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Cornell Global Research Stories

Cornell research delivers results that matter all around the world.

male lyrebird
Russian Commander Iurii Lisianskii’s 1804 outline drawing of the Tlingit fort
Amur tiger.
workers picketing

Male lyrebirds snare mates with ‘acoustic illusion’

Researchers discover that Australia’s superb lyrebird males imitate the panicked alarm calls of a mixed-species flock of birds while they are courting and even while mating with a female.

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Historic Alaskan Tlingit 1804 battle fort site found

Cornell and National Park Service researchers have pinpointed the exact location of a Tlingit fort in Sitka, Alaska used in 1804 to defend against Russian colonization forces.

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Northern Asia

Hold still, big cat: Vaccination could save Siberian tigers

New research out of the College of Veterinary Medicine has revealed that vaccination of endangered Siberian tigers is the only practical strategy to protect these big cats from potentially deadly canine distemper virus.

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Study: European unions’ support varies for precarious workers

In many cases, unions in Europe have helped nonunionized workers whose jobs are precarious, according to new Cornell research.

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