceptance from there. Once submitted, it will be a read-only field; members can not uncheck the value for the Acceptance field.

The acceptance field will only be visible to the logged-in member (viewing their self profile) and the admin. It will not be visible to members visiting any other one’s profile.

Checkbox Acceptance field view at own profile

Watch the demo!

The video below will show you how to create a new Acceptance field

Please read the full story about this new xProfile field type, head over to this ticket on our Trac environment.

#8-0-0, #xprofile

BP Dev-Chat summary: April 28, 2021

8.0.0 progress

  • #8428 has been fixed, new users now receive a welcome email once they activated their account.
  • Decisive progress were made about the Network invites ticket (#8139): this was the main topic of our development meeting. After discussing about some code details, it was decided to commit the latest patches to include the feature into the 8.0.0-beta1 release. @dcavins handled the pressure that was on him in a great way 💪.

8.0.0 schedule

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on May 12 at 19:30 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress. If you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!

PS: we count on you to test the 8.0.0 beta release!

#8-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BuddyPress 8.0.0-beta1 is ready for your tests

Hi everyone,

Please help us making the final release as great as possible! Test 8.0.0-beta1 and tell us what you think of it and if you find a bug, thanks in advance to keep us informed 😍.

#8-0-0, #beta, #release

BP Dev-Chat Agenda April 28, 2021


Please join our development chat tomorrow April 28 at 19:30 UTC. It will happen in #BuddyPress. This will be an important meeting: the first beta is scheduled for April 29. There are 10 remaining tickets into the milestone. If you have some patches to refresh, review, or commit before this beta release: don’t wait too long 🚀.

Here’s the 8.0.0 release schedule:

  • 8.0.0-beta1: April 29
  • 8.0.0 stable release: June 2.

If you have specific/additional points you need to discuss about, please share them into the comments area of this post.

See you tomorrow 😘

#8-0-0, #agenda, #dev-chat

Bye-bye BuddyBar, you did great!

I have the great honor to announce you all, the BuddyBar that was with us since BuddyPress 1.0.0 (@apeatling gave it birth on September 9, 2009) has been completely removed from our source code on April 29, 2021, 12.854 commits later!

Screenshot of the BuddyBar
Screenshot of the BuddyBar into BuddyPress 1.0.3

Its menus has been transposed into the WP Admin Bar which firstly appeared in WordPress 3.1. It was possible to turn off the WP Admin Bar in favor of the BuddyBar for a while even when we deprecated it in BuddyPress 2.1. We were thinking about completely removing it since version 3.0, but we regularly delayed its disappearance. I can understand it was a difficult move to do 😉. Yesterday, I took my courage in both hands and made this hard move.

To honor its memory and to remember my early times with BuddyPress, I’ve installed the 1.0.3 version of BuddyPress on a WordPress µ (version 2.8.1) configuration earlier today. The least we can say is: it looked really great in our first default theme!

The BuddyPress member’s page, 12 years ago!

Thanks a lot BuddyBar, you did a great job and I won’t forget you 💪 😘

#8-0-0, #buddybar

BP Dev-Chat summary: April 14, 2021

7.3.0 Maintenance & Security release

We started our development meeting talking about this security release by checking eventual reported issues on our support forums and on this support topic in particular.

NB: If you haven’t upgraded yet, please do so. If you are using a clone of the BP REST or the WP CLI BuddyPress GitHub repositories, please do fetch/merge upstream branches as fixes were about these 2 repositories we’re including when packaging the BuddyPress plugin.

8.0.0 progress

  • Now the Acceptance Checkbox Field (#4747) ticket has been committed to trunk, @vapvarun will write a post to explain how the field works and it will be published into these development notes.
  • @vapvarun will update the patch on the ticket about sending a BP Email when a user has successfully validated their account (#8428). The goal is to provide a default content to this welcome message like the one @im4th shared in Slack.
  • The ticket about improving the signup form customization has been committed (#6347), @im4th will also post a development note about it soon.
  • New interesting progress were made about the Network invites ticket (#8139): @im4th gave @dcavins some help about the BP Nouveau Template Pack integration. As we’re almost ready about the feature @im4th suggested, one last time, we update the initial 8.0.0 schedule to give us 1 extra week (4 more than the initial schedule) to include the feature into the 8.0.0 milestone. We agreed to udpate the schedule this way and now @dcavins is Under High Pressure about it 😱 😉.
  • @espellcaste submitted a patch on the ticket about migrating BP Core builds to GitHub Actions (#8421). Feedbacks are very welcome.

Updated 8.0.0 schedule

  • 8.0.0-beta1: April 29
  • 8.0.0 stable release: June 2.

Open Floor

@vapvarun shared a support topic about a potential feature for the future of the BP Groups component. We’ve discussed about it and we came to the conclusion migrating our custom URI parser in favor of WP Rewrites would be necessary. @im4th had a POC working a while ago and believes the best way to progress about this topic is working on a feature as plugin repository on BuddyPress’ GitHub. If you’re interested about this topic and would like to help & contribute to it, please tell us about it commenting this post 😉.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on April 28 at 19:30 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress. If you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!

#7-3-0, #8-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BuddyPress 7.3.0 Maintenance & Security Release


BuddyPress 7.3.0 is available, please upgrade asap 👉

#7-3-0, #maintenance, #release, #security

BP Dev-Chat Agenda April 14, 2021


Please join our development meeting tomorrow April 14 at 19:30 UTC. It will happen in #BuddyPress. During 30 minutes, we will discuss about our progress on the 8.0.0 milestone. As a reminder, the first beta is scheduled for next week 😱. Here’s the 8.0.0 schedule:

  • 8.0.0-beta1: April 22
  • 8.0.0 stable release: May 26.

We’ll need to make a decision about including the network/community invite feature (#8139) into 8.0.0 release. If we’re very close to be ready we might postpone the beta release by a week, otherwise, we’ll postpone the feature to next major release.

If you have specific/additional points you need to discuss about, please share them into the comments area of this post.

#8-0-0, #agenda, #dev-chat

BP Dev-Chat summary: March 31, 2021

8.0.0 progress

  • @dcavins made interesting progress about the Network invites ticket (#8139) working on a new patch to manage optouts (see #8448). He was happy to get feedbacks from @boonebgorges and @im4th about it. As it would be really great to have this feature added to Core for the 8.0.0 milestone @im4th has offered his help with the BP Nouveau Template pack JS/PHP parts needed to be improved to welcome the feature. @dcavins will update the main ticket with directions about this area.
  • @vapvarun will submit new patches about these two tickets:
    • Acceptance Checkbox Field (#4747)
    • new BP Email when a user has successfully validated their account (#8428)
  • @im4th added some patches about improving the signup form customization (#6347), feedbacks are very welcome, there’s a demo of the first patch after this bullet list.
  • @im4th suggested, once again, we update the initial 8.0.0 schedule to give us 1 extra week (3 more than the initial schedule) to try to have the Network Invites feature ready for 8.0.0 and finally decide about its inclusion in 8.0.0 during next dev-chat.
  • @espellcaste did a great job about caching the item schemas to improve the BP REST API performance (#GH386). He will try to work on the ticket about migrating BP Core builds to GitHub Actions (#8421) in the coming weeks.
Demo of the first patch on #6347

Updated 8.0.0 schedule

  • 8.0.0-beta1: April 22
  • 8.0.0 stable release: May 26.

Open Floor

@vapvarun shared the latest plugin he submitted to Plugins Directory. If you’re looking for a nice way to preview any links into your activities, give it a try 😉

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on April 14 at 19:30 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress. If you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!

#8-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary