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Honeybadger Staff

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Adding Typescript to your Existing Rails App

Adding Typescript to your Existing Rails App

11 min read
Building A New Programming Language In Ruby: The Interpreter

Building A New Programming Language In Ruby: The Interpreter

Reactions 5 Comments
10 min read
Understanding RBS, Ruby's new Type Annotation System

Understanding RBS, Ruby's new Type Annotation System

Reactions 2 Comments
9 min read
Understanding Ruby Method Lookup

Understanding Ruby Method Lookup

Reactions 7 Comments
10 min read
Character Encoding for PHP Developers: Unicode, UTF-8 and ASCII

Character Encoding for PHP Developers: Unicode, UTF-8 and ASCII

10 min read
React on Rails: Building a Simple App

React on Rails: Building a Simple App

Reactions 5 Comments
19 min read
Top Ten Git Tips & Tricks

Top Ten Git Tips & Tricks

Reactions 12 Comments
4 min read
Understanding Insertion Sort in Ruby

Understanding Insertion Sort in Ruby

Reactions 3 Comments
5 min read
Rails' Hidden Gems: ActiveSupport StringInquirer

Rails' Hidden Gems: ActiveSupport StringInquirer

Reactions 7 Comments
5 min read
Using Angular with Rails

Using Angular with Rails

Reactions 6 Comments 1
16 min read
HTTP Caching in Ruby on Rails Applications

HTTP Caching in Ruby on Rails Applications

Reactions 12 Comments
8 min read
Which is fastest? ERB vs. HAML vs. Slim

Which is fastest? ERB vs. HAML vs. Slim

Reactions 4 Comments
12 min read
How Does Git Work?

How Does Git Work?

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7 min read
SOLID Design Principles in Ruby

SOLID Design Principles in Ruby

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10 min read
Logging in Ruby with Logger and Lograge

Logging in Ruby with Logger and Lograge

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7 min read
How Elixir Lays Out Your Data in Memory

How Elixir Lays Out Your Data in Memory

Reactions 22 Comments
12 min read
Code Loaders in Ruby: Understanding Zeitwerk

Code Loaders in Ruby: Understanding Zeitwerk

Reactions 6 Comments
5 min read
ActiveRecord For Databases Without Unique Ids

ActiveRecord For Databases Without Unique Ids

Reactions 5 Comments
6 min read
Subdomain Takeover: Ignore This Vulnerability at Your Peril

Subdomain Takeover: Ignore This Vulnerability at Your Peril

Reactions 9 Comments
11 min read
How ActiveRecord Uses Caching To Avoid Unnecessary Trips To The Database

How ActiveRecord Uses Caching To Avoid Unnecessary Trips To The Database

Reactions 6 Comments
6 min read
Building, Testing and Deploying AWS Lambda Functions in Ruby

Building, Testing and Deploying AWS Lambda Functions in Ruby

Reactions 2 Comments
10 min read
An Introduction to Go Tooling

An Introduction to Go Tooling

Reactions 15 Comments
12 min read
Load Test Your Rails Apps with Apache JMeter

Load Test Your Rails Apps with Apache JMeter

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12 min read
Web Development in Go: Middleware, Templating, Databases & Beyond

Web Development in Go: Middleware, Templating, Databases & Beyond

Reactions 12 Comments
11 min read
Understanding Object Instantiation and Metaclasses in Python

Understanding Object Instantiation and Metaclasses in Python

Reactions 13 Comments
19 min read
Exploring Merge Sort with Ruby

Exploring Merge Sort with Ruby

Reactions 6 Comments
5 min read
Building a Programming Language in Ruby: The Parser

Building a Programming Language in Ruby: The Parser

Reactions 16 Comments 1
21 min read
Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About View Caching In Rails

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About View Caching In Rails

Reactions 5 Comments
9 min read
Test-Commit-Revert: A Useful Workflow for Testing Legacy Code in Ruby

