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Results (1 - 100 of 121)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#4586 Media library is full dd32 defect closed highest omg bbq
#1117 WPTV: Add progress indicator to upload page enhancement new high
#1207 WPTV: Allow submission of more than one caption file by language enhancement assigned high
#1456 Increase font sizes site-wide enhancement new high
#3813 Wrong data validation added for home_url in breadcrumb dd32 defect closed high
#4080 Embedded videos not keyboard accessible once video is playing defect new high
#4207 Implement Google Tag Manager on and dd32 defect closed high
#4304 Mobile is not showing correct videos for event dd32 defect closed high
#4355 There is a typo from submission-guidelines page defect closed high
#5210 Adobe Flash end of life 31-Dec-2020 dd32 defect closed high
#5512 Add VideoObject schema to video pages enhancement new high
#394 search is case-sensitive for non-English keywords defect new normal Improved Search
#475 Open source theme/plugins obenland enhancement closed normal
#774 Custom field for link to slides iandunn enhancement closed normal
#940 Broken unicode-char in post listing iandunn defect closed normal
#974 Make theme responsive iandunn enhancement closed normal
#986 Display video producer credit on WPTV posts iandunn enhancement closed normal
#1080 Update "Resources" widget on front page defect closed normal
#1090 Upgrade to latest version of VideoPress enhancement closed normal
#1118 WPTV: Improve success message on iandunn enhancement closed normal
#1141 Impossible to upload the subtitles files iandunn defect closed normal
#1156 ISO Language Code Tag to Improve API enhancement new normal
#1200 Add hungarian to available languages list obenland enhancement closed normal
#1293 Full-width video player obenland enhancement closed normal
#1375 When video is shared in Facebook, only Flash player is available iandunn defect closed normal
#1429 Implement JQuery autocomplete on fields of submit video form enhancement new normal
#1430 Auto post published videos to YouTube channel enhancement new normal
#1431 Auto-Populate event field on submit video page based on prior field input dd32 enhancement closed normal
#1433 Mention WordCamp twitter in tweet when publishing new video enhancement new normal
#1434 Create terms list pages enhancement new normal
#1435 Display WordCamp information on WordCamp archive enhancement closed normal
#1439 Updated language request for training video instructions on jerrysarcastic defect closed normal
#1442 Sort event videos by event date instead of upload date enhancement new normal
#1452 Words missing on the opening paragraph at defect closed normal
#1455 Surfacing Related Content on WPTV enhancement new normal Improved Search
#1457 Increase width of meta sidebar in single video footer obenland enhancement closed normal
#1472 Add keyboard focus to links obenland defect closed normal
#1473 Accessibility issues with search form samuelsidler defect closed normal
#1474 Color contrast adjustments for samuelsidler defect closed normal
#1475 Remove duplicate title attributes in video titles samuelsidler defect closed normal
#1480 Remove "From the blog" widget from frontpage of samuelsidler defect closed normal
#1510 Add full transcripts to videos on dd32 enhancement reviewing normal
#1624 should default to HTTPS enhancement closed normal
#1625 WPTV: Add Creative Commons Widget to Sidebar enhancement closed normal
#1629 Create archives for popular and recent videos and link to them from home page sections dd32 enhancement reviewing normal
#1717 Add "subtitled" tag to enhancement closed normal
#1758 WPTV: Remove "Contact Us" link in the site footer defect closed normal
#2017 search placeholder appears smaller in chrome in UHD screen resolution defect closed normal
#2019 Emoji smashes title lines coffee2code defect closed normal
#2037 Mixed content warning for Typekit JS coffee2code defect closed normal
#2045 Blog footer is misaligned coffee2code defect closed normal
#2106 Filter intended to prevent orphaned words creates them obenland defect closed normal
#2122 Introduce "watch later" functionality enhancement new normal
#2130 Username not accepted when submitting a video dd32 defect closed normal
#2131 Submit video page CSS issue obenland enhancement closed normal
#2148 Homepage not displaying link to new official YouTube channel enhancement closed normal
#2149 Browsing by categories: Missing year 2015 defect closed normal
#2546 Contact page only available when logged on defect closed normal
#2958 Wrong error response when uploading subtitles without having selected a language obenland defect closed normal
#3008 Optimized version of get_term_link() added.. enhancement closed normal
#3037 Show the views of the video enhancement new normal
#3077 Add missing singular placeholder in comments.php coffee2code defect closed normal
#3083 subscribe Sign me up button text color not readable . obenland defect closed normal
#3137 Proper formatting of CSS inside the anon-upload-template.php file obenland defect closed normal
#3211 Cannot redeclare function as JetPack uses that function name already defect closed normal
#3232 Missed to define use of $query parameter. defect closed normal
#3240 Add speaker's social media handle to video link enhancement new normal
#3387 Build Elasticsearch Index: gibrown task assigned normal Improved Search
#3392 Update post title after video submission enhancement closed normal
#3427 Placeholder text is not proper display in searchbox obenland defect closed normal
#3573 Add Speed Setting enhancement closed normal
#3676 Add privacy footer to defect closed normal
#3779 video is overlapping content dd32 defect closed normal
#3913 Event needs extra fields dd32 enhancement closed normal
#3980 Smartphones are not showing event videos defect closed normal
#4148 Need improvement on wptv2 theme's function file dd32 enhancement closed normal
#4220 Google Analytics Sending 23 Pageview Requests issue defect closed normal
#4229 Update login link information dd32 defect closed normal
#4230 Enhance the API to facilitate mod tools enhancement closed normal
#4231 Pre-fill event-specific fields after upload dd32 enhancement closed normal
#4261 Incorrect end tag ul dd32 defect closed normal
#4262 Incorrect nested tag 'a' in dd32 defect closed normal
#4263 Add summary in comment page in enhancement closed normal
#4264 Add string for $originalcontent in summary dd32 enhancement closed normal
#4301 Coding standards: Need to use numeric values instead of keywords in CSS. tellyworth defect reviewing normal
#4359 I have found a summary correction on (functions.php) file. defect closed normal
#4391 @global's not declared dd32 enhancement closed normal
#4402 Slides URL field in submit video form is cutting the URL dd32 defect closed normal
#4490 Twitter: use video thumbnail as picture dd32 defect closed normal
#4520 Rework Browse by WordCamp list in sidebar of event archives defect new normal
#4667 Rename video title upon publishing or update dd32 enhancement closed normal
#4761 sidebar's video thumbnails can't be loaded dd32 defect closed normal
#4790 Invalid value for background-color dd32 defect closed normal
#4852 Add ID to the API dd32 enhancement closed normal
#4997 Use standard language abbreviations enhancement closed normal
#5036 Pending comments but list is empty defect closed normal
#5125 Video player controls disappear after closing fullscreen (WPTV) defect new normal
#5165 API: all categories should be shown, even if they are not attached to videos dd32 enhancement closed normal
#5166 Prevent moderators from approving 'combined' speakers dd32 enhancement closed normal
#5349 List of all videos with a subtitle enhancement new normal
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.