DEV Community

Vu Dao profile picture

Devops Engineer at Awesome Devops || AWS SA || CloudOpz

Launch A Multi-node Kubernetes Cluster Using Vagrant And KVM

Launch A Multi-node Kubernetes Cluster Using Vagrant And KVM

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5 min read
AWS GuardDuty Combine With Security Hub And Slack

AWS GuardDuty Combine With Security Hub And Slack

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6 min read
HAProxy Basic Login Authentication

HAProxy Basic Login Authentication

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2 min read
Memory Consumption In Linux

Memory Consumption In Linux

Reactions 9 Comments
7 min read
SES Email Tracking

SES Email Tracking

Reactions 12 Comments
4 min read
Ensure No Product Tenants Are Opened During Maintenance Mode

Ensure No Product Tenants Are Opened During Maintenance Mode

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2 min read
Quick Test Your Bash Shell

Quick Test Your Bash Shell

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1 min read
Using Bash Shell To Parsing Apache Logs

Using Bash Shell To Parsing Apache Logs

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2 min read
Use GoAccess To Analyze HAProxy Logs

Use GoAccess To Analyze HAProxy Logs

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4 min read
Generate AWS Temporary Credential And Add It As A Profile

Generate AWS Temporary Credential And Add It As A Profile

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2 min read
Force Enable AWS MFA And Using Temp Credential

Force Enable AWS MFA And Using Temp Credential

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5 min read
How Is Your S3 Bucket Life-Cycle?

How Is Your S3 Bucket Life-Cycle?

Reactions 4 Comments
2 min read
Scan AWS IAM Keys In A Commit

Scan AWS IAM Keys In A Commit

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2 min read
Using AWS Waf And Shield To Protect DDoS

Using AWS Waf And Shield To Protect DDoS

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3 min read
Moving Big Number Of Messages Between SQS Queues

Moving Big Number Of Messages Between SQS Queues

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6 min read
Shorten Long URL Using CDK And Serverless

Shorten Long URL Using CDK And Serverless

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2 min read
Lazy Add IAM Access Key

Lazy Add IAM Access Key

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1 min read
Config Gitlab Runner To Push A Tag

Config Gitlab Runner To Push A Tag

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2 min read
How To Change RDS Postgresql Configurations

How To Change RDS Postgresql Configurations

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2 min read
How To Curl Single File Using Access Token In Gitlab

How To Curl Single File Using Access Token In Gitlab

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1 min read
Create Cron Jobs On AWS Lambda With Cloudwatch Event

Create Cron Jobs On AWS Lambda With Cloudwatch Event

Reactions 6 Comments
2 min read
Understand Amazon SSM Agent In 2 Minutes

Understand Amazon SSM Agent In 2 Minutes

Reactions 11 Comments 9
6 min read
Multi Threading In Lambda Function

Multi Threading In Lambda Function

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3 min read
Monitor HTTP(S) URL Endpoints Using Ciao

Monitor HTTP(S) URL Endpoints Using Ciao

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3 min read
How To Get Lastest Image Version in AWS ECR

How To Get Lastest Image Version in AWS ECR

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3 min read
Custom CloudWatch Events

Custom CloudWatch Events

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3 min read
Deploy Python Lambda Functions With Container Image

Deploy Python Lambda Functions With Container Image

Reactions 10 Comments 2
4 min read
Create AWS-CDK image container

Create AWS-CDK image container

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4 min read
5 Minutes Travellist-laravel-Demo

5 Minutes Travellist-laravel-Demo

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5 min read
Create Alarm Clocker Using Python And SystemD

Create Alarm Clocker Using Python And SystemD

Reactions 13 Comments 2
2 min read
Ansible Vault Quick Start

Ansible Vault Quick Start

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2 min read
Create An Ubuntu 20.04 Server Using Vagrant

Create An Ubuntu 20.04 Server Using Vagrant

Reactions 6 Comments 1
3 min read
Gitlab Pipeline With AWS Codedeploy

Gitlab Pipeline With AWS Codedeploy

Reactions 9 Comments 1
2 min read
Create CodeDeploy

Create CodeDeploy

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4 min read
CI/CD Of Invalidation AWS CDN Using Gitlab Pipeline

CI/CD Of Invalidation AWS CDN Using Gitlab Pipeline

Reactions 7 Comments
1 min read
Create AWS Lambda Function Triggered By S3 Notification Event

Create AWS Lambda Function Triggered By S3 Notification Event

Reactions 9 Comments 1
2 min read
Invalidation AWS CDN Using Boto3

Invalidation AWS CDN Using Boto3

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1 min read
Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM)

Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM)

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2 min read
Using SourceIp in ALB Listener Rule

Using SourceIp in ALB Listener Rule

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1 min read
How To Drop A Postgres Role/User With privileges

How To Drop A Postgres Role/User With privileges

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1 min read
Connect Postgres Database Using Lambda Function

Connect Postgres Database Using Lambda Function

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2 min read
Amazon ECR - Lifecycle Policy Rules

Amazon ECR - Lifecycle Policy Rules

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1 min read
Create k8s Cronjob To Schedule Delete Expired Files

Create k8s Cronjob To Schedule Delete Expired Files

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1 min read
EKS Persistent Storage With EFS Amazon Service

EKS Persistent Storage With EFS Amazon Service

Reactions 11 Comments 1
3 min read
Techniques For Writing Least Privilege IAM Policies

Techniques For Writing Least Privilege IAM Policies

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2 min read
How To Block IP Addresses In HAProxy

How To Block IP Addresses In HAProxy

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1 min read
How To Set HTTP-Request Header In Haproxy

How To Set HTTP-Request Header In Haproxy

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1 min read
Create AWS Backup Plan

Create AWS Backup Plan

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2 min read
HAProxy With Resolvers In Case Of AWS Application LoadBalancer

HAProxy With Resolvers In Case Of AWS Application LoadBalancer

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2 min read
Using AWS KMS In AWS Lambda

Using AWS KMS In AWS Lambda

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2 min read
Gitlab Ancestor Check Branches

Gitlab Ancestor Check Branches

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1 min read
How To List All Enabled Regions Within An AWS account

How To List All Enabled Regions Within An AWS account

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1 min read
Online-CV With Google-Cloud Run

Online-CV With Google-Cloud Run

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2 min read
SQLPad - Quick Start With Docker

SQLPad - Quick Start With Docker

Reactions 9 Comments 3
2 min read
Ansible AWS EC2 Dynamic Inventory Plugin

Ansible AWS EC2 Dynamic Inventory Plugin

Reactions 13 Comments 6
2 min read
Using Helm Install Botkube Integrate With Slack On EKS

Using Helm Install Botkube Integrate With Slack On EKS

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1 min read
Pelican-resume with docker-compose and AWS + CDK

Pelican-resume with docker-compose and AWS + CDK

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1 min read
Monitoror - Gitlab

Monitoror - Gitlab

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1 min read