Test-Commit-Revert: A Useful Workflow for Testing Legacy Code in Ruby

Reactions 1 Comments
7 min read
Currency Calculations in Ruby

Currency Calculations in Ruby

Reactions 6 Comments
8 min read
A Gentle Introduction to Web Services With Go

A Gentle Introduction to Web Services With Go

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10 min read
Mastering Low Level Caching in Rails

Mastering Low Level Caching in Rails

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8 min read
Understanding Selection Sort with Ruby

Understanding Selection Sort with Ruby

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4 min read
Understanding Database Transactions in Rails

Understanding Database Transactions in Rails

Reactions 11 Comments
6 min read
Protecting Your Apps From Link-based Vulnerabilities: Reverse Tabnabbing, Broken-Link Hijacking, and Open Redirects

Protecting Your Apps From Link-based Vulnerabilities: Reverse Tabnabbing, Broken-Link Hijacking, and Open Redirects

Reactions 23 Comments
10 min read
Building a Toy Lexer in Ruby

Building a Toy Lexer in Ruby

Reactions 13 Comments
12 min read
Understanding and Implementing Bubble Sort in Ruby

Understanding and Implementing Bubble Sort in Ruby

Reactions 8 Comments
7 min read
Troubleshooting encoding errors in Ruby

Troubleshooting encoding errors in Ruby

Reactions 8 Comments
10 min read
Evaluating Go's Package Management and Module Systems

Evaluating Go's Package Management and Module Systems

Reactions 6 Comments
10 min read
WTF is a Convolutional Neural Network?

WTF is a Convolutional Neural Network?

Reactions 15 Comments
7 min read
Speeding up Rails with Memoization

Speeding up Rails with Memoization

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8 min read
Neural Networks in Ruby: A Not-So-Scary Introduction

Neural Networks in Ruby: A Not-So-Scary Introduction

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7 min read
Building a Toy Programming Language in Ruby

Building a Toy Programming Language in Ruby

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4 min read
Why Rubyists Should Consider Learning Go

Why Rubyists Should Consider Learning Go

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8 min read
Rails Performance: When is Caching the Right Choice?

Rails Performance: When is Caching the Right Choice?

Reactions 6 Comments
7 min read
Predicting the Future With Linear Regression in Ruby

Predicting the Future With Linear Regression in Ruby

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6 min read
Logging in Go: Choosing a System and Using it

Logging in Go: Choosing a System and Using it

Reactions 9 Comments
7 min read
Why and How to Host your Rails 6 App with AWS ElasticBeanstalk and RDS

Why and How to Host your Rails 6 App with AWS ElasticBeanstalk and RDS

Reactions 6 Comments
14 min read
Why Every Web Developer Should Explore Machine Learning

Why Every Web Developer Should Explore Machine Learning

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6 min read
Ruby's Bitwise Toolbox: Operators, Applications and Magic Tricks

Ruby's Bitwise Toolbox: Operators, Applications and Magic Tricks

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7 min read
Why Pry is one of the most important tools a junior Rubyist can learn

Why Pry is one of the most important tools a junior Rubyist can learn

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4 min read
Plugging Git Leaks: Preventing and Fixing Information Exposure in Repositories

Plugging Git Leaks: Preventing and Fixing Information Exposure in Repositories

Reactions 5 Comments
6 min read
Decoupling Ruby: Delegation vs Dependency Injection

Decoupling Ruby: Delegation vs Dependency Injection

Reactions 11 Comments
5 min read
Opening The Ruby Concurrency Toolbox

Opening The Ruby Concurrency Toolbox

Reactions 10 Comments
11 min read
Exploring Big-O Notation With Ruby

Exploring Big-O Notation With Ruby

Reactions 14 Comments
6 min read
A Rubyist's Introduction to Character Encoding, Unicode and UTF-8

A Rubyist's Introduction to Character Encoding, Unicode and UTF-8

Reactions 7 Comments
10 min read